Weekly Urban News Update
In This Update

A1Recap: Habitat III Informal Hearings
L ast week, the United Nations in New York City hosted several days of "informal" hearings with non-governmental stakeholders on Habitat III and the zero draft of the New Urban Agenda. These hearings were designed to provide a space for "feedback on the conclusions of the Habitat III Policy Units and the Regional and Thematic meetings." 
Many organizations, including IHC, submitted statements to provide input into the next draft document, and others made statements live at the meetings, including the Civil Society Committee of the General Assembly of Partners (GAP) on which IHC also participates. A thorough recap of the events is available here.  Read IHC's statement on the NUA here

A very diverse set of stakeholders attended the meetings, and therefore the comments and discussion ranged over many topics. However several themes were evident throughout the discussions:
  • The importance of lasting and meaningful stakeholder engagement, at all levels, 
  • The challenges of funding the NUA, and allowing local and regional governance the financial freedom to be successful. 
  • The importance of land and housing for improving the lives of the urban poor and addressing urban inequality,
  • The need to ensure that women and minority groups are supported and allowed access to the process, and
  • The importance of partnerships and broader cooperation, between government, civil society, the private sector, donors and individual communities.
Read CitiScope's views of informal hearings here
Event: Cities in an Age of Insecurity

As cities increase in size, diversity and complexity, they face issues in security like never before. Join the Atlantic Council, Department of State, IHC Global and others for a discussion on the sources of insecurity in world cities, and the potential solutions to these challenges.

The event is being co-organized by the Atlantic Council's Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, the Woodrow Wilson Center, the Habitat III National Committee,  US Department of Housing and Urban Development,  and US Department of State, and IHC.

Speakers will include State Department special representative for Habitat III Nancy Stetson, State Department senior adviser for Global Cities Ian Klaus, The Prevention Project director Eric Rosand, and IHC Global CEO Judith Hermanson. 

WHEN: Wednesday June 22, 3 PM EDT
WHERE: Atlantic Council 
1030 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005

Find more information on the event and register here.
With more than half of the global population living in urban areas, cities are at the forefront of human development, and the decisions they make will shape the next century. Habitat III is set to confront this tough subject with the New Urban Agenda this coming October.

Please join the Habitat III Secretariat and the World Bank, in collaboration with Citiscope, for "Urban Breakfast: a Briefing on Habitat III." The event is aimed at helping media and opinion leaders in the DC community understand why Habitat III is important, get familiar with the terminology and issues around the event, and introduce urban experts. Attendees will get the "big picture" of Habitat III; its history, issues and global impact.  Hear from: 
  • Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez, Senior Director, Social,Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice, World Bank
  • Genie Birch, co-director of the Penn Institutefor Urban Researchat the University of Pennsylvania, and Chair of World Urban Campaign
  • Ana Moreno, Habitat III Secretariat Coordinator
  • Carey Biron, Habitat Editor, Citiscope; and 
  • Neal Peirce, Editor-in-Chief, Citiscope.

WHEN: Monday June 20th, 9 AM EDT (Breakfast available at 8:30)
WHERE: The National Press Club, Holeman Room
529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045

To RSVP, click  here. Contact Jenina Alli at alli1@un.org, or Kristyn Schrader-King at kschrader@worldbank.org for more information.
ANIn the News and Around the Web
  • Read an interview with the Governor of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, and his focus on improving urban inequality in the region here
  • Read an article on the continuing concerns over gentrification in Rio de Janiero's favelas in advance of the 2016 Olympics here
  • Read about new research from the MacArthur Foundation showing Americans' concern over housing affordability is increasing here
  • Watch 6,000 Years of Urbanization in 3 Minutes here
71% of the global urban population will live in a Low Elevation Coastal Zone by 2025. 
Photo Credit: Cities Alliance 
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IHC Global: changing cities for good.
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