Week of September 16, 2024

This Sunday in Worship

9 am in the Chapel

11 am in the Sanctuary and Online

Scripture: James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

Sermon: Uncommon Wisdom: Choosing Peace

September 18, 6:00 pm

Menu: Greek Chicken, Rice, Green Beans,

Salad Bar, Rolls, Dessert

NEW!! Women's Small Group Starting TODAY, Sept. 17, 2024!!!

Starting on Sept. 17, women of all ages are invited to gather and grow on Tuesdays at 6pm as we read An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor. This is a great opportunity for all generations of women to fellowship and learn from one another as we explore church beyond the walls of the sanctuary and where we can encounter God in our everyday lives.

Join us for a Family Movie Night on Friday, September 20, at 6:30PM! Grab your blankets, pillows, and popcorn as we come together for an evening of laughter and fun for everyone! We'll enjoy snacks and a family-friendly movie that everyone will love. All ages are welcome, so bring the whole family to the Zachry Center! Don’t forget to invite your friends—it's going to be a blast!


Get ready for a fun-filled evening of costumes, candy, and community! Our annual Trunk or Treat event is just around the corner, and we want YOU to be part of the celebration! Bring your family and friends to the church parking lot on October 31 from 5:30PM to 7:00PM for a safe and exciting trick-or-treating experience. Decorate your trunk, dress up in your favorite costumes, and enjoy the festivities with us!

Interested in hosting a trunk or serving in some way for the event? Sign up here!


Sundays at 12:30 pm

Mondays at 12:45 pm

Kingdom Kids (PreK-4th Grade)

Wednesdays at 5:15pm

JC Crew (5-8th Grade)

Wednesdays at 5:15 pm

Sunday Youth Group

6-12th Graders

Sundays at 5 pm

Youth Room (Upstairs in the Zachry Center)

Upper Room Devotional Guides

The September - October Upper Room Devotional Guides are available. Large or regular print - $1.

We need small bottles of laundry and dish detergent, shampoo, rice, and canned vegetables for the Little Free Pantry. Monetary donations are also appreciated!

Thank you for your generous support of this ministry!

Forgiveness is God’s greatest gift to all of us, setting us free to live as the beloved children of God. Forgiveness, more than any other act, perhaps, makes us like God.

~~Megan McKenna

If you want peace, work for justice.

~~Pope Paul, VI

The Daytrippers are headed to Oakfuskee Conservation Center at Pyne Road Park just outside of LaGrange on September 24. We will get to tour the center, including the local office of the Chattahoochee Riverkeepers. Terri’s Café is providing a box lunch for us to enjoy as we sit on the covered deck over-looking beautiful Lake West Point. Cost is $20 for lunch and bus fuel. Call Helen or the church office to reserve your seat on the bus. We will leave the ZC parking lot at 11 am.

Lay Servant Ministry - Fall Classes in the SW District

Below are classes being offered by the South West District Lay Servant Ministry Committee for Fall. Some classes are in person at the District Office and some are being offered online. On the conference website, you can also see classes being offered by other districts or other online class options.

For more information, contact LSM Director, Ollie Manley (oimanley48@gmail.com), Associate Director, Cynthia Holland (cythinam@msn.com), or Associate Director, Esther Lloyd-Stevenson (elstvnsn@hotmail.com). 

Register here.

If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list,

please contact the church office. 


Apalachee High School friends and family, Patty Partain,

Sarah Auler, Margaret Bartlett, Bentley Bryant, Sharon Cowart, 

Mary Davison, Will Doughtie, Robert Eason, Elmo Emily, Al and Jackie Hammer,

Jacob Grubbs, Peggy Haidl, Andy Mabrey, Lakin Rayfield, Barbara Ruddick, 

Lisa Ann Soehnel, Tracy Vaughn,

World Conflict, Our Country, Unspoken Requests

Our Christian love and sympathy are extended to Jim Young on the loss of his son,

Jim Young, Jr., who passed away on September 16 in Buffalo, New York.

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8 am - 12 Noon

The office is closed from 12 - 1 pm for lunch.

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