The Bishop's Committee met on Wednesday. Here are the highlights of that meeting.
We have received a $20,000 check from Good Shepherd. Kathleen Leson will write them a thank you note for all to sign. We have received 40% of the pledges but are still short $20,000.
Building Update
Electric meters have been installed. We needed to set up new FPL accounts for all three buildings. This includes coming up with deposits even though we have had the accounts since 1950. The electric in the rectory should be completed tomorrow. The hall will be done next. The plumbing in the house is done and they are starting on the hall. The drywall will be installed in the house soon.
Most likely, we won’t have the AC in the hall for a while. It is getting warmer, so we may need to add window units and fans to be able to continue services over the summer.
We have turned in more information to FEMA and Ross is hopeful that we will get money to help us with the shortfall. He has sent in volunteer hours up to this month. Gail Franklin will collect volunteer hours for this month and future months. If you have volunteer hours, send them to Gail.
The Columbarium Committee met and came up with guidelines for the Columbarium. The Bishop’s committee passed a motion to set the cost of a niche at $1500 for a church member and $2500 for a non-member. We will charge $200 to have a name placed on the Buried at Sea plaque.
The plaque honoring those lost in the storm has been created. We still need to double check the names to make sure we didn't miss anyone. The committee discussed waiting until the anniversary of Ian to have the dedication.
The committee agreed that we do need a Bible Study on the island for all residents, not just members of the congregation. If we want to start this before the hall is ready, we will need to figure out where to meet: the historic society’s cottage is available or we could meet at different homes.
Otherwise, we will need to wait until the hall is finished to plan this event. We did not want to hold this via Zoom. The committee to work on Bible Study includes Kathleen L, Jackie, Mary Ann, and Gail.