from St. Raphael's

June 8, 2024

Join Us Every Sunday

Holy Eucharist

9:00 am at

5601 Williams Drive

All are invited - All are welcome!


Time Change for Summer

Now that summer is officially here, we have changed our service time from 10:00 to 9:00. Hopefully, it will be cooler at this time, so mark you calendars.

Update on Beach Churches

Almost two years ago, our island was ground zero for Hurricane Ian. All the churches on the island were damaged, some more than others. St. Raphael's was luckier than most as our buildings were still standing. However, as you know, we lost everything inside the buildings and the reconstruction is taking time to complete.

In the meantime, the commissioners of the Peace River Presbytery voted to dissolve Chapel by the Sea. The sanctuary was torn down earlier this year after being severely damaged in the storm surge.

Likewise, the Methodist church buildings are now for sale, so it doesn't look like they will be returning anytime soon. The Lutherns have torn down their parish hall and are rebuilding the sanctuary. The Baptists are selling part of their property for development so they can afford a new sanctuary. In the meantime, they have recently purchased large trailers to hold services in until they can build a new church.

All things considered, we are doing well and hopefully, the rebuilding of Comfort Hall will be completed soon.

Online Donations Now Accepted

The secure Online Giving Button is now active at the church website for maximum convenience, with great gratitude for single or recurring donations, pledges, contributions to the Hurricane rebuilding funds, the Rector's Discretionary fund, or any generosity.

Please scroll down on the home page that opens from St. Raphael's website.

Thank you!

A Message From Father Rowe

Dear members and friends of St. Raphael’s,

Last week’s pilgrimage to Lourdes was the heart of my trip. I find that I need these times of religious concentration to stay – or get! – focused. I was blessed through the regular and varied worship, devoted companions and by the sense of how God has helped so many through this holy place. 

Afterward, my friends and I spent a few days in Bordeaux and I am now back in Paris. There is a lovely church dedicated to St. Louis (King Louis IX of France) right across the street. 

This Sunday, the Third after Pentecost, continues the “green season” of Christian growth. The Old Testament and Gospel invite us to consider how we get wrong ways with God and how God restores us to himself in Christ. 

Next Tuesday is St. Barnabas Day. You might read the collect and lessons for his day. He was one the early Church’s generous benefactors (Acts 4:36-37) and was instrumental in getting St. Paul started in missionary work – not a bad legacy!

The Rev. Bruce White will return as our celebrant and preacher this week.

In case of pastoral emergency, Fr. Bill Gilmore is on call at 239 571-1023. 

God bless you all. 

(The Rev.) Michael Rowe

St. Raphael’s Church, Fort Myers Beach

239 297-7245

Sermons and Messages Now Available on You Tube

Help Us Increase Our Facebook and You Tube Presence

Our online presence has been increasing recently thanks to our streaming videos and presence on Facebook and You Tube. You can help us out by visiting St. Raphael's Facebook Page and clicking Like/Follow. You can also help by subscribing to Father Michael's YouTube channel. By liking us on FB and subscribing to Father's You Tube channel you will be helping our online presence which has advantages. For example, we need to have a certain number of subscribers to live stream on You Tube. Presently, we need to stream to Facebook, save the file, and then upload to Father's You Tube page. If we could stream live directly to Facebook, we could deliver faster to viewers and increase our audience.

♫ Music Notes ♫

Let everyone who has breath sing praise to the Lord!

Opening: 210 The Day of Resurrection

Offertory: 304 I Come with Joy 

Closing: 494 Crown Him with Many Crowns 

Video recording links with lyrics appear each week on St Raphael's Facebook page St. Raphael's Facebook Page, and on Father Michael's You Tube Channel.

Please visit these pages online, and subscribe, like, or follow.  

Greeters Needed 

We want to make all of our visitors feel welcomed. We need you to help us by volunteering to serve as a greeter/usher. The ushers would make sure that people have places to sit and what they need for the service, take the collections, and ensure that all is put away after the service. The greeters will welcome the visitors and those who are exploring St. Raphael's, introduce them to others, get them name tag, and ask them for contact information as appropriate. If you are willing to help out, see Phil Babcock or email

Pledge Drive is Successful

Although we are a little short of our goal, the Bishop's Committee has decided to move forward with the proposed budget. The response to our pledge drive has been wonderful and we are very thankful for your support. If you have not yet sent in your pledge for this year, it is not too late.

The Bishop's Committee has approved a wish list that Ross Miller prepared. This includes items that were lost in the storm and will not be covered by insurance. Here is the list of priority items that we need. If you wish to donate, please email Ross Miller and tell him the item or items that you wish to donate. You do not need to donate the entire amount needed. Feel free to donate a portion if you are interested in a big ticket item. For example, you might want to help with the irrigation system restore or the Memorial Garden restoration. You can give any amount. Don't feel like you have to pay for it all. Just let Ross know how much you can contribute to the item. If you want to donate the entire amount for an item, tell Ross the item and commit to the purchase. We do not have space to store any items at this time. Once you commit to purchase an item, you can donate the money and we can order the item when the time comes or we can contact you to purchase the item when we are ready. We want to make sure the items are consistent. We don't need 50 chairs of different styles and colors. After you sign up for purchasing an item, Ross will give you the details if you wish to purchase it yourself. If more than one person elects the same item, Ross will let you know the item is not available and you can choose another item to donate.

To sign up for a donation, Click Here to Email Ross

Kitchen Utensils


Pots and Pans

Tables and Chairs for Hall

Memorial Garden Restoration


Irrigation System


Cleaning Supplies


Garden Hose


3 Card Tables


1 Folding Table


Bulletin Board (2)


Tablecloths (40)


Easels (3)


Portable Rolling Bar, Stainless, Custom


Hot Plates (2)


Office Desks (2 double, 1 single)


Office Desk Chairs (3)


Computers (2)


Printers (2)






Locking File Cabinet


Counter Height File Cabinets (4 drawer)




Whiteboards (2)


Praying with St. Raphael's

Keep them in your prayers...

If you have someone to add to the weekly prayer list, email Kathy Leson at

Gracious God, Through your grace guide us, the people of St. Raphael's, to joyfully carry out our mission of growing faith in your son, Jesus Christ. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may develop a living faith and strengthens our awareness of the needs of others.  May we work in peace and harmony with each other in all we undertake, in the days and weeks ahead. And may we be a transforming light within our parish and in the community of Fort Myers Beach. We ask these things in the name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  AMEN

St. Raphael's Episcopal Church

our mission

Healing, Hope & Hospitality

on Ft. Myers Beach


for your continuing financial contributions to St. Raphael's.

Your financial pledges and donations keep our ministries vital

and enable us to rebuild for the future.

You can send your donations to

St. Raphael's Church

5601 Williams Drive

Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931

or you can donate by visiting St. Raphael's Website