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Check out our vendor calendar for this week!
Want to help out the IWFM?
Check out this week's recipe from A Couple Cooks:
Remember that the Veggie Valet Service continues this week!
Our Sponsors
| Contact us for IWFM sponsorship opportunities! |
Did you know the IWFM in partnership with Indy Hub held a fund raiser for the Eat Well Initiative on Tuesday night Folks came together for good food (made by IWFM producers and supporters from IWFM growers' ingredients), great conversation, and to learn more about the IWFM. Many attendees had never been to the market before, and we were delighted to introduce them. Over $700 was raised to benefit the Eat Well Initiative, which makes it possible to use food stamps at the IWFM and distributes Veggie Bucks vouchers to low income and high health risk individuals for market purchases. If you weren't able to make the event this week, you can still contribute to the Eat Well Initiative any and every week at the IWFM by putting a dollar in the Power of One jar at the IWFM info table. That's right, when you do your market shopping, you get to feel great about buying good food to feed yourself and your family, support the IWFM growers and producers through your purchases, and you have the opportunity to make the same great food and relationships accessible to others in Indianapolis when you make a donation to the Eat Well Initiative! Everyone wins when everyone has the opportunity to Eat Well!
Be well,
Laura, Molly and the IWFM team
IWFM Packed Lunch Menu Challenge
Fed Up With Lunch!
We have another inspiring school lunch story for you. This is the story of Sarah Wu who decided to eat the school lunch every day for one year at the public elementary school where she works in Illinois... and anonymously blog about the experience! Sarah has now revealed her identity and written a book about her experience called Fed Up With Lunch: How One Anonymous Teacher Revealed the Truth about School Lunches - and How We Can Change Them. You can listen to the KCRW Good Food podcast here. If you don't want to listen to the whole show, scroll down for this segment or skip forward 38 minutes into the show. We hope Sarah's story will inspire your packed lunch menu creativity, and that you'll remember to share those creative menus with us!
We believe there are a lot of great ideas for packed lunches in the IWFM community, and we want to hear yours! Please submit your favorite adult or child packed-lunch menu by January 28th. You can email your menu to, or submit it in writing at the IWFM Market Info Table. We will select the four most creative (and achievable) packed-lunch menus to include in our February weekly e-newsletters. Those highlighting foods available at the IWFM will earn bonus points!
On Saturday, February 25th, the IWFM will hold our first ever packed-lunch competition! More details will follow, but prizes will be awarded in 5 categories: 1) Most Creative School Lunch - Popular Children's Vote,
2) Most Creative Work Lunch - Popular Adult Vote,
3) Most IWFM Product Ingredients - Juried,
4) Most Nutritious & Delicious - Juried,
5) Coolest Lunch-Box/Packing Method - Juried.
(Voting will be based on menu and presentation, not on tastings.) |
Grow Well, Eat Well & Live Well = Be Well
Spinning + Yoga with Farmer Craig Brown
Saturday, January 21st @ 1 p.m. and @ 2 p.m.
Join Craig for a 30 min spinning class partnered with a 20 min yoga stretch. All levels are welcome.
Sign up at the IWFM Market Info Table to reserve a place, or email Each spinning session is limited to 10 participants.
1-1:30 p.m. - Spinning Session 1 (limit 10)
1:35-1:55 p.m. - Yoga Stretch (all welcome)
2-2:30 p.m. - Spinning Session 2 (limit 10)
Growing Places Indy and the Indy Winter Farmers Market have partnered with the Bike Hub YMCA to offer four fitness and fundraising classes. Each class will be by-donation (suggested donation of $10, but any amount will be graciously accepted). Donations go to the Eat Well Initiative that makes it possible to use food stamps at the IWFM and distributes Veggie Bucks vouchers to low income and high health risk individuals to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at the IWFM. You do not need to be a member of the Y to attend these classes. Mark your calendars for our other fundraising classes: February 11th @ 12-1 p.m. Aligning with Love - Yoga Flow with Laura Henderson
March 10th Spinning with Deb Hirt April 14th Yoga with Andrea Townley |
Indiana Organic Gardeners Association meeting, January 21, 11:30a at Greenwood Library
Join the Indiana Organic Gardeners Association for their January meeting at the Greenwood Library, 310 S Meridian St, Greenwood.
The IOGA will meet to share organic gardening tips, a pitch-in lunch, and to listen to guest speaker and IWFM vendor Laura Karr. Laura will be speaking on raising heirloom chickens and on organic herbicides and pesticides.
Check out the flyer for more information.
Slow Food Indy's Annual Meeting
January 22, 2pm at Wheeler Arts Community
Local Food in Indiana: Where do we go from here?
Community Leaders & Local Farmers Answer at Slow Food Indy Annual Meeting
For more information, read this article, or contact Slow Food Indy President Tyler Henderson,
What: Slow Food Indy Annual Meeting & Pitch-In
When: Sunday, January 22, 2pm-4pm
Where: Wheeler Arts Community (1035 Sanders Street in Historic Fountain Square, Indianapolis)
What to bring: a dish to share and your own dining ware (plates, cups, utensils, etc.)
Super Bowl Info for IWFM Customers
Check out street closings and restrictions on the Know-Before-You-Go site for the next couple markets as we get closer to the Super Bowl. We are sure to attract visitors for the Super Bowl, as we are listed on tourism sites such as VisitIndy. Many of our regular vendors will be selling unique products for the Super Bowl, as well as the usual fare of produce, specialty hand-crafted goods, breads, cheeses, meats, and treats. Plan to join us for an exciting time in Indianapolis!
Super Swap!
January 28, 12p at Earth House
Indy Swappers' next swap will be on Saturday, January 28th at The Earth House Collective. And it's not going to be just a swap. On the eve of Super Bowl Week here in Indianapolis, it's going to be a SUPER Swap! There will be the regular food swap, as well as several fun educational programs, all free and open to the public. The festivities will kick off at noon at Earth House with presentations from interesting and informed folks, ready to share their knowledge and answer your questions. Here is the schedule of events:
12:00pm- Ten Tips for Planting Your Own Vegetable Garden (Cara Dafforn, U-Relish Farm)
12:30pm- Composting 101 (Keith O'Dell, Castaway Composting)
1:00pm- Food Swap Primer (Suzanne Krowiak, Founder, Indy Food Swappers)
1:30pm- Pickling Demo (Kate Payne, Author, The Hip Girl's Guide to Homemaking, credited with birthing the current food swap movement)
2:00 - 4:00pm- FOOD SWAP TIME! This is where the magic happens.
PLEASE NOTE: All presentations between noon and 2:00pm are free and open to the public, with no registration or tickets necessary. The Food Swap that follows is also free, but due to the nature of the event, advanced registration is required. There are a limited number of tickets for the swap, so please register early if you want to participate.