We are delighted and thrilled to welcome you back into our bookshop for browsing. Last month, we spent some time converting our store from its makeshift order-processing-and-shipping-center feel back to the lovable, browsable little shop you (may or may not) remember. It's been great to see you and your kids back at the stacks again.
Because your kids (and ours) mean so much to us, we're asking all who visit to continue to mask up so we may provide a safe space for all little ones and their families' health.
Most of all though, we want to thank you for your support, your patience, and your continued investment in the success of keeping our small (and growing!) business alive and thriving throughout 2020 and well into this year. We could not have gotten through it without you & loved being a small part in helping you get through it too.
Thank you,
Meghan, Audrey, Ernio
& all the River Bend Booksellers