Join the Livestream Team!
Our Livestream Team is in need of 1 or 2 volunteers to assist with the livestream on Sundays. No experience necessary! Once trained, the commitment is one Sunday per month. Please contact Michele Vedora for more information.
Stop Scammers in Their Tracks!
Join us on Zoom, May 22nd at 7PM for a valuable conversation with David Finger of Computer Gardener, LLC. Topics will incude, who gets targeted, how scams work, how to stop scams and how to make yourself less vulnerable to them. This event will be livestreamed only! Please use the passcode 854140 to join the event.
Self Compassion and Religious Trauma Workshop
Many people struggle with being hard on themselves, especially if they grew up in conservative religious or authoritarian environments. Learning about self-compassion can help them become more resilient, improve their relationships and be kinder to themselves and others. Participants at this workshop will learn about what self compassion is (and what it's not) and gain practical tools for practicing it. The workshop will be led by Susanna Guarino, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a therapist in private practice in Rochester who specializes in working with individuals and couples with religious trauma. Join us on June 5th at 7PM at MMC and on Zoom.
Rummage Sale - June 14th & 15th
Donations are now being accepted for the annual MMC Rummage Sale! Please call Tammy Drollette at 585-362-1155 to arrange a drop off. No TVs or Christmas decorations will be accepted. For larger items, please contact Tammy to confirm that we can accomodate your donation. Thank you!
SAVE THE DATE! Parish Picnic - June 23rd
We will be holding our annual parish picnic after Mass on Sunday, June 23rd at Edmond Lyon Park. This year we celebrate our 15th anniversary!
Join us for a potluck picnic with live music provided by Bob Pizzutiello and his band. More details to follow!
New Address for Vic & Joann Corso: 400 YMCA Way, Room 212, Penfield, NY 14526. Wishing them peace and happiness in their new home!
East Rochester Resource Center - May Pantry Needs
Click here for a list of May's pantry needs. Your items may be dropped off at church. Thank you for your continued support!
Food for the Journey Massage Program
Our Food for the Journey Massage program is evolving for the 2024 season!
Massages for parishioners or those from the community will be available year-round. Sessions will be offered on a sliding scale of $35 - $65 per massage. A portion of the proceeds from every massage will be donated directly back to Mary Magdalene Church, benefitting our church ministries.
Massage is a way to care for your body, both the physical aches and pains as well as honoring the mental and emotional aspects. This program is open and available to ANYONE in our church or our community. Contact Ginny Weisel directly with questions or to schedule,
InReach-OutReach Money Ball FUNdraiser!
This fundraising event is open to all parishioners and the public! Balls/numbers are available for purchase throughout the year! The proceeds will benefit Mary Magdalene Church and our InReach/OutReach ministries. Click here for an informational flyer. Contact Tammy Drollette to purchase a ball if you are not able to do so in person.
Knit, Purl, Crochet & Pray Ministry
Please join us and put your needles and hooks to good use bringing comfort and prayers to those in need! Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to all parishioners who wish to participate at home. Feel free to borrow the book Knitting into the Mystery - A Guide to the Shawl-Knitting Mystery found in the shawl basket. We are need shawls of all sizes! Place your completed shawl in the basket by the altar or in Sue Gerber’s office.
2024 Sunday Children's Ministry
Click here for the 2024 Children's Ministry Calendar here and or visit our website calendar. If you would like to sign your child up please contact the office.
Ministry Sign Up Sheets Available!
Want to become more involved on Sunday? Consider one of many opportunities such as serving as a lector or Eucharistic minister, reading the Prayers of the People, or hosting a coffee hour. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board. If you have questions about any of these ministries, Rev. Lori or Sue would be happy to answer them. Thanks for your help!