August 11, 2021

Important Events Coming Up

  • Thursday, September 2nd: Curriculum Night

  • Wednesday, September 9th: 8th Grade Transition Meeting
Amana Safety Protocols

  • All students and adults are required to wear masks in the building. Masks should be well fitted and cover the nose and mouth completely.

  • If possible, pack extra masks (at least 3) in your child's backpacks.

  • When possible, students will be asked to practice physical distancing (staying at least 3 feet apart).

  • We are continuing to ask families to complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. It's available on the school website and down below.
School Safety Drills

  • Amana Academy will be conducting Safety Drills throughout the first week of school. Below you will find brief explanations of each one.

  • Soft Lockdown: Practice in case of a safety threat outside of the school building.
  • Hard Lockdown: Practice in case of a safety threat inside of the school building.
  • Fire Drill: In case of a fire, students and staff practice exiting the building.
  • Shelter Drill: Students practice going into a safe position in case of severe weather.
  • Evacuation Drill: Students and staff practice exiting the school building and going to another location in case of a threat.
School Nutrition Form for This Year

  • Please forward any questions to 
2021-2022 Uniform Requirements

  • Students are expected to arrive in full uniform (with logos stitched/embroidered) on Monday, August 16th.

  • If you are purchasing new uniforms, please make sure the NEW Amana Academy logo is embroidered on your child's uniform. If you are returning with used uniforms from previous years, the old logo will work just as well.

  • Students may only wear Amana jackets, hoodies, and sweatshirts. They will be asked to remove outerwear that does not meet uniform requirements.

  • For any questions, please email Click below to view our uniform requirements. 
COVID-19 Reporting for ALL Amana Families

ALL AMANA FAMILIES are expected to fill out this COVID-19 Reporting Form if your Amana student fits into one or more of these categories:

  • Has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 15 days
  • Currently waiting for the results of a test for COVID-19
  • Has been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 mins) in the past 15 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19

If your child meets any of the above criteria or is ill or unwell: DO NOT send your students to school until you have spoken with Amana’s clinician (Ms. Fowler).

COVID-19 Report Form can be found on our main site North Fulton -> Parents > COVID-19 Form
Helpful Resources

Donated School Supplies

  • A limited amount of school supplies were generously donated by one of our Community Partners, Northpoint Community Church. It is our hope that families with the greatest need will be able to take advantage of this support. If you are interested in receiving donated school supplies, please fill out the form below.
Amana Academy | 678-624-0989 | | 285 S. Main Street, Alpharetta