6 March 2022
In This Week's eVoice
COVID Response Update - 3 March
Compline - 6 March
Adult Christian Formation - 6 March
Prayers for Ukraine
Wednesdays in Lent
The Voice Article Deadline - 11 March
Lenten Quiet Day - 12 March
Adult Christian Formation Forum - 13 March
Lenten Giving Opportunity - Personal Care Products
Loaves And Fishes Cooking Resumes - 15 March
SOS from the Archive
Diaper Donations
Refugee Resettlement Volunteers
Women Together
Worship with Us
News from ECCT
ECCT Bishop Search
eVoice Deadline
QR Codes
COVID Response Update - 3 March

Dear Trinity Community,

As the COVID metrics continue to trend in the desired direction and many towns are lifting their mask mandates, I wanted to update you on COVID protocols here at Trinity.
The Exe. Committee met on 1 March 2022, and decided that masks are now optional for Church services with the strong recommendation for people to continue to wear masks based on preference, informed by personal level of risk and if they are unvaccinated. 
If you are visiting the Education Wing Monday through Friday during Trinity Academy school hours, we ask that you wear a mask. Trinity Academy will continue universal masking until the end of the school year in June.
We are considering options for mask wearing in the office, so please stay tuned for more information.
While we have relaxed mask wearing during church services, Coffee Hour will continue to be on hiatus.
As a reminder, there are various levels of comfort in our community with masking, handshakes, and hugging, so please be respectful of others whose decisions differ from your own.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and flexibility If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me or a member of the Vestry.

In Peace,
~Rev. D.
Sunday, 6 March at 9:00 PM

Join us for our final Compline service. This short, meditative service will be officiated by the Rt. Rev. Andrew Smith and will feature vocalists Luke Scott, Jermaine Woodard Jr., Jack Pott, Benjamin Rauch, Allison Holst-Grubbe, and Alice Matteson. Music will be works by Raphaella Aleotti, Paul Smith, Olivier Messiaen, Vincent Persichetti, Alexander Kopylov, and Benjamin Rauch. 
In these challenging times, you are invited to come into this meditative space of choral music in a darkened sanctuary, lit by hundreds of candles, and to join with ancient Christians in this monastic service of sung prayer as we close the day.
Adult Christian Formation Program

An Open Forum  
Although nobody has officially declared that the COVID pandemic is over, things are changing rapidly all around us. Requirements for wearing masks are being greatly reduced or dropped, businesses are asking their employees to return to their offices, and almost every day the bulletins about positivity rates and hospitalizations are good news.
           And yet…
We are living in a changed world. We will take some time this Sunday, March 6, to talk together about how we’re adjusting to this new reality. However you are feeling as life resumes, please join us on Zoom following the 10 o’clock service. It will be a chance to share your joys and sorrows, to consider what unexpected blessings may have come our way through the pandemic, and to visit with people we’ve been missing.
Join Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6717 7405
Passcode: 689058
Dial in by phone
929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 899 6717 7405
Passcode: 689058
Prayers for Ukraine

We pray for the people of Ukraine.
As we pray, you are strongly encouraged to support efforts to assist Ukrainian refugees by donating to the International Rescue Committee (www.rescue.org) or another reputable agency on the ground.
Wednesdays in Lent
During the season of Lent, you are invited to join us on Wednesday nights beginning on March 9 at 7:00 pm on zoom as we study Howard Thurman’s landmark work, Jesus and the Disinherited.

The central question that Thurman wrestles with is, “What does the religion of Jesus offer to those with their backs against the wall?” While this book was published in 1949, Thurman’s thoughts remain relevant today as we continue to seek to faithfully follow Jesus and share his Good News in a world that desperately needs it.

We will purchase book copies at a discounted price so if you are interested, please let the office know (office@trinityhartford.org or 860-527-8133 ext. 204).
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 4907 1355
Passcode: 904384

Dial by phone
Meeting ID: 837 4907 1355
Passcode: 904384
The Voice of Trinity Church
Submission Deadline: Friday, March 11

The next issue of The Voice will cover events in Holy Week (April 10 - April 17) and events in April and May. Materials for this issue should be sent to voice@trinityhartford.org no later than Friday, March 11. When submitting an article, please be sure to include a brief statement of the topic in the subject line. Thanks.
Lenten Quiet Day                                March 12
Sponsored by Companions of the Holy Cross
The Companions of the Holy Cross invite you to a virtual Quiet day on Saturday, March 12, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be an introduction (Centering Prayer), two separate meditations, plenty of quiet time on one’s own and a final gathering at which one can share. Finding a quiet place at home is a challenge, but you can also munch when you want to munch.
Our leader will be the Rev. Betsy Fisher of the Diocese of Western MA.
If you’d like to attend, please email Kate Smith at kate48smith@comcast.net
Adult Christian Formation Forum
Save the Date - March 13
Antidote to Obsessing: What our faith tells us.

How does our faith help us deal with our worries in times of unrest? On March 13, Susan Post will share her experience of coming to grips with feelings of powerlessness, and lead us in a discussion of how our faith can inform our response to our troubled world.
Lenten Giving Opportunity
To Benefit College Students
Christ Church Cathedral invites members of the Parishes of the North Central Region of the Diocese to collect weekly one personal care hygiene item for each week of Lent (March 6-April 17) to benefit the Capital Community College (CCC) Food Pantry.

While many college students are beneficiaries of SNAP Vouchers (formerly called Food Stamps), the vouchers do not allow for the purchase of personal care hygiene products.
The Director of the CCC Food Pantry has identified the following as the most needed products:
Soap; Conditioner; Shampoo; Feminine care items; Deodorant
Members of Trinity may participate in three ways:
  • At Trinity: place your purchased items in the large basket in the Baptistery; 
  • Online: purchase items and have them sent to:
Christ Church Cathedral
(Attn: Deacon Bonnie Matthews)
45 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103 
  • At the Cathedral: purchased items may be delivered in-person to the Cathedral
Wednesday 4/20 to Friday 4/22, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
 Sunday 4/24 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Items collected at Trinity will be transported to the Cathedral by Faith in Action/Outreach volunteers.
For more information, you may contact Cathedral Deacon Bonnie Matthews at bmatthews228@comcast.net, or Trinity parishioner Penny Pearson at pennypearson@comcast.net

Thank you!
Loaves And Fishes Cooking Resumes
15 March 2022
We invite all interested Parish members to join us on Tuesday, March 15, at 1:30 pm in the Trinity kitchen to prepare our signature hot meal for Loaves and Fishes. The food is delivered for distribution on the following day (March 16). We are also happy to report that Loaves and Fishes hopes to resume indoor dining beginning in May 2022. If you have questions, please contact Steve Zhitnik (860-521-5992).
SOS From the Archive
If you have borrowed something from the Archive and are through with it, please return it to the box in the front meeting room of the Parish House. It is labeled "Archive Returns.”
One example: there were four copies of the color version of the booklet describing the stained glass windows in the Nave. There were more in the storage closet in the Parish Hall. Now there are none, or at least I don’t know where they may have been relocated. The Archive needs these for the next time someone needs the information even, or especially, if it is ten or fifteen years from now.
Thanks from Liz Kirkpatrick.
Diapers Needed for the
Littlest Ones in Our Afghan Family

Trinity's most recent refugee family, Afghans who escaped Kabul last summer, have five children in diapers. Zoya wears size 3, and Mohammed and Amjad wear size 4. 

Any donations of diapers would be very much appreciated. Please call Anne Rapkin, 860-521-5992 or anne.rapkin@gmail.com, to arrange pick-up.
Trinity's Refugee Resettlement Team
Additional Members Sought!

Trinity's refugee resettlement team, a part of Trinity's Outreach Committee, has been helping a family of Afghan evacuees make a new, safer life for themselves in town. Our interfaith team consists of 28 volunteers hailing from the Episcopal, Congregational, Roman Catholic, and Jewish faiths, all working to help this non-English-speaking family of seven adjust to a radically new culture and physical environment.

The team is looking for another couple of volunteers to help with the widely varied activities in which we are involved. The new volunteers would help out with, for example, accompanying the family to food pantries and diaper banks, teaching them the bus routes to various places, such as their health care providers, and visit the home to read to the preschoolers.

Our team meets biweekly by zoom, so if you would like to meet us and witness faith in action, please contact me for meeting details and any other information you would like.

Anne Rapkin, for the Outreach Committee, 860-521-5992; anne.rapkin@gmail.com
Women Together

Women Together is currently discussing The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr. The series continues through March. Women Together meets weekly on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:15 in the Reception Room at St. John's in West Hartford, with all attendees wearing masks. Women from Trinity, St. John's, St. Monica's, and friends participate, and newcomers are always welcome! 

For more information, please contact Cathy Rowe (crowedy@yahoo.com)
or Linda MacGougan (macgougans@gmail.com).
Worship With Us at Trinity Church
Sunday, 6 March
The First Sunday in Lent

8 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church

10 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church and live-streamed via YouTube

Thursday, 10 March

Noonday Prayer via Zoom

(Thursday noon services: Eucharist in-person on the first Thursday of each month, Noon Prayer on Zoom the remaining Thursdays.)
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 6th
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
9:00 P.M.

Monday, March 7th
5:00 P.M.

Tuesday, March 8th
2:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.

Wednesday, March 9th
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.

Thursday, March 10th
12:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.

Friday, March 11th
7:00 P.M.

Sunday, March 13th
2:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
The First Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Adult Christian Formation (Zoom)
Compline (Church)

Adult Christian Formation Team (Zoom)

Women Together (St. John's)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Property Team Meeting (Zoom)
Lenten Forum (Zoom)

Noonday Prayer (Zoom)
Choir School Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Submissions due to The Voice
NA Group Meeting (Huntington Hall)

The Second Sunday in Lent
Daylight Savings Time Begins - Push clocks ahead
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
Adult Christian Formation (Zoom)
News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

Bishop Search & Transition News
Updated information about the search for our next bishop can be found at ctbishopsearch.org.
eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at office@trinityhartford.org by Thursday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105