This Sunday
St. Andrew's Council invites you
to a barbecue lunch in the courtyard.
How June is that?
Our worship will be a bit shorter than usual, so we can spend time in fellowship.
But shorter in time doesn't mean shorter in meaning. We’re tackling the perplexing story of God’s terrible command to Abraham: “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”. GOOD LORD! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Ross and the band offer a powerful Ben Caplan song: Birds with Broken Wings.
Looking forward to being in community with you
Summer Services
a change in season
Sunday Worship
This summer we will share Sunday Worship with Saint Matthew’s and Fort Massey. The hosting schedule:
July 7, 14 and 21 Saint Andrew’s United Church
July 28, Aug 4 and 11 Saint Matthew’s United Church
Aug 18, 25 and Sept 4 Fort Massey United Church
Sept 8 Return to the regular
Sunday School
Sunday School will move to a bi-weekly schedule
June 23 Last day of weekly Sunday School
July 7 and 21 Sunday School at Saint Andrew’s
TBD Availability at St. Matthew’s and Fort Massey
Sept 8 Return to the regular
Wednesday Contemplative Service
The Contemplative Service will pause for summer.
June 18 Last Contemplative Service
Sept 11 Return to the regular