Church Website and Livestream |
Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.
Charles Kettering
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- Sunday Service 9:30am
- Important Dates
- Bible School Volunteer Meeting Sunday!
- Psalms Bible Study Concludes Thursday!
- Congregational Meeting and Brunch June 23rd!
- SCC Green Tip for June!
- Mission of the Month - Lamoille Home Health and Hospice!
- Crossing the Street Etiquette!
- Free Youth Mountain Bike Clinic July 26th!
- SCUBA August 19-23!
- FROZEN Comes to SCC!
- Fellowship of Collegiate Athletes
- Kenya Missions Visit
- Youth Activities Coordinator Needed!
- Pictures
- May/June Sermons
- This Week's Music Selections
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Celebration Service!
Fathers Day!
Masks are optional at our services at this time. As a congregation, we respect those who chose to wear a mask out of personal concern/safety.
PSALM 23 King James Version Lay Reader: Maggie Dunphy
SPECIAL MUSIC "Amazing Grace" Lyndall Heyer, Flute; Carol van Dyke, Piano
MISSION MOMENT Lamoille Home Health and Hospice Kathy Walker-Renaud
MESSAGE "You are with me" Rev.Dan Haugh
USHERS Barbara Shonio and Ben Brayton
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Children's Worship
Our Lesson is titled: "In Love and Appreciation of our Fathers!"
And the Key Bible Verse associated with the Lesson is:
"There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place."
Deuteronomy 1:31:
This is also the beginning of Summer Worship, which means that all Toddlers, Children and Youth can come directly downstairs in Fellowship Hall for a full hour! From 9:30-10:30 am!
If you have any questions about Summer Worship, or if you would like some information about Bible Camp, please feel free to email Taryn Noelle at:
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Friday, 6/14
5:00 pm Baccalaureate
Sunday, 6/16
9:30 Celebration Service In-person and Live-streamed
Monday, 6/17
Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, 6/18
7:30 pm AA meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, 6/19
Noon AA Meeting in Fellowship Hall
Thursday, 6/20
7:00 Zoom Psalms Bible Study
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Jack Jennings on 6/14
Jeremy O’Neill on 6/15
Margery Adams on 6/17
Benjamin Salvas on 6/19
Mason Jennings and Lauren Tewhill on 6/20
Kerry Douglas on 6/22
Will and Becky Vaus on 6/17
Ryan and Courtney Percy on 6/18
Robert and Marlene Davison on 6/19
John and Erin Spranger on 6/20
Phil and Anne Bongiorno on 6/21
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Bible Camp Volunteer Meeting!
We're also having a Bible Camp Volunteer Meeting this Sunday, June 16th right after morning Worship, from 10:45-11:30 am (w/ coffee, juice and snacks provided!)
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Psalms Bible Study Concludes Thursday!
Perhaps no other book in the Bible has been read and meditated on as much as the Old Testament book of Psalms. It contains songs of praise and prayers of lament, hymns celebrating God‘s faithful love, and the marvels of creation. You are invited to explore this wonderful book through a seven week Bible study continuing through June 20.
The study will be facilitated by the Reverend Barbara Purinton and Kathe Rhinesmith. It will take place on zoom from 7 to 8 PM on Thursday evenings.
Registration is limited so if you are interested, please contact Kathe Rhinesmith at
Workbooks for the study are available from Marylou in the Church Office at a cost of $15.
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Green Tip for June!
Did you know that washing your clothes in hot water is just plain bad: bad for your clothes and bad for the earth? And no one here wants to be bad to the earth, right? Washing your clothes in cold water (even clothes benefit from a cold plunge!) is estimated to save up to 80% of energy per load of laundry and up to 500 pounds of carbon dioxide per year1. How much is 500 pounds of CO2, you ask? Well it would take 10 fully grown trees working all day, every day for an entire year to absorb all that CO2 2. Do you have 10 mature trees in your yard to dedicate to this fulltime task? Well you live in Vermont; you probably do. But most Americans do not! So run your laundry in cold water and give your maple tree a break.
1 A cleaner way to clean. 2 Give your tree a hug!
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Mission of the Month: Lamoille Home Health and Hospice!
During the month of June, our Mission focus will be on Lamoille Home Health and Hospice. Kathy Reno, a SCC member and Hospice Volunteer will speak to us on June 16th at the 9:30 service.
Lamoille Home Health and Hospice's mission is to support health, independence and dignity through quality care in the home. The Agency believes that the highest standards of health and end-of-life care are fundamental rights. To fulfill this commitment to Lamoille County residents the Agency: provides high quality in-home care during episodes of illness, utilizing an interdisciplinary approach; works cooperatively with other organizations to provide a comprehensive health care system; respects the rights of patients and their designated helpers/families in making decisions about their health care; continuously assesses services and respond to the changing health care needs of the community. The Hospice Program uses a team approach to enhance the quality of life for the terminally ill and to provide support for their loved ones.
Are you looking for a rewarding experience? Consider becoming a Hospice Volunteer. Hospice volunteers provide much needed comfort to those who are receiving or in need of hospice services. Volunteers play a vital role in hospice care and are trained to understand the needs of the terminally ill patient. Volunteers also play an active role in providing respite for patient caregivers as the needs of the hospice patient can be great. Volunteers offer companionship to the patients and understanding to their caregivers.
LHH&H will be offering Hospice Volunteer Training starting September 7, 2023 and continuing each Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5:30 p.m.—8 p.m. through September 28. The training is held at Lamoille Home Health & Hospice, 54 Farr Avenue, Morrisville. There is no cost to you and all materials are provided. Please contact Charlene at 802-888-4561 or if interested. Space is limited.
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Kindness Begets Kindness!
A church member has suggested the following:
If you cross the street in our town or another town , whether in a crosswalk or not, and a car/truck stops for you, please smile and wave thank you to the driver who stopped.!
It is a friendly way to thank people who are helpful to walkers. Sometimes the driver does not even see a walker who is way off to the side.
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"Frozen" Comes to Stowe Community Church!
A Magical Winter Wonderland Comes to Life: Stowe Community Church Youth Theatre presents, “FROZEN!”
FROZEN opens on December 5th, when Stowe village sparkles with a “Traditional Christmas in Stowe” festival of events, Audiences are invited to embark on an unforgettable journey as they follow the adventures of Elsa, Anna, Olaf, and their friends in the magical kingdom of Arendelle. Directed by Taryn Noelle, and including a fantastic production team, this enchanting production is sure to attract a talented cast of young performers who will bring these characters to life.
Auditions will take place at Stowe Community Church on:
· Tuesday, August 27th at 5pm
· Wednesday, August 28th at 5pm
· CALL BACKS: Thursday, August 29th at 5pm
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Kenya Mission Visit in July!
The Mission Committee is planning a small mission trip to visit our orphan school that we sponsor in Kenya. Pastor Ouma is very excited to welcome us to the school and suggests that beginning of July would the best time. Accommodations would be provided. The committee is reaching out to see if anyone in the congregation is interested in joining us on this trip? There will be an optional safari trip to Kenya and Tanzania tentatively planned afterward. For more information, please contact Karen at
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Youth Activities Coordinator Needed!
Stowe Community Church is seeking a 10 hours/week, part-time Youth Activities Coordinator who is willing to build on a solid foundation and bring new life to the extended ministries of the SCC. Duties include developing engaging service projects, social outings, bible studies for students 6th grade and up ... and maybe a trip to the mountain once in a while.
Any interested applicants should submit a resume or letter of interest to
The job is available for the right person immediately.
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Seeking photos of SCC
We're always looking for photos to include in the Quest! If you take some SCC-related photos, please send them to either Marylou ( or Greg Morrill (
Last Week
(Thanks to Scott Noble, Mort Butler, Chuck Perkins and Nancy Beres for the pictures!)
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You can find past sermons on the Stowe Community Church YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search on Stowe Community Church. | | |
The fathers in the Tabernacle Choir share a familiar lullaby for Father's Day! This is a wonderful arrangement that starts with the tenors singing in a light falsetto, perfect for a lullaby! | | |
I'll stick with the theme of dads singing lullabies! Here are Ringmasters singing Billy Joel's Lullaby | | | | | |