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Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel)

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary)

In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube |Leaflet

Thanks to vestry member Mr. Arcadio Morales for organizing coffee hour for the month of July following our 10:00 am service of Holy Eucharist.

Happy Birthday to those members of our community who are celebrating this week including Mr. Gregory Stanton and Mr. Nazario Palma.

Flowers have been sponsored this week by Ms. Heather Ward in celebration of her birthday and honoring the passing of her mother.

Vestry-On-Call: Ms. Ruby Sylvestre

Art Kits in the Narthex

There will now be art kits on the leaflet table in the narthex. Children are welcome to use the coloring pages, blank notebooks, and coloring pencils to explore their gifts of creativity and art while at St. John's. All children are welcome to use the materials and to return them at the end of the worship service.

Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge's Note

I shared exciting news last Sunday! Over the weekend, the Vestry had a great overnight retreat with Canon Melissa McCarthy leading the way. I also mentioned that a committee was formed to craft possible changes to our values, mission and vision. Any proposed changes will be reviewed by the vestry in August who will then share their work with all of you during a parish-wide gathering in September.


Things are moving forward nicely thanks to the good work of your vestry, staff, and everyone who actively participated in the five workshops held earlier this year with The Rev. Dr. Eric Law.


Canon Gaines and I feel that the Cathedral can begin working on the parish profile in October; this is the next step in the call process. Much of the work required for the parish profile is in draft form. The Cathedral should be able to launch the search process for your next Dean early next year.


So much is on the horizon including special Diocesan gatherings and concerts, a centennial celebration to honor the dedication of this Cathedral sanctuary, and groundbreaking developments at long last. 


There are numerous ways for you to be actively involved in the life of St. John’s, your Cathedral home. Join us on Sundays at 8am or 10am. See our website and announcements for upcoming events. All of us are yearning to see where God will lead us next. 


Much love and blessings, Anne+


Food Pantry Distribution


8:30 am - 10:30 am

Our Food Pantry distribution is tomorrow Saturday, July 20. We are committed to supporting our community by providing fresh produce, canned goods, and frozen goods to families in need. The gates will open at 8:30am, and we will continue serving until supplies last. We invite everyone to come and take advantage of this opportunity to access nutritious food for themselves and their families.

Caribbean People's Day Evening Service


3:00 pm

In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube

Please note the time correction. Join the Diocese gathered at St. John's Cathedral on July 20 for Caribbean Peoples Day Evening Service, co-hosted by the H. Belfield Hannibal Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians. All are welcome.

Family Day at the Pier

Saturday, July 27

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Join us for a St. John's Family Day at the Pier. We can enjoy the rides at Pacific Park on Santa Monica Pier, try our luck at the arcade, or ride the carousel. Or just sit and enjoy the sun and ocean breeze. Don't forget there's lots of food or bring your own picnic! All before School resumes in August!

Contact The Rev. Mel Soriano to signup so that we can arrange for rides if necessary. The pier parking lot is $15 for the day. There are three travel choices: a) Go on your own and meet us at the carousel at 10am. Or b) meet us in the church parking lot at 9am. Those who want to carpool can drive together. Or c) take the train directly there or meet at the church parking lot at 9am and ride together.

Gardening Ministry Meets

Saturday, August 3

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Grab your gloves and join us on the lawn. We have a Gardening Ministry that will meet every first Saturday of the month from 9am-11am. Our next gardening day is August 3. Help us care for the earth. We will weed, cut, prune, fertilize, plant, mulch, and water, as well as share stories and gardening tips in good humor and fellowship. If you enjoy getting your fingernails and knees dirty, join the St. John's Gardening Ministry. Contact the parish office to sign up. Feel free to bring your favorite gardening tools!


Episcopal Relief: Hurricane Beryl

Your gift will provide our partners on the ground in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean with critical supplies, such as food and water, pastoral care and other urgent needs in the wake of devastating storms like Hurricane Beryl. You’ll also help us assist with the long-term efforts needed to rebuild and heal. Click HERE to Donate.

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