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Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June 16, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel)

Sunday, June 16, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary)

In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube | Service Leaflet

Thanks to vestry member Mr. Rick Nordin for organizing coffee hour for the month of June following our 10:00 am service of Holy Eucharist. Father's Day will be celebrated on the lawn with ice cream sandwiches this weekend - join us!

Flowers have been given this week by Dn. Margaret McCauley celebrating the ministries of Dr. Chris Gravis, Dr. Zach Neufeld, and the choir of St. John’s cathedral.

A very happy birthday to members of our congregation who are celebrating this week: Serafina Yang and Ted Bradshaw.

Vestry-On-Call: Mr. Rick Nordin


The Cathedral grounds will be closed on Wednesday June 19 to honor Juneteenth, a holiday that commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States June 19, 1865.


Food Pantry

TOMORROW, 8:30 am - 10:30 am

Our Food Pantry distribution is tomorrow. We are committed to supporting our community by providing fresh produce, canned goods, and frozen goods to families in need. The gates will open at 8:30am, and we will continue serving until supplies last. We invite everyone to come and take advantage of this opportunity to access nutritious food for themselves and their families.

Juneteenth Celebration

TOMORROW at 12:00pm

In Person and Live Streamed on YouTube

Juneteenth (June 19), which the U.S. Congress declared a federal holiday in 2021, commemorates the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Texas were finally informed that the Emancipation Proclamation – signed two years earlier by President Abraham Lincoln – had ended slavery in the Confederate states. Sometimes called “Second Independence Day,” Juneteenth is a symbolic date of freedom for African Americans and a time of reflection, learning, self-assessment, and healing. The Diocese of Los Angeles passed a resolution at its 2021 convention adding Juneteenth to its liturgical calendar as a feast day.

Choral Concert

Saturday, June 22, 6:30pm

The world-renowned Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford will present a concert at St. John’s Cathedral. The choir performs under the direction of Professor Stephen Darlington MBE, and will sing music by John Taverner, William Walton, and Howard Goodall. Tickets are available here. Overflow parking will be available.


Looking to get involved....?

Members of the cathedral are getting together to form a Parish Life team. The group will work alongside clergy to coordinate cathedral-wide activities; it's a fun way to get directly involved in the life and ministry of the parish. Contact The Rev. Mel Soriano to learn more.

The Episcopal Church: General Convention

June 23 - 28, 2024

The 81st meeting of General Convention will convene June 23 - 28 in Louisville, Kentucky. A major portion of its business will be the election of the 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church to succeed the Most Rev. Michael Curry, who will conclude his nine-year term in November of this year. On April 2 the nominating committee announced its slate: Bishop J. Scott Barker of Nebraska, Bishop Daniel G.P. Gutiérrez of Pennsylvania, Bishop Sean Rowe of Northwestern Pennsylvania, and Bishop Robert Wright of Atlanta. A fifth candidate, Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe of Central New York, was added by petition.

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