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Weekly eNews | June 5, 2024

Opportunities for Service and Sharing

Focus on the Season:

Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 9: A house divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus makes this observation in light of charges that he is possessed. He is possessed, not by a demon, but by the Holy Spirit. We who have received the Holy Spirit through baptism have been joined to Christ’s death and resurrection and knit together in the body of Christ. Those with whom we sing and pray this day are Jesus’ family. With them we go forth in peace to do the will of God.

In Our Prayers

The Prayer List is now available in the Weekly eNews. Please click on the link under "Prayer List" which is located in the sidebar. If you have prayer requests, please send them to us at CLC, for inclusion on our prayer list.

Pastor of Record

Service Time Information

Bishop Gafkjen has appointed the Rev. Paulette Stahlke to serve as the Pastor of Record for Christ Lutheran Church, effective June 1, 2024. For pastoral emergencies, ie., hospitalizations, don't hesitate to contact Pastor Stahlke at 765-552-8023. You may also call the Church Office at 765-453-6183, press Option 1, and your message will be relayed to Pastor Stahlke.

Worship Service Time

The Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Please join us for a time of fellowship (donuts & coffee) in the Fellowship Hall before the service from 9:00 - 10:15 a.m.

All are welcome! Come and see!

Scripture Readings

Genesis 3:8-15

Psalm 130

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Mark 3:20-35

Prayer List
Please click the button below for our Prayer List.

Prayer List

Quick Links

Birthdays, Baptisms, Anniversaries This Month

CLC Home Page

Worship Assistant Schedule

ELCA Home Page

I-K Synod Home Page


Worship Service Video for June 9

The worship service video for Sunday, June 9, will not go out until Tuesday, June 11. Thanks for your understanding.

Commemorative 25th Anniversary Mugs

If you weren't at church on Sunday, May 19, 2024, or did not pick up a 25th Anniversary Commemorative mug and would like one, extras are located on the credenza in the Narthex. Please help yourself! A wonderful pen and pad of paper is also located inside the mug!

Pastor of Record Appointed

The Rev. Paulette Stahlke has been appointed by Bishop Gafkjen to serve as the Pastor of Record for Christ Lutheran Church, effective June 1, 2024.

During the time of pastoral transition, the congregation may be served by a Pastor of Record or an Interim Pastor. The Pastor of Record is appointed by the bishop or synod staff member,

and is normally the pastor of a neighboring ELCA congregation. The Pastor of Record is

required to be in attendance at all council and congregational meetings during the vacancy (as their schedule allows), and is available for such things as hospital calls, crisis situations, funerals, etc.

Thank you, Pastor Stahlke, for saying "yes" to this appointment.

When a Pastor of Record is used, pulpit supply must be secured by the congregation during the transition. Tom Dearchs was tasked by the Congregation Council to secure Pastors/Deacons from the Synod Pulpit Supply List. At this point, most Sundays are covered through the end of 2024.

Synod Assembly

Synod Assembly will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Louisville, Kentucky, from June 7-9. Delegates from Christ Lutheran Church are Elaine Newman and Lucas Bowley. Tom Dearchs, who serves on the Synod Assembly Worship Committee, will be assisting with worship-related matters at the Assembly and will serve as the musician for the Sending Eucharist on Sunday, June 9. Sarah Williams will serve as the Organist at CLC on this Sunday.

Christ's Cupboard

Christ's Cupboard looks to be filled! Between receiving a generous donation from a friend and a $20 bill in the wagon's cash can, the nearly empty areas of our pantry now have needed items. I will contact Samaritan Love Center to pick up the items in our pantry. I believe Christ's Cupboard shelves have been filled in record time. Thanks to one and all! This does not suggest that we have completed our mission as we know that we are impacting the Kokomo community with our sharing.

--Nancy Macaluso

Click the link below for detailed information about our current Restroom Remodeling Project. Printed copies of the document are located on the credenza in the Narthex.

Church Humor

Advantages of Online Giving

Have you considered the online giving option? Here are some of the advantages:

Advantages of Vanco Electronic Giving:


  1. No paper envelopes and checks to be processed.
  2. Giving is much more private.
  3. Minimizes Sunday morning counting and bank trips.
  4. Florida snowbirds don’t have to send physical checks in the mail.
  5. Credit/Debit cards are a second option to direct bank-to-bank transactions if desired.
  6. Specialized giving such as ‘Furnace Fund’ can be easily set up to avoid the hassle of separate checks or cash for miscellaneous giving.
  7. You have complete control of starting/stopping/changing as you wish.
  8. A history of your giving is directly available through the Vanco app without having to check with the Financial Secretary.
  9. Money is transferred to our church checking account in a matter of 1-2 days rather than a week or two after the fact.

If you are ready to make the change from paper, please speak with Jerre Fercho or Bob Howell. They will be happy to talk with you about the advantages and get you set up! 

We thank everyone for what has been given to date and appreciate all efforts made to stay current.

Thank you!

Church Council Members 2024

President: Dee Ann Daniels (2024)

e: | c: (574) 702-1921

Vice President: Jill Howell (2025)

e: | c: (765) 860-7949

Secretary: Amy Russell (2025)

e: | c: (765) 480-4241

Lenore Kane (2026)

e: | c: (765) 513-7736

Rudy Obermeyer (2025)

e: | c: (765) 480-5871

Mona Swinehart (2026)

e: | c: (765) 480-9464

Kevin Yeager (2026)

e: | c: (765) 244-1017

Financial Secretary: Bob Howell (appointed)

e: | c: (765) 860-8446

Treasurer: Peter Kane (appointed)

e: | c: (765) 513-5075

Rev. Paulette Stahlke (ex officio) - Pastor of Record

e: | h: (765) 552-8023

The Church Council Members and Parish Staff would be happy to talk with you at any time regarding Christ Lutheran Church and its mission in the world.

Christ Speaks, We Listen, We Share

Worship Assistant Schedule for June

Please click the purple-colored button below for the Worship Assistant Schedule for June. If you are unable to serve, please obtain a substitute and notify the church office. Thanks!

Worship Assistant Schedule for June
Altar Flowers & Eternal Candle

The 2024 flower chart has arrived and is hanging in the Narthex. The flower cost is $22.50 per vase or two for $45. You will notice that there has been a $5 increase in cost beginning in 2024. Like everything else, the cost has gone up a little. Please sign-up today. Eternal Candles remain at $18 per month.

Dates to Remember

Thursday, Jun 6 – +Care for Creation

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Matthew/Mark Rooms


Friday, Jun 7– Tom’s Day Off


Sunday, Jun 9 – +Lectionary Class

8:30 – 9:15 a.m.

Goliath Room


Sunday, Jun 9 – +Fellowship Time

9:00 – 10:15 a.m.

Fellowship Hall


Sunday, Jun 9 - +Faith Formation for Adults

“Daily Discipleship & Faith Practices”

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.

Mark Room


Sunday, Jun 9– +Worship Service

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.


Monday, Jun 10 - Day after Synod Assembly

Tom is out of the office


Monday, Jun 10 – Forever Friends

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.



Monday, Jun 10 – Psi Iota Xi Sorority

6:30 – 9 p.m.

Matthew/Mark Rooms


Monday, Jun 10 – Kokomo Area Creation Care

7 – 9 p.m.

Fellowship Hall


Tuesday, Jun 11 – +Quilters

9:30 a.m. 12 noon

Matthew/Mark Rooms


Tuesday, Jun 11 – +Prayer Group

3 – 4 p.m.

Youth Room


Tuesday, Jun 11 – DAR

6 – 9 p.m.

Fellowship Hall


Wednesday, Jun 12 – +Bible Study

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Matthew/Mark Rooms


Wednesday, Jun 12– +Online Bible Study

7 – 8 p.m.

Contact Dee Ann Daniels for ZOOM link.


Friday, Jun 14– Tom’s Day Off


Friday, Jun 14 – Cleaning Service

9 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Sunday, Jun 16 – +Lectionary Class

8:30 – 9:15 a.m.

Goliath Room


Sunday, Jun 16 – +Fellowship Time

9:00 – 10:15 a.m.

Fellowship Hall


Sunday, Jun 16 – Choral Scholars Rehearsal

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.



Sunday, Jun 16 - +Faith Formation for Adults

“Daily Discipleship & Faith Practices”

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.

Mark Room


Sunday, Jun 16– +Worship Service

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.


+ = Church Sponsored Event

**Please note that not all events on the church-wide calendar may be included here. Generally, only those events that pertain to all will be included in this listing.

Event Scheduling | Weekly eNews

A 2024 calendar is located on the counter in the Office Work Room. Please list events, meetings, etc., on this calendar so that scheduling of events can take place and conflicts do not occur. You will notice a "red" checkmark beside the events to indicate that they have been transferred to Tom's calendar as well as the churchwide calendar. Thank you for your assistance.

CLC Weekly eNews

If you have articles or news items of interest, please send them to no later than 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. If you're not computer friendly, you may leave items in the Parish Administrator mailbox in the Office Workroom or call Thomas Dearchs. The Weekly eNews is distributed by email at approximately 4 p.m. each Thursday. Print copies are mailed to those who are without computer access.

For CLC Weekly eNews or Sunday bulletin
announcements, contact Thomas Dearchs:
or call 765.453.6183