IHC Weekly Update
January 29, 2016
In this Update 

Habitat for Humanity: Solid Ground Advocacy Campaign Event

Please join Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) for a breakfast discussion of their new global advocacy campaign: Solid Ground. As part of HFHI's  legislative conference  Habitat on the Hill,  join Habitat affiliates from around the country to learn about the new campaign that focuses on access to land around the world. IHC is pleased to be partnering with HFHI on this campaign.

The event will feature a keynote from Robert Buckley, Senior Fellow at the New School and a former lead economist at the World Bank, and include HFHI's: Anne Myers, Global Advocacy Campaign Director; Kif Nguyen, National Director, Habitat for Humanity Cambodia; and Steve Weir, Vice President for Program Development. 

WHEN: Thursday February 4th, 9:15 - 10:45 AM
WHERE: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Blue Room
2500 Calvert St NW, Washington D.C.

Please join HFHI for breakfast and a review of their legislative visits at 8:30, or join for the formal program beginning at 9:15. 

RSVP to SolidGround@habitat.org

Save the Date: Virtual Urban Thinkers Campus: The Humanitarian-Development Divide

World Vision International and the International Rescue Committee invite you to the first virtual Urban Thinkers Campus, a World Urban Campaign initiative.  The Campus will explore the role of resiliency in bridging the humanitarian/development divide in order to achieve durable, sustainable, and multi-dimensional outcomes after an urban crisis.

UN-Habitat's World Urban Campaign Urban Thinkers Campus initiative aims to  inform the New Urban Agenda, a document that will  be the main outcome of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in October 2016.  Panelists of the Virtual UTC will include representatives from World Vision, IRC, Global Alliance for Urban Crises and Rockefeller's 100 Resilient Cities Program. 

WHEN: February 11th, 9 - 11 AM EST
WHERE: Virtual 

Find more information and resister for the event here
Still Time to Comment on Habitat III Policy Paper Frameworks

As part of the preparatory process for the Habitat III, UN Habitat is requesting comments on ten Policy Paper Frameworks which identify challenges, priorities and recommendations for implementing the expected New Urban Agenda.

The papers cover a range of topics, including housing, municipal finance, provision of services, and governance. Stakeholders are  encouraged to submit written comments on the Policy Paper Frameworks by this Sunday, January 31st. Comments will be published online and considered as a contribution towards the Conference outcome.  

You can submit formal comments to habitat3policy@un.org. Read a CitiScope article about the process here, and view the papers here

In the News and Around the Web
  • Explore and participate in the Ford Foundation's new campaign #inequalityis, focusing on the many dimensions of inequality here
  • Read a NextCity article on 4 winners of the National Disaster Resilience Competition for U.S. cities here
  • Read a New York Times article on Ethiopia's step back from expanding the city limits of Addis Ababa due to public protests here

International Housing Coalition
1424 K St NW, Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20005 
phone: (202) 239-4401
email: info@intlhc.org