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~AFM Weekly Newsletter~

August 23rd, 2024

Director's Report

The Marching Dons are learning their first pages of drill routines for the field show this week. We invite you to come out on Wednesday nights for the last 30 minutes or so to watch the show as it unfolds. It starts slow but picks up very quickly in the coming weeks. As a reminder, the band photo is August 30 from 4-6 after school. There will be an itinerary pushed out early next week. No other band events Labor Day Weekend-enjoy the time off!

A date change to make you aware of: our annual Friends & Family performance with Foothill and Dublin is on November 14 at Dublin HS. The date was originally on our calendar for a week later but was adjusted to accommodate facility availability at DHS. 

In photo: Thomas Murphy (Drumline Coach), Joey Staab (Drumline Coach), Matt Fell, Jon Grantham. THANK YOU TO OUR AFM VOLUNTEERS and the Boba & Donut Fundraiser!

For Amador is our name,

Mr. Grantham & Mr. Fell

Today is the Last Day to order Travel Jacket

If any marching band student would like to purchase a travel jacket at an approximate cost of

$65, please contact Sharon Beckley at by August 23, as fittings will be on August 24.

Travel jackets are worn over your marching band uniform before and after football games or

competitions. If we have 36 travel jacket orders, the price will go down by approximately $10.

Once I know the total number of jackets to order, I will send out the amount each person owes.

AV Marching Band & Guard Photos - Preorder link

Marching Band and Guard photos will be on Friday, August 30! It will be right after school, starting with group photos, then section photos, and individual photos for those who opt to take them. Please preorder photos before photo day: Schedule and details of the day will be shared by Band Directors closer to the date of the event.

"Responsible Adults" Training Meeting on Tomorrow

Responsible Adults (RA) training meeting this Saturday, August 24th at 9am in the Choir Room. Anyone who is interested in being an RA is welcome to attend! We need RA's help on all football games and competitions, come to learn about more!

Come Join Us Every Wed Night 8:30pm!

Please join us every Wed night at 8:30 to watch the last 30 min of practice. This is a great opportunity to not only get sneak peaks of our wonderful show, but also a great opportunity to visit with other families and show your support to our band kids! It is so much fun to watch the progress of our kiddos as the band season progresses....these musicians work very hard!

Spirit wear is also for sale on most Wednesday evenings. We also has "SAT and AP study books fundraiser" during the Wed night, for only $5 each! Come check them out when they last!

WIND ENSEMBLE: Uniform Measuring Sessions & Volunteers Needed!

Next week, Wind I and II will be measured for their uniforms during class on Wed, 8/28, and Thursday, 8/29.

Returning students: try on your Wind uniform from last year and see if they still fit. If not, get measured!

Students who need to be measured: wear t-shirts and leggings or shorts to facilitate measurements.

Volunteers needed! Please sign up:  WIND Uniform Measurement Session - Volunteer Sign Up

2024 COLORFULL Show Shirts Pre-order

We're currently accepting pre-orders for the 2024 Show Shirt, available for parents and fans only (students will order through their teachers). Don’t miss out on supporting your band kids by wearing this season’s vibrant, COLORFULL-themed shirt. All pre-orders must be submitted by 8/30. Please use this form to order online now. After 8/30, only limited stock will be available at a higher price.

Each shirt is priced at $25 plus sales tax. All sales are final—no exchanges or returns.

Please note that when the t-shirts arrive, you’ll be notified to collect them at the spirit wear booth during any Wednesday practice (8:30 PM to 9:00 PM).

DATE CHANGE: Marching Band & Guard FRIENDS & FAMILY, Nov 14th

Friend and Family will be held a week earlier on November 14th at Dublin High school. It will NOT be during the week of Championships as it usually is. The AV Band Google Calendar has been updated to reflect this change.

Family Practice, originally November 15th, has been moved to November 22nd, 2024.

Savers, HoCo dress, and Halloween Costumes Collection - next Wed Aug 28th 8-9pm

Our 2nd Savers collection is coming up on August 28th, 8-9pm, same time as band pick up, at the main Amador parking lot. This year we are adding collection of Homecoming dress and Halloween costumes as part of our fundraisers, please put them in separate bags. All proceeds support AFM marching band and color guard!

For question please contact

Thank you for all the volunteers who helped at the 1st Saver's collection last Saturday!

Uniform Team Needed

Our Uniform Coordinator Sharon Beckley has been amazing, but it will her last year at Amador Valley High School. We really hope to find a team of three or four people to take on this role so we can outfit our wonderful Big Purple Band with their uniforms next year. Please contact Sharon at for more information.

Beer Pouring is On!

We kicked off football season with the only Pre-Season home game on Sunday and it was a fantastic start with a "W" and a full house! We are on to an exciting regular season with our first Monday night Prime Time televised game of the season on 9/9 vs. New York Jets! The Sept sign ups are out for certified beer pourers. Contact Susan Bowen and ask how to get certified to join the team if interested,!  

Join our Road Warriors Team!

Do you know how the big musical instruments that your kids use get to competitions? Do you know how the drum major stands get onto the field for competitions? It is parent volunteers, like you, that make all that magic happen! Come join the Road Warriors and you can also get up close to watch your kids during competitions. Email to join the email list. No prior experiences required.

If you like to drive an u-haul box truck or have a pick-up truck that can pull our 26-ft trailer, not the big semi-trailer, please let us know. We have a special place for you! Excitement is guaranteed. Not having to hire professional drivers or renting one less U-Haul truck can save quite a bit of money during competition events.

Self-Nomination for At Large Board Members, due Sept 16, 2024

The AFM bylaws allow up to four Members at Large. These members serve on the AFM Board, attend monthly board meetings, and vote on action items. We would like to have diverse representation on the board, such as parents from each music group (strings, band, jazz, choir, guard, etc.) and/or from each grade level.

*We need non-Senior parents to serve as an At Large Board member. Our current AFM Board has many senior parents which means next year, we will need new parents to serve on the board.

We will be accepting nominations until noon September 16, 2024. If you're interested, please fill out this Self Nomination Form for At Large Board Member

If you have any questions, please contact Soojin Hwang,

AFM General Meeting

- Monday Sept 23, 7pm via Zoom!

Mark your calendars! Our first AFM General Meeting will be on Monday, Sept 23, 2024, 7pm-8:30pm via Zoom.

 At this meeting we will:

*Get updates from our music directors

*Ratify the 2024-25 AFM Budget

*Ratify At Large Board Members

*Elect the Nomination Committee for next year's AFM Board

More information closer to the date of the meeting!

Our New Spirit Wear Online Store Launched

We launched our spirit wear online store and keep adding new merchandise. Now you can pre-order the merchandise and pick up every Wed after practice.

To ensure you got the size you needed, place order here SPIRIT WEAR and support our Big Purple Band!

Volunteer Clearance

New AND returning volunteers are required to submit a volunteer clearance application each school year. If you are planning to volunteer during the 2024-25 school year, please submit a volunteer clearance application asap.

Returning volunteers: When completing the application, please enter your name exactly as it currently appears in the Raptor system. If you aren’t sure how you should enter your name when applying, please email

TB clearance is required for all volunteers. Returning volunteers may upload the same file that was submitted last year as long as the document was issued by a licensed healthcare provider within the last three years.

Volunteers who will be transporting students as a driver for field trips, extra-curricular activities and/or athletic events must upload a completed driver transportation form and current auto insurance coverage declaration page(s).

For more information, visit

Questions? Please email

AV Band Events for the Coming School Year

To view AV Band events for the coming school year, click 2024-25 AV Band/Music Calendar.

Mark Your Calendar

Aug 30: Marching Band and Colorguard Photo 4-6pm

Sept 6: PigSkin 6-9pm

Sept 14: Fall Preview 4-5pm (all is welcomed!)

Sept 23: AFM Genearal Meeting 7pm (on zoom)

Learn to Drive & Support AFM!

Coastline Academy has generously offered to donate 5% to Amador Friends of Music for everyone who signs up for driving lessons using this link:

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