Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation

We return to our 10:00 AM worship time, this Sunday, September 8th ~ RALLY DAY!

Please join us!

Join us for Rally Sunday!  During Sunday School, we’ll be re-connecting and playing outdoor games on the front lawn! 

After church, the whole congregation is invited to join us for lemonade, lawn games and Jay’s ice cream truck – a yummy treat for children of ALL ages! 

Koinonia is a Greek word used in the New Testament that means fellowship, generosity, communion, or holding in common.

Our Koinonia group is meeting on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 1:00pm in the Parlor. The program is titled “Fear”. This gathering is open to all the women of Pilgrim Church and beyond. So please join us and bring friends and family.

SCATTERING SEEDS ~ Sabbatical Project

Pilgrim Church Council, the Sabbatical team, and Rev. Bill have asked us at Pilgrim to read 

Scattering Seeds, Cultivating Church Vitality by Stephen Chapin Garner.

Discussions will start on September 29. We have acquired around 50 books – some are still available in our library. The book is also available for purchase at Amazon.com for $25 new – some used ones are available there also. 

Visitation Coordinator Update


The Pilgrim Church Visitation Team is committed to sharing God’s love and grace, providing comfort care and support, while maintaining and  developing relationships with members of our congregation and the community. 


It’s here: September! Soon we will back to our regular schedules and routines. Before you get TOO bogged down save a date to take care of YOU!



When: Saturday, October 5

Please read the details in the September Pilgrim’s progress and as always, reach out to me with any questions.


This one day workshop will allow you to not only gather with others socially, but also have an opportunity to refresh yourself as we gear up for the upcoming year.


And as always continue to reach out with any names of those you wish us to contact as your Visitation Team.





Angelique is updating her lists!

Please register your children for Sunday School here, even if you’ve been attending for years! Thank you!

The Red Tent book discussion will be Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30 in the Youth Room.

ALL are welcome!

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