House of Learning: Southern Jewish Foodways with Dr. Marcie Cohen Ferris
Saturday, June 17 @ 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Temple Beth-El
Spoonbread, shnecken and sweet and sour Passover meatballs—these are just a few of the recipes you can find in Marcie Cohen Ferris’ seminal work on Southern Jewish foodways, Matzoh Ball Gumbo: Culinary Tales of the Jewish South. Join Engagement and Collaboration Coordinator Margaret Norman and Dr. Cohen Ferris for a delicious conversation on Southern Jewish food and the stories and histories that food reveals.
In addition to Matzah Ball Gumbo, Dr. Cohen Ferris is author of The Edible South: The Power of Food and the Making of an American Region and co-editor of Jewish Roots in Southern Soil: A New History, as well as Professor Emeritus of American Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Participants who register by 6/10 will receive a complimentary snack drop off! If you live more than five miles from Temple Beth El, we invite you to pick up your snacks. Visit the Temple Beth El calendar for registration information.
Summer Beit Midrash: This is Real and
You Are Completely Unprepared
Monday, June 21 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Temple Beth-El
Join using the link below and the password “Learning”.
“Legends, Lessons, Legacies: The Impact of Jews on the Civil Rights Movement”
Monday, June 21 @ 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Southern Jewish Life/Israel InSight Magazines
“Legends, Lessons, Legacies: The Impact of Jews on the Civil Rights Movement.” This program will feature author TK Thorne talking about her new book “Behind the Magic Curtain” and the children of key Birmingham figures Abe Berkowitz, Karl Friedman and Rabbi Milton Grafman.
Lunchtime Torah Study
Wednesday, June 23 @ 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Temple Emanu-El
This Torah study meets via Zoom and will cover that week’s Torah portion. All levels welcome.
Summer Beit Midrash: This is Real and
You Are Completely Unprepared
Thursday, June 24 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Temple Beth-El
Join using the link below and the password “Learning”.
BJF’s Women’s Philanthropy – Mix It Up/ Not Your Mothers Manischewitz
Thursday, June 24 @ 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
The Birmingham Jewish Federation Women's Philanthropy
Join Birmingham Jewish women as we learn about BJF’s Women’s Philanthropy and how to make cocktails with a Jewish twist. Featuring: Dammara Kovnats Hall Founder & CEO of Jewish Cocktails
Birmingham Hadassah Book Club:
The Vanishing Half written by Brit Bren, facilitator, Marlene Waller
Sunday, June 27 @ 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Birmingham Chapter of Hadassah
The Vanishing Half, by Brit Bren
( for Zoom link.
Summer Beit Midrash: This is Real and
You Are Completely Unprepared
Monday, June 28 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Temple Beth-El
Join using the link below and the password “Learning”
“Jews in America:” Virtual Theatrical Experience with The Braid
Thursday, July 1 @ 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Temple Beth-El
Temple Emanu-El
Ever since the first Jewish immigrants arrived in America in the 16th and 17th centuries, Jewish Americans have made significant contributions to our country. Their impact is immeasurable and many of them are household names. Yet countless other Jews, unknown to the history books, are unsung heroes. The stories of their courage, sacrifice and devotion to our country are not often told. Join The Braid (formerly JWT) in a storytelling experience and new show titled “Jews in American — a celebration of being Jewish and being American.” This program is held in partnership with the Institute of Southern Jewish Life, Temple Beth El and Temple Emanu-El.
Financial Assistance Available
for Jewish Community Members
Thanks to a grant from the Greatest Needs Fund of the Birmingham Jewish Federation’s COVID Relief Campaign, Collat Jewish Family Services is offering financial assistance to Jewish community members who are facing financial insecurity because of job loss, caring for family or other issues. Confidential assistance is available to members of the Birmingham Jewish community who need help with rent or mortgage payments, utilities, prescription costs or other needs. To learn more, please email CJFS Clinical Director Marcy Morgenbesser LICSW, or call 205.879.3438.