Ever-renewing and energizing Creator,
Come, stir in my dormant spiritual limbs.
Wake up my tired prayer. Revive my weary efforts of care.
Sing hope into my discouragement.
Wash my dusty, drab attitude with the cleansing rains of your vision.
Go deep to my roots and penetrate my faith with the vibrancy of your grace.
Shake loose the old leftover oak leaves of my tenacious ego-centredness.
Coax joy to sprout from my difficulties.
Warm the buds of my relationships so they bloom with healthy love.
Clear out my wintered debris with the wild breeze of your liberating presence.
Nudge me, woo me, entice me, draw me to you.
I give you my trust and my gratitude as you grace my slowly thawing spirit.
Light-filled Being, my Joy and my Hope, let the greening in me begin.
Joyce Rupp.
"This retreat centre holds a powerful and gentle presence.
Everywhere there is an invitation to pay attention but never pushy or forceful. It embodies interconnection and invites guests to discover it."
Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be "To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore the energies needed for personal, communal, and world transformation."
May 3-5, June 7-9, July 5-10, July 21-28, Sept. 6-11, Oct. 4-6, Nov. 1-3, Nov. 23-27, Dec. 6-8
Silent Retreats
Take time on the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe to rest, rejuvenate and receive the gifts of silence waiting for you. Come breathe and just be. Private room, home-cooked meals and spiritual direction are offered, if desired, as part of these days.
Write to Heal Grief
Day Retreat
Grief is our response to loss and it is experienced in a unique way by each person. Writing can help us reflect on our story of loss and we may find solace in giving our experience words.Writing about grief can help us understand ourselves as we adapt to a world without the physical presence of our loved one.
During this one day retreat, you will learn some benefits of writing about your grief,
as well as strategies to care for yourself should you become overwhelmed.
You’ll be gently guided through a variety of invitational writing exercises designed to help you explore your thoughts and feelings. At the end of the day, you’ll receive resources
to help you continue writing after the retreat is over, if it feels right for you.
Maureen Pollard, MSW, RSW
Guided Retreat:
The Enneagram;
A Reflective Journey, Level 2
Participants need to have completed the Level 1 Enneagram retreat. Once again, we will spend time with spiritual practices
that are particularly related to Enneagram typing; go deeper in conversation around wings, subtypes, orientation to time, crisis responses;
enjoy group work around types and triads... and have fun being together, sharing our stories and celebrating our differences.
Private or shared room, home-cooked meals and meeting with your facilitator, if desired, are offered as part of these days.
Guided Retreat:
Restorative Meditation
"Restorative Meditation" is a quiet retreat weekend offering exercises and practices that you can take home to continue bringing physical, mental and spiritual restoration into your everyday life. The demands of these times are not only strong but constantly changing; Restorative Meditation offers you ways to negotiate them on the solid ground within, both spiritual and physical.
Private or shared room, home-cooked meals and meeting with your facilitator, if desired, are offered as part of these days.
"I needed a break from the busy world of plans/schedules, tv news, obligations, etc. and the retreat was just that. A "sacred pause" as Jane described Fri. night. I was drawn in by the frozen silent lake... wrapped in the warm hospitality & so secure and uplifted along with my fellow retreatants. I thank all the staff for making this an amazing & blessed experience - true ministry!"
Lenten Read Along
We've been journeying together...
Wednesdays March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13
A “thin place” is where God’s grace is waiting to happen: an important threshold, a soul friendship, a fresh chapter in life, a painful secret or fear, or a time of hardship. Whatever the circumstance, a thin place is where God and humanity meet in a mysterious way. These moments open us to places of rawness and beauty. When we enter into a thin place, we feel a sense of breakthrough as we break free of the ordinary and experience the extraordinary amid our daily lives.
Spring Emerges at Maryholme
The snow lingers on at Loretto Maryholme and our wintering foxes give us a glimpse now and then if we are lucky. With determination the snow drops push through to announce the promise of spring's sunshine and new life. And inside Edgar House a bouquet of flowers announces the retirement of our cooks Mona & Jim and the beginning of their next journey. An insistent cardinal pecks at our office window letting staff know that our woods are waking up outside, and that the neighbours building their summer cottage next door are disturbing its naps.
Spring is bringing new retreatants thrilled with the discovery of this sacred space, a local couple to cook for our retreats and the next generations of songbirds, furry friends and delightful buds and shoots to share this land with...
Let the season begin!
Our guests and staff have come to know Mona & Jim as family and we will deeply miss them. We wish them well in their new adventures!
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song."
Maya Angelou
Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude on the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe.
Dease, McMahon, Blackbird Cabins and Fensom Cottage are available for personal retreats. Edgar House is available for group retreats.
Spiritual direction is available upon request.
for availability.
We now accept e-transfers! If mailing in payment however, please note our new mailing address is: Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre, 379A Bouchier Street, Keswick, ON L4P 3C8.
"I have no words adequate to express my gratitude and the quiet joy that filled me during my stay at Loretto Maryholme. This Retreat Centre is a rare gem. This retreat was a blessing."
"I had such pleasant 2 days with a wonderful group & the guidance of (the facilitator) was very helpful. I never had such calming silent time just focusing on the present in my whole life."
"Truly rewarding. I feel I have found my new retreat home for the next part of my journey. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."
"Wonderful! Loretto Maryholme is my sanctuary and I very much appreciate having this place to rest and learn and grow. Thank you for everything!"
"I loved it! I loved the meals, the silence, the new friends & the teaching. I learned SO much & felt the Divine!"
"I am glad I came...The presenter created an open and safe space to be in. Appreciated the meals - each meal was the cream on the top of each part of that day. Thanks to all."
"This experience has nourished both body & soul. I noticed small details which spoke to the care & attention given to making people feel welcome. It has felt like I discovered a sacred oasis close to my home. I have so appreciated the gift of silence and the opportunity for inner work that I have often found challenging. I am thankful for this wonderful opportunity."
"Loretto Maryholme is welcoming and inclusive. This retreat ('Listening with an Open Heart') gathered a diverse group of individuals with varied backgrounds but who easily shared a common or at least an intersecting journey."
"The Loretto grounds feel sacred. The peace and quiet feels deep here. My mind, heart and soul experienced deep rest. I senses God's spirit in many ways, especially the rustling sound of the wind in the trees."
"Restorative, reflective, energy-giving. Thank you!"
Find your centre at our Centre. Come and see ...
Tel. 905.476.4013
© Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre 2021
Regular Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-12pm,
afternoons by chance.