In this issue...

  • A message from Pastor Susan
  • Order of Worship
  • Important Reminders
  • Rejoice Activities
  • Community Events
  • Prayers and Links



Pastor’s Message 

Core Values Camp: Joyful Generosity  



In the 2021 document identifying the core values of Rejoice, Joyful Generosity is described this way: We seek to look at our world through eyes of abundance and desire to give as we have received. God gives us an abundance of all things through an abundance of grace. John 1:16 describes it as “grace upon grace.” God’s abundance given to us includes our time, abilities and money. Paul teaches that a form of grace is joy. In joy we give out of the abundance we have received. 


This is the last of our six-week Core Values sermon series, and it is a wonderful way to wrap things up. Rejoice, without a doubt, is a generous and joyful congregation! Join us on Sunday as we reflect on this and welcome 3 households of new members. 


An interim transition announcement:  

Late last month, I was contacted about taking on a new interim ministry with a congregation in Minneapolis. While it makes me sad to think of wrapping up things at Rejoice, it seems the right time to do so. I feel a tiny bit like Mary Poppins, preparing to leave at the height of our relationship because it is so clear you are ready for what’s next.  


Sunday, June 23 will be my last day as your interim pastor. In worship, we will share a time of prayers and blessings, and for fellowship time, we will have all manner of strawberry treats. I am working with the council to arrange pastors to lead worship through the end of July. Pastor Carol Olson will be with you on June 16 when I am on vacation; Pastor Dave Nelson will lead outdoor worship on June 30. Pastor Carol Olson has very generously offered to cover any emergencies that month.  


Beloved of Rejoice, you are dear to my daughter and me, and always will be. Please know how sad we are to plan for this transition—and also know how proud we are of all you have accomplished this year, and of what an amazing community you are. 

Pastor Susan 



Welcome New Members: 

Joan Gardner 

Mike, Jennifer, Jeana, Emily, Matthew, and Julia Brown 

Jill and Lydia Rausch 

Order of Worship Full Version

Order of Worship

Core Values Camp: Joyful Generosity 

June 9, 2024 



Core Values Camp Call to Worship  

Song O Lord, You’re Beautiful, v1-2 

Sacrament of Baptism    

Song “Jesus Loves Me”  


Children’s Message  

Scripture Readings 

 John 1:14-16  

Acts 9:1-18  


Offering/Hymn “Praise to You O God of Mercy” ELW 208 

Welcome and Blessing of New Members 

Prayers of the Church 

Holy Communion 

Words of Institution 

The Lord’s Prayer 

Song “We Come To the Hungry Feast” ELW479 

Song “Take My Life that I May Be” ELW685  

Prayer after Communion 



Song “O When the Saints Go Marching In” 


*Limited number of hymnals available to use at each entrance to the Sanctuary 

Important Reminders

Office Volunteer Still Needed to help cover the office June 18. Special THANKS to those who've already signed up to help! Contact Sara by email or phone if you're willing to help. 

Thanks, Doris & Janelle! 

A big thank you to Doris Scharmer for voluntarily stepping up as our music coordinator for the past few months. She organized and practiced music selections, and contacted and scheduled musicians each week.  Her time and work are greatly appreciated.  As of June 1st, Janelle Rudningen has returned to the music coordinator position -- thank you, Janelle.  - Personnel team (Dick Chwalek, Lori Lanes, Scott Scharmer & Linnea Lindquist) 

Vacation Bible School: Monday, August 5–Wednesday, August 7 

5:30pm-Gathering Meal 

6:00pm-Opening Music/Bible Story Time 

7:30pm-Closing/Wrap a-Up 

Please keep our Call Committee and future pastor in your prayers. Leah Ahrenholz, Heidi Graham, Kris Maehren, Logan Polzin, Danielle Sand - Recorder, Scott Scharmer - Chair, Kent Asheim – Alternate.


Sunday, June 30

Outdoor worship

Bring a lawn chair and wear your comfy shoes and shorts as we worship in the glorious Minnesota summer under the canopy on the north side of church. 

Welcome Our New Members!

 Jill & Lydia Rausch

Joan Gardner

Mike, Jennifer, Jeana, Emily, Matthew, and Julia Brown


Rejoice Links


Online Giving




Upcoming Events at Rejoice

June 20: Young@Heart: Call the office to reserve your spot for lunch. Programming will feature Photography by Cal & Coleen as we take a trip discovering some of God's awesome creations. We will see birds, flowers, wildlife, and beautiful scenery and learn how to make your photos better all under the direction of photographers Cal and Coleen Schoenleben. You will have a chance to help guess names of birds and ducks.   

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-3

  • Doors open for walking 9-2:30. Ring the buzzer by Door 1 (office entrance)

Community Food Rescue [Free groceries for all]

  • Sundays following worship in the Education Wing

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Mondays at 7p

Women's Bible Study

  • Third Tuesday monthly
  • 10a

Yoga for All

  • Wednesday mornings
  • 9a
  • $10 per class or $32 per month
  • Senior discount: $9 per class or $25 per month

Stitch and Pray

  • Wednesday afternoons
  • 1p in the Rejoice Good News Library
  • Bring your knitting needles and crochet hooks to make prayer shawls for those that are experiencing health or spiritual challenges
  • All levels of skill are welcome

Young @ Heart

  • Third Thursday monthly
  • Doors open at 10:30a for card playing and fellowship
  • Lunch at 11:30a followed by short program
  • Mark your calendar and call the office at 320.558.6851 to reserve your spot for a couple of hours of fun and fellowship! Don't forget to invite a friend to join you!

Area Happenings  

See the COMMUNITY EVENTS board for current flyers.

Prayer Concerns

If you have a loved one or friend in need of prayer, please use one of the prayer concern requests located on the round table in Celebration Hall and in the Welcome pads. Requests will be printed for up to four weeks; call the church office at 320.558.6851 to extend listing. If a name of a friend or loved one has been omitted please resubmit the name and/or concern using one of the prayer concern forms found in the red Welcome Pads in the worship area. 

Receiving Treatment for Cancer:

Vern Scott (friend, Lee and Rosemary Monk)

Kent Asheim

Dennis Zeto (Lori Lanes Brother-In-Law)

Mason Schroeder (Heidi Graham)

Melissa Dummer, John Swan (friend, Ron & Lynn Schneider)

Missy Cook (friend, Ron & Lynn Schneider)

Sue Erstad (friend, Monk family)

Mike Barrett


Marion Ramsey (friend, Carolyn Stensby)

Jessie, Zane, and Jackson (Kay Krogstad’s relatives)

Kent Petersen (brother, Rhoda Senkler)

Ben (friend, Leah Ahrenholz)

Bryan (friend, Denny & Sue Severson)

Jeanie Anderson, (sister, Kris Maehren)

Carol (friend, Rosemary Monk)

Issac (friend, Rosemary Monk)

Colette Beaver (sister, Chari Ahrenholz)

Rejoice Staff

Pastor Susan Debner Interim Pastor

Janelle Rudningen Music Coordinator

Sara Nelson Office Coordinator

| 320.558.6851 | http://www.rejoicelutheranchurch.org |

Additional Links




SWMN Synod

God Pause