Weekly Newsletter

March 8, 2023


Michael Prettyman

Thank you to everyone who served and participated in our chili and soup dinner on Sunday night!

It was good food and good fellowship!

I want to say thank you to the GraceWorks Church family for your investment in our children! A very special thank you to all of you who volunteer in the children's area!

Jesus, Himself stated His love for children; therefore I can't help but believe that He is pleased with what we do in teaching our children about Him!

I will leave you with this scripture verse!

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.

Matthew 19:14‭-‬15 NLT

Have a great rest of your week, and I will see you Sunday morning! To God be all the glory!


Worship: 195

Offering: $6,470.00

Stop by the members table for more information.

Children's Easter Celebration

April 8

10 AM - 12 PM

Plastic eggs and individually wrapped candy are needed for the upcoming Easter Celebration. Collection bins are located in the church foyer. Please help us out by keeping candy and plastic eggs separate. Volunteers are also needed! If you are able to help, please see Jan Moses or sign up in the foyer.


Parents' Night IN!

March 12

4-6 PM

St. Paddy's Day theme night for parents and kids at the church.

Easter Celebration

April 8

10 AM - 12 PM

Egg hunt, crafts, games, and fun for all!

Easter eggs and candy are needed! Donation bins are located in the foyer.

Reflection Riding

April 22

8:30 AM - 1 PM

We will be celebrating Earth Day! There will be a picnic lunch and devotion before returning to church.

Jump Park

April 30

Lunch will be served right after church and then we will head to the Jump Park for some fun! Cost and time TBD.

Creation Museum/Cincinnati Zoo

July 19-21

This is a two-day trip for 5th grade and up! See Jan or Justin for more details and trip registration packet.

March Birthdays
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Please resubmit each month to remain on the list.

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