Immanuel Lutheran Church

Greenwood, South Carolina

Weekly Newsletter

Friday, July 19, 2024

Please join us this Sunday,

July 21st.

9 a.m. Worship

Theme: Teaching Disciples

*Children's Church will be offered during Worship.

Click HERE to view the Worship bulletin.

Click HERE to view the Announcement Insert.

Click HERE to view the LARGE Worship bulletin.

Click HERE to view Worship via Facebook.

Click HERE to view Worship via YouTube.

10:15 a.m. Coffee and refreshments in the Welcome Center.

10:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Adult Sunday School

Click HERE to view the latest newsletter from the South Carolina Synod.

Pastor Chris is on vacation and will return to the office on Monday, August 12th

Please contact the Council President with any questions or concerns.

John Kinard: 864-554-2120

Information for the August Messenger and Calendar is due

next Friday, July 26th


Please be sure to read this Sunday's announcements and keep an eye out for an e-mail on Monday with an important message from the Church Council regarding Immanuel's Fall Sunday Schedule.

Chair Yoga - Dr. Jaquie Haymond will be offering a yoga class in the Welcome Center at Immanuel on Fridays from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. beginning August 2nd. If you are interested, please contact her at

Dementia 101- Tuesday, August 6th 10 a.m. - 11a.m. at Tranquil United Methodist Church, 1702 McCormick Highway, Greenwood, SC 29646.

For more information e-mail Sandy Shaffer

In lieu of our Supper Club on Saturday, August 10th, please join us for music, great

food, wine and hard cider at South Bend Winery, 122 Old Mount Moriah Rd, Greenwood.

Live music by local artist, singer & songwriter, Dana Beigay, will be from 4-7 p.m.

Nancy & Larry Crooks will arrive at 2 p.m. to hold some tables. South Bend’s food menu includes sandwiches, burgers, pizza, nachos and charcuterie trays. You can also

purchase wine, slushies and hard cider. Per new insurance laws, dogs are not permitted on the premises.

Please let Nancy Crooks know if you plan on attending. Call her at at (864) 554-3981 or email:

Come on out and enjoy an afternoon of fun & fellowship!

Last Sunday Attendance (7/14/24)

Worship: In person - 76

YouTube - 64 views

Brunch – 50

Please note: The deadline to submit material for the weekly Newsletter is Wednesday at

1 p.m.