13 February 2022
In This Week's eVoice:

  1. COVID Response Update
  2. Adult Christian Forum - February 13
  3. Church by the Pond - February 19
  4. Work Day in Church - February 21
  5. CT Forum - February 25
  6. Contribution Envelopes
  7. Lenten Quiet Day - March 12
  8. Refugee Resettlement Team
  9. Women Together
  10. Trinity Book Group
  11. Worship With Us
  12. Calendar
  13. News from EECT
  14. ECCT Bishop Search
  15. eVoice Deadline
  16. QR Codes
Update on Our COVID Response

Dear Trinity Community,

As COVID continues to surge again, I want to give you some updates regarding our plans for worship, inform you of new COVID protocols that we are implementing, and remind you of existing protocols.

At the 21 Dec 21 Vestry meeting the lay leadership and I agreed that it is very important for us to continue to offer in person worship while encouraging everyone to make the decision of whether to worship in person or online based on their individual circumstances. While we will continue with in person worship, we will discontinue Coffee Hour for the time being. In order to make in person worship as safe as possible we are implementing a few new protocols:
  • All Communion Ministers, Acolytes, Vergers, and Intercessory Prayer Team Members are being asked to provide me with proof of 2 shots of COVID Vaccine.
  • At this time, only the Bread will be offered at Communion. We ask that if you would like to receive Communion, please maintain distance as you come forward. Please do not remove your mask to consume the Sacrament until you have returned to your seat.
  • We are asking everyone to wear either a surgical mask or a (K)N95 mask. Cloth masks alone have been shown to be inadequate in preventing the spread of COVID. (If you want to wear a cloth mask feel free to wear it over a surgical or (K)N95 mask.
As a reminder of our current protocols:
  • All persons should wear a mask covering their mouth and nose at all times when inside public parts of the building. (Staff in their offices may remove their masks as long as they are alone and their door is closed.)
  •  All persons not in the same household/exposure bubble should maintain at least six feet of distance, including at the Communion Rail. 
  • There should be no physical contact between persons not in the same household/exposure bubble. 

Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to seek to keep each other safe. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.

In Peace,
~Rev. D.
Adult Christian Formation Program

Who Wants to Be an Episcopal Millionaire?

What do Jimmy Kimmel, Cedric the Entertainer, and Mark MacGougan have in common? They have all hosted the popular game show, “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”

But of course, only Mark MacGougan has led the questioning in the very special version of the show for Episcopalians (okay, we admit that Mark’s version also didn’t make it to national television, but we remain hopeful…).

And now, back by popular demand, Mark MacGougan and his able assistant, Casey Rousseau will host “Who Wants to be an Episcopal Millionaire” on Sunday, February 13. The forum will begin at 11:30 am. Following Covid protocols, the show will “air” on Zoom only.

We hope you will plan to attend – it promises to be great fun!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 8963 1010
Passcode: 267339

Call in by phone
Meeting ID: 875 8963 1010
Passcode: 267339
Church by the Pond – Saturday, February 19
Trinity is beginning another year in its longtime commitment to the Church by the Pond/Feeding in the Park ministry. Thanks to the leadership of Christ Church Cathedral, and the generosity of many area faith communities, a worship service followed by distribution of lunches and personal care items is held every Saturday in Bushnell Park at 2PM.
Our next opportunity to serve in this ministry is Saturday, February 19.
- We'll meet in the Trinity kitchen at 12:45 to prepare bag lunches, entering though the outside door to the kitchen.
- At 1:45 we'll bring those lunches to Bushnell Park, where we'll participate in the worship service by the pond, led by Rev. D.
- We'll distribute our lunches and personal care items following the service, and finish around 3:00.
All parishioners and families are welcome. Volunteers will observe the mask and social distancing protocols in place for in-person worship.
Please contact me if you have any questions, or if you are planning to participate, so that we can coordinate social distancing.
Penny Pearson, convener, pennypearson@comcast.net, 860-243-0020
Indoor Workday Planned For Presidents’ Day
February 21 – 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Our winter indoor workday will take place on Presidents’ Day, February 21, from 9:00 until noon. We are going to tackle some postponed projects. Your help is needed! There’s no sign-up; just come to the church to pitch in and stay as long as you are able.

“The Fight for Racial Justice”
Reckoning with and Dismantling Systemic Racism

Where: The Bushnell,166 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106
When:  February 25, 2022
Time: 7:30 PM

You’re invited to join the Trinity Community as we attend this timely and pertinent program.

A panel of powerful voices will reflect on the history of the fight for racial justice and examine and confront the structural inequities embedded in our society today. A critically important conversation, this Forum will address key issues such as policing, voting rights, civil rights, criminal justice reform, education, and more.

Featured Panelists: 
Julian Castro – Mayor of San Antonio, TX, and Political Analyst
Cathy Park Hong – Award Winning Poet
Baratunde Thurston – Writer, Activist and Comedian

Trinity Community for Racial Justice has partnered with the CT Forum Ticket Outreach Program to offer 10 discounted (suggested donation $20) and 10 free of charge tickets on a first come basis to this event. Priority for free tickets to those who are Acolytes, Choir School members and their families.

Our tickets are in the Mezzanine section of The Bushnell.
Please note: The Bushnell requires all attendees to be masked and provide proof of vaccination or negative test result for this event. Please see their website for specifics.
Please email office@trinityhartford.org no later than Monday, February 21st if you would like to join us.

We will send instructions to everyone prior to the event about when and where to meet to obtain tickets on the evening of the event.
This forum will be available via livestream for ticketholders not comfortable attending in-person.
2022 Stewardship Contribution Envelopes Are In

Contribution envelopes for 2022 are now in. You may find them in Goodwin Hall in alphabetical order. Please remember that if you did not request envelopes when you submitted your pledge, they were not ordered.
Please contact Barbara Roos (860-527-8133, ext. 204 or office@trinityhartford.org) if you have any questions.
Lenten Quiet Day                                March 12
Sponsored by Companions of the Holy Cross
The Companions of the Holy Cross invite you to a virtual Quiet day on Saturday, March 12, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be an introduction (Centering Prayer), two separate meditations, plenty of quiet time on one’s own and a final gathering at which one can share. Finding a quiet place at home is a challenge, but you can also munch when you want to munch.
Our leader will be the Rev. Betsy Fisher of the Diocese of Western MA. She spent 14 years in parish ministry with the Diocese of New York before retiring in 2018. While at St. Thomas in Amenia Union, NY, Betsy guided her parish in founding the Food of Life Food Pantry and the Giving Garden, which give fresh produce and 9 meals to an average of 300 people per week. In retirement, Betsy continues to do spiritual direction and consulting. She has been married to Doug Fisher (Bishop of Western MA 2012) for 38 years.
If you’d like to attend, please email Kate Smith at kate48smith@comcast.net
Trinity's Refugee Resettlement Team
Additional Members Sought!

Trinity's refugee resettlement team, a part of Trinity's Outreach Committee, has been helping a family of Afghan evacuees make a new, safer life for themselves in town. Our interfaith team consists of 28 volunteers hailing from the Episcopal, Congregational, Roman Catholic, and Jewish faiths, all working to help this non-English-speaking family of seven adjust to a radically new culture and physical environment.

The team is looking for another couple of volunteers to help with the widely varied activities in which we are involved. The new volunteers would help out with, for example, accompanying the family to food pantries and diaper banks, teaching them the bus routes to various places, such as their health care providers, and visit the home to read to the preschoolers.

Our team meets biweekly by zoom, so if you would like to meet us and witness faith in action, please contact me for meeting details and any other information you would like.

Anne Rapkin, for the Outreach Committee, 860-521-5992; anne.rapkin@gmail.com
Women Together
New Book Series

The next book to be discussed by Women Together is The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr. The series begins February 22nd and continues through March.
Women Together meets weekly on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:15; currently these meetings are taking place on Zoom. Women from Trinity, St. John's, St. Monica's, and friends participate, and newcomers are always welcome!

For more information, please contact Cathy Rowe (crowedy@yahoo.com) or Linda MacGougan (macgougans@gmail.com).
Trinity Book Group
4 March 2022
Trinity’s Book Group - open to all - will discuss An Odyssey: A Father, A Son, and an Epic by Daniel Mendelsohn at its March 4th meeting.

The author teaches a college course on the Odyssey. The book begins with the author's father sitting in on his course and tells of their exploring the story together, first in the classroom and then on a ship retracing Odysseus' voyage.

They also grapple with their own relationship, which deepens as they come to understand each other better. Book Group will meet on Friday, March 4th, 7-9 pm, at the home of Jon Reik in Farmington. Please contact him jonr720@aol.com if you plan to attend. All are welcome!
Worship With Us at Trinity Church
Sunday, February 13
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

8 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church

10 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church and live-streamed via YouTube

Thursday, February 17

Noonday Prayer on Zoom

(Thursday noon services: Eucharist in-person on the first Thursday of each month, Noon Prayer on Zoom the remaining Thursdays.)
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, February 13th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.

Tuesday, February 15th
2:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.

Thursday, February 17th
12:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.

Friday, February 18th
7:00 P.M.

Saturday, February 19th
12:45 P.M.
2:00 P.M.

Sunday, February 20th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.

Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Adult Christian Formation (Zoom)

Women Together (Zoom)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Vestry Meeting (Zoom)

Noonday Prayer (Zoom)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

NA Group Meeting (Huntington Hall)

Feeding in the Park Prep (Kitchen)
Church by the Pond (Bushnell Park)

Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

Bishop Search & Transition News
Updated information about the search for our next bishop can be found at ctbishopsearch.org.
eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at office@trinityhartford.org by Thursday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105