20 March 2022
In This Week's eVoice
Current COVID Protocols - 10 March
Adult Christian Formation - 20 March
Special Prayer Request
Lenten Lay Preaching Renewal
Choristers Promotion - 13 March
Chorister Evensong - 27 March
Blood Drive - 3 April
Baptism at Trinity Church
Prayers for Ukraine
Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Giving Opportunity - Personal Care Products
Trinity Book Group
Women Together
Worship with Us
News from ECCT
ECCT Bishop Search
eVoice Deadline
QR Codes
Update on Current COVID Protocols
10 March
  • Masks are now optional for Church services with the strong recommendation for people to continue to wear masks based on preference, informed by personal level of risk and if they are unvaccinated. 
  • If you are visiting the Education Wing Monday through Friday during Trinity Academy school hours, we ask that you wear a mask. Trinity Academy will continue universal masking until the end of the school year in June.
  • We will continue to wear masks in the office in all common areas, and those who have private offices may request visitors to wear masks. Please be respectful of staff wishes.
As a reminder, there are various levels of comfort in our community with masking, handshakes, and hugging, so please be respectful of others whose decisions differ from your own.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and flexibility. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Rev. D. or a member of the Vestry.
Adult Christian Formation Forum
March 20

Having Honest Conversations

Our parish survey indicated that we are interested in exploring how our faith should inform our response to the many social injustices present in our society. In order to have meaningful conversations on potentially controversial topics, we need to be able to be open, honest, and vulnerable with each other. Rev. D. and Roy McAlpine will help us explore the topic of how we can be “real” with each other.

We will be using Brené Brown’s 2010 Ted Talk “The Power of Vulnerability”.
We will watch the video together during the forum, but if you would like to watch it ahead of time, it can be found here.
Join Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6717 7405
Passcode: 689058

Dial in by phone
929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 899 6717 7405
Passcode: 689058
Special Prayer Request

A member of our parish, Jacqui Lucier has advanced kidney disease and is in need of a transplant.

As we pray for Jacqui, we also ask that you prayerfully consider being screened as a potential kidney donor. For more information about living organ donation and to sign up to be screened, please visit nkr.org/SBB483. Please encourage your friends and family to consider donor screening.

To hear Jacqui talk about her illness and need for a transplant, watch this clip that has aired on local news.
Lenten Lay Preaching Renewal
Trinity has a tradition of being blessed by a variety of voices from the pulpit. We are excited that several lay members of the congregation have offered themselves to share their theological reflections by preaching on Sunday mornings. To celebrate this gift and as a renewal of the tradition of a broader range of preaching voices, we will have a series of lay preachers during Lent, Holy Week, and the beginning of Easter, and they will continue to regularly be a part of the preaching rotation.
3 Lent (20 March)
4 Lent (27 March)
Good Friday (15 April)
2 Easter (24 April)

Ash de Las Casas
Timothy I. Watt
Anne Rapkin
Kate Byroade
Congratulations to those choristers who were promoted to light blue Voice for Life level, and to dark blue Voice for Life level in The Choir School of Hartford!
Chorister Evensong
Sunday, 27 March, 5:00 p.m.
Trinity College Chapel*

You are invited to attend a service of Evensong will feature The Choir School of Hartford singing with other treble/RSCM choirs from First Church of Christ (Newington), St. John’s Episcopal Church (West Hartford) and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Fairfield).

The service will feature choral works by Howells, McDonald, Plumstead, and Mendelssohn, and will be accompanied by Zachary Schurman on organ. The chapel is located on the Trinity College campus at 300 Summit Street in Hartford.

*Please note that masks are required to attend.
Blood Drive - Sunday, 3 April
8am - 1pm at the Noah Webster School, West Hartford
This blood drive is in honor of David Klein who was put onto the Trinity Prayer list last April when he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. We found out at that time that a major treatment for the disease included blood transfusions. Blood supply has been down due to Covid so neighbors, including Lily Miller, began to donate. While David is now doing very well with his treatments and we are hopeful that he will have a full recovery, there are still many in need of blood transfusions and the supply is still low.

For more information click here or contact Lily Miller.
Baptism at Trinity Church
Are you interested in being baptized?
Do you have a child you would like baptized?

The Great Vigil of Easter is a traditional time for Baptism, and this year it is on April 16th. If you are interested in learning more about Baptism, please contact Rev. D. at 860-986-3289.
Prayers for Ukraine

We pray for the people of Ukraine.
As we pray, you are strongly encouraged to support efforts to assist Ukrainian refugees by donating to the International Rescue Committee (www.rescue.org) or another reputable agency on the ground.
Wednesdays in Lent - 23 March
During the season of Lent, you are invited to join us on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm on zoom as we study Howard Thurman’s landmark work, Jesus and the Disinherited.

The central question that Thurman wrestles with is, “What does the religion of Jesus offer to those with their backs against the wall?” While this book was published in 1949, Thurman’s thoughts remain relevant today as we continue to seek to faithfully follow Jesus and share his Good News in a world that desperately needs it.

As you read Chapter 2, you are invited to reflect on the following questions:
  • What spoke to your heart? How did you feel while you’re reading the chapter.
  • Did you find yourself struggling with or wanting to push back against any of what you read? If so, what do you think caused that reaction?

Information for all of the Lenten sessions can be found at trinityhartford.org/lent2022
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 4907 1355
Passcode: 904384

Dial by phone
Meeting ID: 837 4907 1355
Passcode: 904384
Lenten Giving Opportunity
To Benefit College Students
Christ Church Cathedral invites members of the Parishes of the North Central Region of the Diocese to collect weekly one personal care hygiene item for each week of Lent (March 6-April 17) to benefit the Capital Community College (CCC) Food Pantry.

While many college students are beneficiaries of SNAP Vouchers (formerly called Food Stamps), the vouchers do not allow for the purchase of personal care hygiene products.
The Director of the CCC Food Pantry has identified the following as the most needed products:
Soap; Conditioner; Shampoo; Feminine care items; Deodorant
Members of Trinity may participate in three ways:
  • At Trinity: place your purchased items in the large basket in the Baptistery; 
  • Online: purchase items and have them sent to:
Christ Church Cathedral
(Attn: Deacon Bonnie Matthews)
45 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103 
  • At the Cathedral: purchased items may be delivered in-person to the Cathedral
Wednesday 4/20 to Friday 4/22, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
 Sunday 4/24 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Items collected at Trinity will be transported to the Cathedral by Faith in Action/Outreach volunteers.
For more information, you may contact Cathedral Deacon Bonnie Matthews at bmatthews228@comcast.net, or Trinity parishioner Penny Pearson at pennypearson@comcast.net

Thank you!
Trinity Book Group

All are invited to attend the meeting of Trinity's Book Group on Friday, April 22nd, 7:00-9:00 pm, to discuss Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by Suzanne Simard. The author is a top forest ecologist who writes about trees and their connections to each other and to other living things in the forest. The book is a moving, deeply personal journey of discovery. The meeting, which begins with refreshments, will take place at the home of Mark and Linda MacGougan. For more information, or to let them know you're planning to attend, contact them at macgougans@gmail.com.
Women Together

Women Together is currently discussing The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr. The series continues through March. Women Together meets weekly on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:15 in the Reception Room at St. John's in West Hartford, with all attendees wearing masks. Women from Trinity, St. John's, St. Monica's, and friends participate, and newcomers are always welcome! 

For more information, please contact Cathy Rowe (crowedy@yahoo.com)
or Linda MacGougan (macgougans@gmail.com).
Worship With Us at Trinity Church
Sunday, 20 March
The Third Sunday in Lent

8 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church

10 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church and live-streamed via YouTube

Thursday, 24 March

Noonday Prayer via Zoom

(Thursday noon services: Eucharist in-person on the first Thursday of each month, Noon Prayer on Zoom the remaining Thursdays.)
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 20th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.

Tuesday, March 22nd
2:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.

Wednesday, March 23rd
7:00 P.M.

Thursday, March 24th
12:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.

Friday, March 25th
7:00 P.M.

Sunday, March 27th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
The Third Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Adult Christian Formation (Zoom)

Women Together (St. John's)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Faith In Action (Zoom)

Lenten Series (Zoom)

Noonday Prayer (Zoom)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

NA Group Meeting (Huntington Hall)

The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Choristers Choral Evensong (Trinity College Chapel)
News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

Bishop Search & Transition News
Updated information about the search for our next bishop can be found at ctbishopsearch.org.
eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at office@trinityhartford.org by Thursday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105