Updates at The Emanuel Synagogue

July 16, 2024 / 10 Tammuz 5784

Wednesday, July 17

Join us after evening MInyan

Israeli Summer Film - Details

Thursday, July 18

Meets monthly, Register Now!

future dates TBA

Friday, July 19


JULY 19 - 12 PM

Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Veggie Burgers, Challah, Grape Juice, Fruit

Fee:  $10 / adult; $5 / child.

($36 family, up to 6 people)

Non-JCC members who register for Shabbat can get a 50% discount on a family day pass from the JCC


Thursday, July 25

6-8 pm Siegal Garden

The 2nd in our 3-part concert series. Enjoy great music and big fun with your Emanuel Friends and Family. Rain or Shine, BYOB; complimentary light food served.

FREE for Emanuel Members; please register for planning purposes.

Thursday, Aug. 1

6 - 8 pm Siegal Garden

for the final concert in our summer series. Sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society and The Emanuel, open to the entire community, so bring your friends!

Rain or Shine, BYOB; complimentary light food served.

FREE, please register for planning purposes.

Kibbitz & Nosh July - August!

Next session: July 25,

11:00 am

(Continues Aug 1 & Aug 15)

Older siblings welcome

Join the fun and bring a friend!


for all sessions

Submission Deadline is Aug. 9

Submit the names of loved ones in time for the High Holidays!

This 2024- 25 / 5785 Book of Remembrance edition will be used at Yizkor services on Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach, and Shavuot

Details and to submit

To prep for her November visit:

Joan Leegant brings a new collection of rich, multi-layered short stories of Jewish families, explores exile, belonging, and what it means to call a place home. WINNER of the New American Fiction Prize

Get your copy now!

Next Meeting: July 23

We will discuss: Shadows on the Hudson by Isaac Bashevis Singer

No Aug. mtg, resumes Sept. 3 with: A Woman of No Importance Sonia Purnell

Sundays at Cigna through Labor Day

9:30 am:

Warm up

10 am: Pick-up Scrimmage

All levels, min.age 13. Questions: Alan or Lance

Dates Available:

Sept: 28

Oct: 5, 19, 26

Dec: 14, 21, 28

Details and to reserve your date: Regina

View July / Aug NOW
In Our Community

Sunday Walks for Israel Continue in West Hartford

For updates: WhatsApp or visit Run 4 their lives on Facebook. Contact Ari Schaffer with any questions.

Hazzan Risman will be singing the Star-Spangled Banner!

Emanuel Tickets Sold Out

Contact Yard Goats

for ticket availability

Voices of Hope & Speak Up Storytelling invite children and grandchildren of the Holocaust, and genocide survivors, to join in learning the craft of storytelling.

Workshops start Sept. 9

Details: Kathy Fishman

The Emanuel Synagogue | 860-236-1275 |160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117 | emanuelsynagogue.org/

Visit us on Facebook and on our YouTube Channel!

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