30 January 2022
In This Week's eVoice:

  1. Sunday Weather Alert
  2. Condolences
  3. COVID Response Update
  4. Rainbow Flag
  5. Adult Christian Forum
  6. Choir Update
  7. Annual Giving Statements
  8. Women Together
  9. Trinity Book Group
  10. Compline
  11. Worship With Us
  12. Calendar
  13. News from EECT
  14. ECCT Bishop Search
  15. eVoice Deadline
  16. QR Codes
Where Two or Three are Gathered
Sunday Weather Alert

There is a developing snow storm forecasted for Friday night into Saturday.

If there is not a state of emergency issued by the governor's office that requires staying off the roads on Sunday, Trinity will have in-person Sunday services at both 8:00 am and 10:00 am (with live-stream access available at the 10:00 am service).
Trinity Church notes with sorrow the recent deaths of Jane Tatge, mother and mother-in-law of Anne and Peter Green, and Karl Monty, brother of Percy Williamson.
The prayers and sympathy of the congregation are extended to Anne and Peter, and Percy in their time of mourning and to all Jane’s and Karl’s family and friends.
Father of all, we pray to you for
Jane and Karl, and for all those whom
we love but see no longer. Grant to them eternal rest.
Let light perpetual shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Update on Our COVID Response

Dear Trinity Community,

As COVID continues to surge again, I want to give you some updates regarding our plans for worship, inform you of new COVID protocols that we are implementing, and remind you of existing protocols.

At the 21 Dec 21 Vestry meeting the lay leadership and I agreed that it is very important for us to continue to offer in person worship while encouraging everyone to make the decision of whether to worship in person or online based on their individual circumstances. While we will continue with in person worship, we will discontinue Coffee Hour for the time being. In order to make in person worship as safe as possible we are implementing a few new protocols:
  • All Communion Ministers, Acolytes, Vergers, and Intercessory Prayer Team Members are being asked to provide me with proof of 2 shots of COVID Vaccine.
  • At this time, only the Bread will be offered at Communion. We ask that if you would like to receive Communion, please maintain distance as you come forward. Please do not remove your mask to consume the Sacrament until you have returned to your seat.
  • We are asking everyone to wear either a surgical mask or a (K)N95 mask. Cloth masks alone have been shown to be inadequate in preventing the spread of COVID. (If you want to wear a cloth mask feel free to wear it over a surgical or (K)N95 mask.
As a reminder of our current protocols:
  • All persons should wear a mask covering their mouth and nose at all times when inside public parts of the building. (Staff in their offices may remove their masks as long as they are alone and their door is closed.)
  •  All persons not in the same household/exposure bubble should maintain at least six feet of distance, including at the Communion Rail. 
  • There should be no physical contact between persons not in the same household/exposure bubble. 

Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to seek to keep each other safe. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.

In Peace,
~Rev. D.
Updated Rainbow Flag

Since 2014, Trinity has had a rainbow banner over the Sigourney Street entrance to the Sanctuary as a public sign that Gay and Lesbian people are welcome here. Over the years, that banner has become faded and weather-worn, and now has been replaced with a new one.  I chose to use a design that was created in 2018 by Daniel Quasar. This design is sometimes called the ‘progress pride’ flag. In this design, in addition to the usual rainbow, there is a triangle section with white, pink, light blue, brown, and black chevrons. The white, pink, and light blue represent people under the transgender umbrella, and the brown and black represent LGBTQ people of color. The black stripe also represents people living with AIDS, those who have died of AIDS, and the continued stigma associated with AIDS.

I chose this design because it more fully reflects the kind of welcome that we seek to embody as a place of welcome, hope, and healing. As we continue fostering a welcoming community for LGBTQ people, I am inviting you into the practice of listing your pronouns on your name tag (we can print you a new one) and using pronouns when introducing yourself in groups. Most people use individually, or in combination: he/him, she/her, or they/them* as their pronouns. However, there are other neopronouns that some people use. When everyone in a space shares their pronouns, it can create a more comfortable environment for all gender identities, without singling out those whose correct pronouns may not be obvious. It also allows everyone to be addressed and referred to in ways that align with their identity thus affirming their dignity. Some of us may already be familiar and comfortable with this practice, while it may be more of a struggle for others of us. My prayer is that as a community, we will have grace with each other and ourselves as we grow into this practice. If you have questions or would like to talk more about it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

~Rev. D.

*It has grown increasingly accepted to use they/them as 3rd person singular pronouns.

Adult Forum via Zoom
Save the Date - Sunday, February 13

What do Jimmy Kimmel, Cedric the Entertainer,
and Mark MacGougan have in common?
They have all hosted the popular game show, “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”

But of course, only Mark MacGougan has led the questioning in the very special version of the show for Episcopalians (okay, we admit that Mark’s version also didn’t make it to national television, but we remain hopeful…).

And now, back by popular demand, Mark MacGougan and his able assistant, Casey Rousseau will host “Who Wants to be an Episcopal Millionaire” on Sunday, February 13, following the 10 o’clock Eucharist. Following Covid protocols, the show will “air” on Zoom only. The link to the Zoom event will be available as we draw closer to the date. We hope you will plan to attend – it promises to be great fun!

Choir Update 

As is the case with so many other churches right now, the Adult Choir of Trinity Episcopal Church is on a temporary hiatus until COVID rates subside significantly. However, we are happy to have small ensemble vocal leadership during this time!

Each Sunday, we assemble socially-distant groups of 3-8 singers each, who safely help provide music ministry while we weather the Omicron surge.

All singers are welcome to join us for these small-ensemble opportunities!
Email Michelle Horsley (MHorsley@trinityhartford.org) for details.
Giving Statements and Capital Campaign Statements were mailed at the end of last week to those who made an offering to Trinity Church and/or the Capital Campaign during 2021. If you do not receive a statement by January 31, 2022, please contact Barbara Roos at office@trinityhartford.org or 860-527-8133 ext. 204. If you have a question about either your annual giving amounts or your Capital Campaign Statement, please contact Fran Times-Mack at ftimesmack@trinityhartford.org or 860-527-8133 ext. 206.
Women Together Meets,
now via Zoom

Women Together is reading The Cloister Walk by Kathleen Norris. All women are welcome to attend. Currently, women from Trinity, St. Monica's, St. John's, and friends attend this weekly discussion and fellowship group. The meetings are now taking place on Tuesdays, from 2:00-3:15 on Zoom. For more information, please contact Cathy Rowe (crowedy@yahoo.com) or Linda MacGougan (macgougans@gmail.com).
Trinity Book Group
4 March 2022
Trinity’s Book Group - open to all - will discuss An Odyssey: A Father, A Son, and an Epic by Daniel Mendelsohn at its March 4th meeting.

The author teaches a college course on the Odyssey. The book begins with the author's father sitting in on his course and tells of their exploring the story together, first in the classroom and then on a ship retracing Odysseus' voyage.

They also grapple with their own relationship, which deepens as they come to understand each other better. Book Group will meet on Friday, March 4th, 7-9 pm, at the home of Jon Reik in Farmington. Please contact him jonr720@aol.com if you plan to attend. All are welcome!
Worship With Us at Trinity Church
Sunday, January 30
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

8 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church

10 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church and live-streamed via YouTube

Thursday, February 3

Noon Eucharist in the Chapel

(Thursday noon services: Eucharist in-person on the first Thursday of each month, Noon Prayer on Zoom the remaining Thursdays.)
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, January 30th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.

Tuesday, February 1st
2:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.

Thursday, February 3rd
12:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.

Friday, February 4th
7:00 P.M.

Sunday, February 6th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
9:00 P.M.

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)

Women Together (Zoom)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Noonday Eucharist (Chapel)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Intercessory Prayer Team Meeting (Zoom)

NA Group Meeting (Huntington Hall)

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Compline (Church)
News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

Bishop Search & Transition News
Updated information about the search for our next bishop can be found at ctbishopsearch.org.
eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at office@trinityhartford.org by Thursday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105