
March 29, 2024

Good Friday!

Good Friday

Church Phone


Prayer Team


Church emails

Marylou Durett

Rev. Dan Haugh

Taryn Noelle


Youth Ministry

Church Website and Livestream


Thought for the Week

3-29-2024 (Good Friday)

Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.

John 17:1 NIV


3-31-2024 (Easter)

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!”

Luke 24:5-6 NIV


This week in the Quest

  • Sunday Service 9:30am
  • Important Dates
  • Holy Week Calendar
  • Sunrise Service on Mt Mansfield
  • Easter Egg Hunt After 9:30 Service
  • Pie Breakfast Saturday
  • Volunteers Needed to Host or Provide Cookies on April 8th!
  • "There Goes the Sun" Concert on April 8th!
  • Provide Meals for the Lamoille Community House!
  • Mission of the Month -Central Vermont Refugee Action Network
  • Communications Committee Needs Volunteers!
  • SPARK Resumes in May!
  • SCUBA Bible Camp in August!
  • Kenya Missions Visit
  • Youth Activities Coordinator Needed!
  • Pictures
  • March Sermons
  • This Week's Music Selections

Sunday March 31, 2024 9:30AM


Easter 2024

Celebration Service!


Masks are optional at our services at this time. As a congregation, we respect those who chose to wear a mask out of personal concern/safety.


PSALM 118 Lay Reader: Sandi Kuhl

ANTHEMS "Rejoice Greatly" Soloist, Bailey Hoar

"He Is Risen" Soloist, Terry Dwyer

SCRIPTURE John 20:1-18

MESSAGE "The Way of Life Everlasting" Rev. Dan Haugh

CLOSING "Hallelujah Chorus"

USHERS Lauretta Haugh, Nancy Money, Tracy Wall and Jake Emerick

Easter Day

Easter Day Coloring Page

Children's Worship

The Lesson Title is:  Easter Day, and the Key Phrase Associated with the Lesson is:

God sends messengers to share the Easter news: Jesus is alive! 

And the Key Bible Verse that is associated with the Lesson is:  

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”; and she told them that he had said these things to her. 

                                      John 20:18

Important Dates

Upcoming Calendar

Friday, 3/29  1:00-6:00 Stations of The Way in Sanctuary

6:00 Good Friday Service in Sanctuary

Sunday, 3/31

6:10 Easter Sunrise Service Mt Mansfield (Gondola loads from 5:00am-6:05)

9:30 Easter Celebration Service 9:30am In-person and Live-streamed

Monday, 4/1

Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

6:45 The Circle in Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, 4/2

10:00 - Online Lenten Bible Study

7:30 pm AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, 4/3

Noon AA Meeting in Fellowship Hall

5:30pm - Choir Rehearsal in Organ Loft


Bianca Elaine Louviere and Alexander Anthony Louviere on 3/29

Ann Frame on 3/30

Judi Pease on 3/31

Camden Anderson on 4/2

Mark Garrett on 4/3

Elisabeth Jennings on 4/3

Stephanie Krukar and Dave Myers on 4/4

Addison Kasmarek on 4/5

Sarah Salvas on 4/5

Katie Clark, Zoey Irwin and Andrew Jennings on 4/6


Dana and Deb Wehe on 3/31


Holy Week 2024
Easter Sunrise Service

68th Annual Easter Sunrise Service

Join fellow early risers atop Mt. Mansfield for a non-denominational Easter Sunrise Service.

The Gondola will be loading from 5:00AM to 6:05AM at which time the Gondola will stop and the service will begin.

Participants may either ski or ride down after the service or take the Gondola back down. The special free ticket entitles the holder one run down. Epic Pass holders may take additional runs.

There will be no charge for parking until 8:00AM.

Easter Egg Hunt Following 9:30 Service!

Please come over to Parsonage Park following this 9:30 service for an Easter Egg hunt at 11

Be sure to bring your Easter Baskets to put the eggs in.There will be a lot of them! 

Salvation Farms

Pie Breakfast March 30th!

Salvation Farms is hosting a pie breakfast in our local community – Saturday, March 30, 2024, 9 – 11am at the Morrisville VFW. For tickets and more info, please visit


Eclipse Open House April 8th!

Volunteers needed for SCC Open House on 4/8/24. The town is anticipating a record number of visitors in Stowe for the Eclipse and we are seeking your help to open wide our doors of hospitality.

Sign ups for hosting and/or bringing cookies are in the Narthex. Or you can email Marylou at

One hour hosting slots start at 9:00am and go every hour ending at 2:00pm. 

The eclipse starts at 2:13 and totality starts at 3:25.

Eclipse Concert April 8th!

"There Goes the Sun" - Concert for the Eclipse: After the eclipse on Monday April 8 at 7:00PM, come celebrate the evening with the Vermont Brookside Band in concert in our sanctuary. 

Local favorites Bruce Bell, Jesse Goldfine, Roger Murphy and Frank Springer will be sharing their talents on guitars and mandolin, playing and singing acoustic folk and Americana. This concert is open to the public at no charge, although donations will be gratefully received.

For more information, email

Lamoille Community House

Provide Meals for the LCH!

The Mission and Service committee has signed up to provide dinners for the Lamoille Community House (our local homeless shelter) for the Sunday evenings of 3/24 and 3/31(Easter).  We are seeking volunteers to assist in preparing main courses, salads or vegetables, bread, and dessert for each of these dates, as well as individuals to help in delivering the meals to the shelter. Sign up for one part of the meal, all of it, or sign up to drive the meal to the shelter. Any help is welcome for these dates!

Situated in Hyde Park, the homeless shelter has the capacity to accommodate up to 14 displaced adults. Over the past few years, many church members have provided meals and found the experience profoundly rewarding—an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God to those in need. For further details or to offer your assistance, please reach out to

Refugee Action Network

Mission of the Month: Central Vermont Refugee Action Network (CVRAN)

Established in 2015, the Central Vermont Refugee Action Network (CVRAN) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Montpelier and dedicated to making our communities welcoming, safe places for refugees, as well as asylum seekers, and migrant workers.

CVRAN is currently holding their 4th Annual March Arts Marathon fundraiser. 35 to 40 artists will be sharing near daily updates as they paint, draw, write, sing, photograph and more during the month of March. You can sponsor an artist and receive those updates in your inbox.

Visit the CVRAN website!


Communications Committee Seeks Members

The Communications Committee is responsible for promoting SCC through both internal and external media. Heather Stowe is the committee chair and shares the following message:


We are looking for new members to fill the following jobs on our committee. As the chair, I realize that another meeting is a lot for some and I’ll do my best to keep them to a minimum and am happy to do online meetings if that works best for you. 

Social Media

Manage the Church’s Facebook page – internally and externally

Stowe Reporter

Writers Needed - SCC submits an article each week and we need more writers to lessen the load. Max, one article/month, but trying to reach one article every two months. 


Although we have updated our website in the past couple of years, we know we can do more and are looking for some expertise with website design and execution.

In almost all cases, I will provide content and any resources you may need to complete a task. For instance, I create Facebook posts and send them to the Facebook manager to post. If you have any experience with social media strategies, even better! For the Stowe Reporter articles, I'll provide content bullet points and resources to help that process.

Contact Heather at


SPARK Returns in May

We plan to offer another 4 Week Spring SPARK After School Miinistry on 4 Monday's from 3:00-4:30 pm, on May 13th, May 20th, June 3rd and June 10th

Save the Date, and more info and details to come!


SCUBA Bible Camp in August

August 19th-23rd, 9:00 am - 12 noon

Bible Camp registration details will be shortly forthcoming, but we wanted to announce the Curriculum and share the dates with you now!


Bible Camp is available for all students from K-5th grade, and for Middle School Students, 6th-8th to do Outreach/ Missions Volunteering! High School Students are welcome and encouraged to join us as High School Camp Counselors, and those students can get Community Service hours for their time!

SCUBA Details

Thank You to SCC from Kenya

Kenya Mission Visit in July!

The Mission Committee is planning a small mission trip to visit our orphan school that we sponsor in Kenya. Pastor Ouma is very excited to welcome us to the school and suggests that beginning of July would the best time. Accommodations would be provided. The committee is reaching out to see if anyone in the congregation is interested in joining us on this trip?  There will be an optional safari trip to Kenya and Tanzania tentatively planned afterward. For more information, please contact Karen at


Youth Coordinator

Youth Activities Coordinator Needed!

Stowe Community Church is seeking a 10 hours/week, part-time Youth Activities Coordinator who is willing to build on a solid foundation and bring new life to the extended ministries of the SCC. Duties include developing engaging service projects, social outings, bible studies for students 6th grade and up ... and maybe a trip to the mountain once in a while.

Any interested applicants should submit a resume or letter of interest to

The job is available for the right person immediately.


Seeking photos of SCC

We're always looking for photos to include in the Quest! If you take some SCC-related photos, please send them to either Marylou ( or Greg Morrill (

Last Week

(Thanks to Scott Noble and Meg Scotti for the photos!)

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Lords Prayer
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday 2024

Video by Theresa Tedstone

March Sermons

February 25, 2024

Sermon from Feb 25, 2024 "Not An Easy Path" Rev Dr Barbara Purinton

March 3, 2024

Sermon from Mar 3, 2024 "The Hard Road to Peace" Rev Dr Michael Caldwell

March 10, 2024

Sermon from Mar 10, 2024 The Way of Love

March 17, 2024

Sermon from Mar 17, 2024 The Way of Sacrifice

March 24, 2024 Palm Sunday

Sermon from Mar 10, 2024 The Way of Love

You can find past sermons on the Stowe Community Church YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search on Stowe Community Church.

Musical Selections

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today arr. John Rutter/Burnett/Metzger

I share this every Easter! This production captures my musical idea of Easter: A joyful celebration for all ages!

Hallelujah Chorus, from Christ on the Mount of Olives | The Tabernacle Choir

On this Easter Sunday everyone is invited to join our choir in singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. Well, it's not as well known as Handel's, but here's Beethoven's Hallelujah Chorus

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