Grace Episcopal Church 

Weekly Update

August 27, 2024

Fall Schedule Important Start Dates

Contemplative Holy Eucharist - 8:30 am - Begins Sept 15

(a modified worship service with fewer readings, meditative music

and communion)

Cookies and Coffee - 9:15 am - Begins Sept 15

(Fellowship time between services with a special focus on building community especially for young families)

Holy Eucharist Service with Children's Chapel- 10:00 am

This service will be live streamed and will replace our current 8:30am livestream.

Live Streaming will begin September 15th

Children's Chapel will begin October 13th

(Children's Chapel will take place in the Parish Hall or outside weather permitting. Children will leave before the Gospel reading and return for communion with their families.)


One of the most critical needs for the fall is recruiting and training 4 to 6 adults to lead our new Children's Chapel!

Please note that a prepared curriculum based upon the lectionary readings will be provided. All leaders will need to complete a short Diocesan training and background check. Beginning on Sunday, October 13th Children's Chapel will take place during the 10 am worship service each week. Children will leave before the Gospel reading and return for communion with their families.

If you are interested in teaching, please reach out to Emily by September 10th at

The word  Sermon  painted in black ink over a colorful watercolor washed background concept and theme.


In case you missed it, here is Emily's Sermon from Sunday.


This fall, Emily invites you to join her as she continues her sabbatical practice of silence and prayer that centers around her commitment to slowing down and being with God. For most of us, when we think about dedicating time in our day to being with God, sitting in silence, or praying on a regular basis, it sounds like a great idea. We know we should do it. We know we need to do it. But, do we do it?

If you would like to develop a deeper dedication to prayer and silence, this fall is a perfect opportunity to do just that.

The details outlining this journey are provided in the attached flyer. Please note there is a September 1 deadline to sign up. If you have any questions, contact Emily at


Hospitality Ministry

Do you like to plan or help host special events? The Hospitality Ministry helps with coffee hour, the church picnic, the Annual Meeting and other special events at Grace. We welcome newcomers, support holiday celebrations, and other church gatherings. This year, we are looking for coordinators to prepare cookies and coffee for fellowship between services. This is a new ministry to encourage our young families to build community with one another and to provide a time for our kids to be together. Interested in helping us care for one another thru hospitality? Contact Megan Howerton at by September 10th for more information.

Worship Leader Sign Ups

Please note that we now have a sign up for all worship leader positions as well as the coffee hour host in the Narthex. We hope you will consider supporting our Sunday Services. Everyone is welcome to participate. If you have never helped with worship before, join us on Sunday, September 22nd after the 10am service. We will have a hands on training workshop in the sanctuary.

Fall Kickoff and Potluck

Mark your calendars! We will host our fall kickoff and potluck on Sunday, September 8th at 11:00 am. Bring you favorite dish to share and learn about all the ways you can get involved at Grace.


Facebook Live - 8:30 AM

Rite II Worship Service with Choir - 10:00 AM

Coffee Hour - 11:00 AM

Readings for September 1, 2024

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9

Psalm 15

James 1:17-27

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