Week of September 1, 2024

Epworth United Methodist Church Is Congregation-Led, and ALL Are Welcome!

We are excited to kick-off the fall with you this week at Epworth!

This Sunday, September 8th we will have worship outdoors; bring a chair and enjoy God's beautiful creation. After worship we will have a lunch of stone soup to celebrate the work that the Weed and Water families have done over the summer in the garden.

Come and pick a tomato, enjoy others’ company and remember that God Loves You! Join Us!

Upcoming Sunday Worship Series - Starting Kick Off Sunday, Sept 8th

Finding Your Way

We will spend the next four weeks inviting you to engage in an understanding of wisdom and faith not as step-by-step GPS instructions for living, but as a navigational tool that helps us find our way—if we choose to use it to get closer to God!

Worship Lead is: Marcia Alexander

Worship will be outside so bring a chair to share!

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Garden Blessings Update

There is a new path to walk to the garden. Come check it out! The path was made by a Scout working toward Eagle Scout, along with other members of his troop, and

we are so Thankful for their hard work!

Yes! Tomatoes are ripening!

Pick what you can use or share!


Community Prayers Shared

In the words of Bishop Lynette Plambek -

Be an eco-tone, not an echo chamber. An echo chamber merely reflects your own being with like-minded people. Eco-tones are where two or more systems meet. The edges of all integrate. As in an eco-tone system, Jesus tells us to walk on the edge. We, as Christians, go to the edges - the ends of the earth. When we sing, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, we acknowledge that it is every voice.

A Prayer for Labor Day

O God, you have bound us together in this life. Give us grace to understand how our lives depend on the courage, the industry, the honesty, and the integrity of all who labor. May we be mindful of their needs, grateful for their faithfulness, and faithful in our responsibilities to them; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We pray for Mary Ann Davis, who has had a fall and will need surgery. She is at Abbot NW Hospital. We pray for our dear sister that she will know that God’s loving, comforting arms surround her.

We were so thankful to have had Nancy C. with us in worship a Sunday ago. Bless her in all her endeavors.

We pray with Cynthia’s friend whose brother is hospitalized. Bring, love, comfort, and healing, we pray, O God.

Community Prayers Shared

We pray for the Berg, Nguyen, and Long families as they mourn the death of their husband, father, grandfather, and uncle Bob Berg. Bob was friend to so many and always a friend to Epworth. Bring comfort and love to grieving hearts we pray.

We pray with Cheryl as last week she was with her dear kitty in his last hours of life. Bring comfort and love, we earnestly pray, O God.

We pray with Nan and all the Clawson and Rice families, as they grieve the death of their dear “Bud” Clawson. “A caring man of many talents, he left an indelible mark on this family and friends.” Bring love and comfort, O God.

We pray for Jon’s friend from work, who suffered a fall that has left him paralyzed. This occurred only two months short of his retirement. Bring, hope, love and recovery we pray.

We pray with Marcia and Aaron - joy for Dom who has now passed his driver’s test. We pray for his parents as well, as Dom goes forth on yet another of life’s journeys.

We pray in gratitude for Mary Ellen’s grandson, Mark, who was greatly blessed while buying groceries. He promptly paid it forward for another shopper. Thank you God, for benevolent people who enrich our lives.

We give thanks, with Jean G., that Mike continues to recover. We pray also for Jean, who struggles day by day on this long journey. Bring her hope, love, and happiness, we pray.

We give thanks with Marcia for a great Reconciling gathering that she attended with her parents. We open wide our world for all. May everyone have the very best.

We pray for Shirley’s nephew, David, as he struggles with significant health issues. Happy Birthday, David! May you be surrounded with God’s love.

September Calendar

What’s Coming Up at Epworth!


Sunday, Sept 8: 10am Kick-Off Sunday

We’ll have outdoor worship & kick off fall programs! Afterwards we’ll share a stone soup lunch to celebrate our garden harvest. Bring a chair & join us!

Saturday, Sept 14 |11am & 1pm

11am The Worship Team will meet at Mary Ellen’s home in Brooklyn Park. Anyone interested is invited to join the Worship Team.

1pm After the meeting we will share lunch, followed by a Leadership Council Meeting in the same location.

Sunday, Sept 15

9am Adult Faith Formation

9:30am Children’s Sunday School

10am Worship

Friday, Sept 20 + Saturday, Sept 21

9am-3pm Rummage Sale

Bring what you like to church before Wednesday 9/18 and we will have a reuse and repurpose sale in the basement. Bars and coffee will be available as well.

Sunday, Sept 22

9am Adult Faith Formation

9:30am Children’s Sunday School

10am Worship

11am All Church Picnic & Fishing @ Lake Nokomis! After church we will carpool over to Lake Nokomis for a potluck picnic lunch and enjoy some fishing on the pier. Bring a dish to share and an extra rod if you have one! There will be guides to help and extra poles if you don't have one!

Sunday, Sept 29

9:00am Adult Faith Formation

No Children’s Sunday School

10:00am Worship

Invitation to Transformation

Adult Faith Formation resumes September 8 at 9am. Returning members of the class plus new people ages Teen-110 are welcome to join us for prayer and a brief meditation.

Afterwards, we invite you to help us decide how we will transform the Adult class during the coming church year using both well-loved familiar materials and innovative new materials. One item under consideration is an inter-generational time for ages 0 to 110 every 4th Sunday. Please come and help us build this new creation for holy time together.

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