Weekly Update:

Friday, February 23, 2024

Happy Friday, Cornerstone Family! Pastor Sheldon is back this week kicking-off a new message series titled, "Contagious Faith". Over the next 5 weeks, we'll dive into the five approaches to evangelism, as laid out in the book by Mark Mittelberg. We look forward to seeing you at Cornerstone at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. online!

New Hope Food Pantry Donation Total

Cornerstone Social March Event

Cornerstone Social exists to bring people together for connection and community. They gather monthly for various activities throughout the KC area. Invite friends to these events or get to know others in the congregation. Check out the March event below!

Event: Basketball Watch Party

Date: Saturday, March 9th

Time: 1:00-5:30PM

Where: Cornerstone Youth Room (Lower Level)

Description: Join us in the youth room to watch the final regular season games of the Big 12 Men's Basketball. We'll watch K-State play at 1:00PM and KU play at 3:00PM. Games and prizes included! Please bring a snack item to share. Invite your friends while we watch our favorite teams! RSVP below.

Questions? Contact Doug Sharpe


March Cornerstone Classics

Time to start reading! The next Cornerstone Classics book club meeting is coming up! Their March book is The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer. They’ll gather online on Monday, March 11th at 7:00PM to discuss this classic Christian book. Sign up below! Questions? Contact Gene Baldwin

Sign Up Here
2024 Book List

Mission Southside Generosity Dinner

Mission Southside, one of our mission partners, has invited Cornerstone to their Generosity Dinner on Thursday, February 29th from 6:00-8:30PM at Life.Church Overland Park. This will be an opportunity to receive an update on their ministry, hear compelling stories and eat dinner together. This event is free and a financial gift is not expected. Please email Jordan in the church office by 02/23 if you'd like to attend.

Email Jordan

Upcoming Membership Class

Want to know more about Cornerstone? Interested in becoming a member? Attend our next membership class, Discover Cornerstone, on Sunday, February 25th from 2:00-5:00PM. You’ll meet the staff and leadership, learn more about us and you'll have the opportunity to become a member. Even if you’re just interested in learning more about Cornerstone, this event is for you.

Register Here

February Mission Focus

Don’t forget that for our February Mission Focus we’re supporting Advice and Aid Pregnancy Centers! Mission bags are available in the church lobby. You can purchase items from their Amazon wishlist (ship directly to them or to your home) or you can contribute diapers/wipes (the sizes needed are listed on the bag). Place your donations in the missions bin by the end of the month. Thank you for blessing these expectant mothers!

Has any of your information changed? Help us keep our database current by dropping us a note on our Contact page.

Looking for links or other resources? Click or scan the QR code for quick access!
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church | 913-738-5250 | info@cornerstoneks.org
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