Weekly Update:

Friday, July 26, 2024

We're excited to welcome Dr. Daryl McCarthy as our guest preacher this Sunday! He'll be preaching on 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 with a sermon titled, "If the Church Really is the Body of Christ,

How Healthy is His Body Here?". You can read more about Daryl below. We're excited to see you at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. online!

Dr. Daryl McCarthy is the Executive Director of The Leadership Anvil. He also serves as a Theological Education Teaching Fellow with One Mission Society (OMS). In addition to writing and speaking, he mentors Christian professors and ministry leaders in Europe. Previously, he directed the European Leadership Forum Academic Network and Cambridge Scholars Network. In 1988, he was a founder of Global Scholars, placing Christian professors at universities around the world. He led that ministry until 2014.

He earned a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary, Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Bachelor of Theology from Kansas Christian College in Overland Park. Daryl is married and has a son and daughter. They are both married and have blessed him with six grandchildren.

Thank you for joining us in praying for Eagle Lake Camp this week! We've had a blast! Make sure to check out the Cornerstone Kids social media accounts for photos and videos. We look forward to sharing a quick reap with you on Sunday!

Also, during both services, we'll ordain Cornerstone Members Brian Barrett and Karen Maclean as Deacons! See you Sunday!

August Mission Focus

Our August Mission Focus is Mission Southside! This organization serves the low-income population in Olathe and Gardner. Approximately 200 families receive food every week from their food pantry!

To assist these families, we're collecting rice, dried beans and quart-sized storage bags. These items will be assembled at the Cornerstone Social Serve Event (details below!). Grab a missions bag in the lobby and bring the items back by Thursday, August 29th! Thank you for your donations!

Cornerstone Social Serve Event

Event: Serve Event benefitting Mission Southside

Date: Thursday, August 29th

Time: 6:30PM

Where: Cornerstone Lobby


  • Our August Mission Focus is to collect rice, dried pinto and black beans, and quart sized storage bags for Mission Southside in Olathe.
  • We'll be assembling these items for Mission Southside's Food Pantry. They are in desperate need of these items!
  • Please bring a one-cup measuring cup and large mixing bowls (if you're able).
  • This event is for ALL-- family, friends and neighbors! No registration necessary.
  • Questions? Contact Kathy Ellis

August Cornerstone Classics

Time to start reading! The next Cornerstone Classics book club meeting is coming up! Their August book is Awe by Paul David Tripp. They’ll gather online on Monday, August 12th at 7:00PM to discuss this classic Christian book. Sign up below!

Register for August

Has any of your information changed? Help us keep our database current by dropping us a note on our Contact page.

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