St. Sava
weekly news & updates
- St. Sava
- General Rehearsal on Saturday/Savindan Logistics - reminder for parents
- Annual Assembly
- House blessing
- Sunday Luncheon
- Schedule of Services for next week
- Gospel
- Савиндан
- Генерална проба у суботу/план за Савиндан - напомена за родитеље
- Годишња скупштина
- Освећење ваших домова
- Недељни ручак
- Распоред Богослужења за наредну недељу
- Јеванђеље
We cordially invite you
to the celebration of our
Patron Saint Day, Saint Sava
Hosted by:
Marija Ilic & Liljana Grkovich & Vinka Ilic
Date: Sunday, January 26th, 2020
Liturgy: 9:00 am
Festive Luncheon: 11:00 am
Program: 12:00 pm
Срдачно вас позивамо
на прославу славе
Светог Саве
Домаћице славе:
Марија Илић, Љиљана Грковић и Винка Илић
Недеља, 26. јануар, 2020. г.
Литургија са почетком у 9 сати
Свечани ручак у 11 сати
Програм у 12 сати
General Rehearsal on Saturday/Savindan Logistics - reminder for parents
Dear Parents,
This is a reminder that we will have a general rehearsal for St. Sava Day on
Saturday, January 25th, 2020, 4-6 pm
Please be on time!
We plan to run through the full program at least twice.
You can preview the program here:
Please note we reserve the right to make changes to the program before Sunday.
On your end, please ensure your children know where/when they're expected to be (singing, dancing, recitations) and that they do not leave the area in front of the stage during the entire rehearsal and performance. We will have mats available for them to sit on.
For those reciting poems
, please ask your child to announce the poem title and then recite. Children's names will be announced by the MCs, so no need to repeat that.
For those dancing
, FYI, red group is the youngest kids who practice with Mili in the church hall; blue group is the older kids who practice with Mia in the French School.
For those singing
, please have your children join Boba on stage at the beginning and end of the program if your child has been practicing singing either in the church after the service or as part of folk dancing rehearsals.
Please make sure your children are on/by the stage at the end of the performance to receive their presents.
Sunday logistics
Service at 9 am
- children's lunch served on children's table at
11 am
please first have the child eat, then change into the costume (if any)
- please have your children by the stage at
- program starts at
Please let us know if you have any questions.
All the best,
St. Sava Boston Parish will hold its Annual Assembly
Sunday, February 2nd, 2020, at 12 pm
We are inviting all Stewards of the parish to join us and take
an active part in this important meeting.
If you would like to nominate someone for Church board, please notify Fr. Aleksandar or Jakov Djurkovic.
Наша парохија планира Годишњу скупштину
2. фебруар, 2020. у подне
Позивамо све старатеље да узму активног учешћа на Скупштини.
Уколико желите да предложите некога за црквени одбор, јавите се оцу Александру или Јакову Ђурковићу.
Dear parishioners,
Last Sunday, during Epiphany celebration, we had a service of Great blessing of water. From that day I traditionally visit families for house blessings. For this service, all that is needed is a bowl of water, a candle, incense burner (if you have one) and a list of names for which you want the priest to pray.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
More on Epiphany and House blessings
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Aleksandar
Драги парохијани,
У прошлу недељу, на Богојављење, смо извршили Велико водоосвећење и од тада почиње уобичајено посећивање парохијана ради освећења ваших домова. За овај обред треба поставити на столу посуду са водом, свећу, кадионицу (ако имате) и списак имена за које желите да се свештеник помоли.
Ако имате било каквих питања, не оклевајте да ми се јавите.
о. Александар
Is it your turn to host Luncheon?
-Please have two persons count the lunch $ and place it in an envelope located by the coffee pot and read instructions-
January 26th - St. Sava Celebration - Marija Ilic & Ljiljana Grkovich & Vinka Ilic
February 2nd - Miljana Davidovic & Daliborka Kresovic
February 9th - Darleene & Annette Nedeljkovic
February 16th - Jelena Djurkovic & Zvonko Ilic
February 23rd - Zoran Coric & Radmila Vranic
March 1st -Snezana Novakovic
March 8th - Miljana Bovan & Sasha Lekic
March 15th - Vera Velickovic & Marija Jankovich
March 22nd - Lana Balach & Milan Zagorcic
March 29th - Filip & Pavle Bajic & Aco Divljak
Распоред Богослужења зa наредну недељу:
Субота, 25. јануар - Вечерње - 18 ч
Недеља, 26. јануар - Литургија у 9 ујутру
Вечерње - 18 ч
Понедељак, 27. јануар -
Свети Сава
- Литургија у 9 ујутру
Субота, 1. фебруар - Вечерње - 18 ч
Литургија недељом је у редовно време у 9 ујутру.
Schedule of Services for the next week:
Saturday, January 25th - Vespers - 6 pm
Sunday, January 26th - Liturgy at 9 am
Vespers - 6pm
Monday, January 27th -
St. Sava
- Liturgy at 9 am
Saturday, February 1st - Vespers - 6 pm
Every Sunday Liturgy is served at 9 am.
Недеља по Богојављењу
А кад чу Исус да је Јован предан, отиде у Галилеју. И оставивши Назарет дође и намести се у Капернауму приморском на међи Завулоновој и Нефталимовој. Да се збуде шта је рекао Исаија пророк говорећи: Земља Завулонова и земља Нефталимова, на путу к мору с оне стране Јордана, Галилеја незнабожачка. Људи који седе у тами, видеше видело велико, и онима што седе на страни и у сену смртном, засветли видело. Отада поче Исус учити и говорити: Покајте се, јер се приближи царство небеско.
Sunday after Theophany
Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee. And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles: The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”