Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation



Worship will be at 9:30 AM through Sunday, September 1st

We will return to 10:00 AM service on Rally Day, September 8th!

It’s here! Sunday, Sabbatical Service and then 3 months of rest! People often ask why Pastors need Sabbatical; here’s a few reasons when I knew I needed mine;

  • I start my prayers with “Dear Google…”,
  • I think a miracle is just my WiFi reconnecting,
  • I started using “Thou shalt not” put cheese on my wake up wrap when ordering at Dunkies,
  • My daily “faith journey” now includes asking Siri for directions,
  • I was convinced Xfinity was possessed because it keeps paused during my binge show,
  • My idea of “fasting” is now just skipping commercials.


In 2023, Barna Research reported that 42% of pastors considered resigning — up from the 29% who did the same in January 2022, according to data collected by Barna. The three biggest reasons clergy cited were “immense stress,” feelings of isolation and loneliness, and “political division”. Pastors are realizing the need to take a concentrated period of rest from ministry.

These sabbaticals are made possible by the generosity of their churches. These opportunities allow ministers to disconnect from day-to-day ministry pressures for the purpose of relaxation, resting, catching up with family, writing assignments and lots of other creative options.

Friends, I am blessed that this church, you, our members, is offering me this time for refreshing, renewing and resting. I am the last one to say I need it, but the reality is I do, and I am so appreciative of your ministry to me. I am looking forward to extended time with Maureen, my kids and grandkids, to travel and leisure and reading something other than the New Testament readings for the next week!

You have worked hard over the past year to come to this moment! You are in Good Hands! God’s Hands! Your leaders have their assignments, Rev. Peggy is experienced and excited to lead you in my absence, and you have work to do! We need volunteers for Youth work, the Harvest Festival, the Chrismon’s Tree Ministry, (Do you want to do a Festival of Trees using the trees lining the barrier between Winsor House and the church?), plan Thanksgiving and Stewardship Sundays and a Birthday party for the church in December, greet new members, reach out to those in need…. In other words…ministry!

Get to work!

See you Sunday for a Sendoff sermon then food and fellowship and then in November!

With great love and appreciation,

Rev Bill

There will be Sunday School this Sunday, August 4th. Join us!

Our summer book read will be Anita Diamant’s The Red Tent. We will meet in September to discuss the whole book – date TBD!   All are welcome!

“Lemonade on the Lawn”

Do you feel “called” to offer radical hospitality by serving lemonade on the lawn after church this summer? It’s easy to do and very welcoming to visitors & members. Please join our “Lemonade Ministry” by adding your name to this volunteer opportunity.  

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