Weekly Update:

Friday, August 30, 2024

Happy Friday, Cornerstone Family! We're excited to welcome Rev. Eric Laverentz as our guest preacher this Sunday! He'll be preaching on Joshua 4:1-10 with a sermon titled, "Do You Remember?". You can read more about Eric below. We're excited to see you at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. online!

Reverend Doctor Eric Laverentz is the Lead Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Edmond. He has been in the pulpit since the age of 13. He holds a Doctor of Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts (Emphasis on Christian Ethics) from Vanderbilt University, a Master of Theology (Emphasis on Christian Ethics) from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Truman State University.


Eric has served at churches in Tennessee, Ohio and Kansas prior to his call to Oklahoma. Eric is the Director of the Elder Leadership Institute (ELI) and a Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader on Church Leadership. He is also the Chair of the Covenant Order of Evangelicals Standing Theological Committee. He is the author of two books, Is Caesar Our Savior? and Driven as well as numerous journal articles. He currently serves as a member of the board of the Oklahoma Christian School and leads Footsteps of Jesus pilgrimages to Israel. Eric is an avid reader, runner, hiker, and Kansas City sports fan. He is married to Jen and they have four school-age children: Calvin, Hank, Otto and Penelope.

Church Office Closed on Monday

Sundays, September 8 and 15

In worship on Sunday, September 8th and 15th, Kent Mathews, Chairman of the Ministerial Committee of the Great Plains Presbytery, will be guest preaching at Cornerstone. Kent will be preaching on the Lord's Supper on Sunday, 9/8, and because of that, we'll be celebrating the Lord's Supper on September 8th instead of the first Sunday of the month. We look forward to worshipping with you!

Serve at Parents' Night Out

Our next Parents' Night Out is on Friday September 13th and we'd love for you to serve with us! We host PNO to build bridges with our community and it allows us to reach people we would otherwise never see. For some of the single parents that register, this event is one of the only times they get a break. For others, it provides them with a date night or just a night of rest. More importantly, this event allows kids and adults to see that churches are safe and fun, that they belong here and that we care about them.

We would love for you to serve on our PNO team, and we can’t wait to see the relationships you develop with our community that have the power to create a life-changing impact. Use the button below to sign up to serve!

Sign Up to Serve

September Mission Focus

Our September Mission Focus is The Blue Valley Food Pantry! They are a community food pantry staffed by students with disabilities and designed to increase the vocational skills of special education students in the Blue Valley School District. A list of needed items are below. Grab a missions bag in the lobby and bring the items back to the mission bin anytime in September. Thank you for your donations!

We're collecting several items the pantry is low on:

  • Kid-friendly cereals (Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops, etc.)
  • Adult cereals (Chex, Cheerios, etc.)
  • Canned fruit (any kind)
  • White rice

September Cornerstone Classics

Time to start reading! The next Cornerstone Classics book club meeting is coming up! Their September book is A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller. They’ll gather online on Monday, September 9th at 7:00PM to discuss this classic Christian book. Sign up below!

Register for September

Has any of your information changed? Help us keep our database current by dropping us a note on our Contact page.

Looking for links or other resources? Click or scan the QR code for quick access!
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church | 913-738-5250 | info@cornerstoneks.org
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