We are so excited to begin this new PSR year with your families in the coming days, and our praying for your families as you transition back into school mode.

We will continue with one universal PSR weekly newsletter throughout the year, when necessary we will have a clear separation for announcements of dates/news for both our In-Person and Family Focused models.

We've added a section to our website that contains our newsletters, and we will keep that updated throughout the year. If you ever delete a message and need to look back, hop on over to our landing page.

It was such a delight to meet new families and welcome back familiar faces yesterday!

If you were unable to make our welcome gathering, materials are labeled and ready for pick-up in the Parish Office Lobby.

The lobby is accessible 24/7, so feel free to stop by at your convenience.

Opening Mass and Meet the Teacher night for In-Person PSR families will be on August 28th at 5:30 pm.

See you Wednesday!!

Did you know? St. Joseph has a YouTube channel! Videos uploaded regularly to help you grow deeper in your faith. Stop by and see what it's all about.

Our parish auction is coming up on September 28th! We are celebrating our 150th Anniversary as a parish this year, and this event will be one for future memory books. Join us as we look back with gratitude, praise God for the present, and hope for a vibrant future. Click the photo below to reserve your seat or for sponsorship opportunities.

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

This Sunday Jesus speaks to the Pharisees and scribes, challenging their concern for how others are living. Jesus again speaks hard truths, calling out the Pharisees and Scribes for following the letter of the law without their hearts being converted. Jesus says, "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." At times we are like the Pharisees, pointing out the flaws and failings of others while not seeking to bring our hearts closer to the Lord's. Jesus did not say that the law is unimportant or to be ignored, but that our hearts have primacy of place. The law is a tool to help our hearts remain close to Jesus' Sacred Heart.

On the way to Mass:  Why do you think teachers, coaches, parents often tell you to 'mind your own business'?

On the way home from Mass: Do you think your heart is close to Jesus? How can you think you can get closer to Him this week?

Challenge of the Week: When you are tempted to point out someone else's faults, or blame another, stop and ask Jesus for his perspective. 'Jesus, how do you see this?' Perhaps you are called to speak out, to correct with charity, or maybe Jesus seeks your patience and mercy.

Bookmark our Website

Don't forget to bookmark our website! Scroll to the bottom for a Google Calendar for the year that you can add to your personal calendar. It will update your calendar automatically with any schedule adjustments!

Hard copies of our schedule will be available the first few PSR nights.

God bless, 

Emily Kopff

