Commercial real estate professionals from across the state gathered in Sacramento on Tuesday and Wednesday to advocate for our industry, connect with lawmakers, and collaborate with peers. This was a critical time of year for our industry to be in Sacramento. Attendees were not only able to advocate on seven bills currently being considered by the full legislature, but were able to fight for Proposition 13 with the last-minute bill introduced and heard on the day of our event.
The event kicked off on Tuesday with a welcome reception with the backdrop of the Capitol building. The evening concluded with various local delegation dinners with legislators present. On Wednesday, attendees gathered for breakfast and opening remarks from CBPA Board Chair Rob Cord and President & CEO Matthew Hargrove. Over the next several hours, dozens of meetings took place with legislators and and attendees before the event concluded with bites and beverages.
The event was a great success with a nearly 50% increase in attendance over last year. CCRES makes a significant impact by putting a face to our industry in Sacramento to further our advocacy efforts and advance our industry’s interests.