Because Lutherans AND Presbyterians are compassionate (pt,.2):
we teach our children to "Be loved. Be kind. Be you." The Pastors of Emanuel's, Spirit of Joy, and First Presbyterian have provided an excellent VBS alternative this year with online
Compassion Camp
. Thanks to the Dwyer family for the picture of your young learners, and to Emanuel's Day School for the flower craft by the Pre-K 4 class.
e are in this together. We are better together. We may be apart, but we are not alone.
No Gatherings AT the Church,
BUT the Church Still Gathers
Join us on Sundays at 10:30
Despite Covid-19,
This year the Thrivent Action Team has broadened the scope to also include not only supplies for children abroad, but also some supplies for Emanuel’s Day School and Seguin ISD students. As you shop – however that may be – please include some of these items to share with students whose families, experiencing economic difficulties, may not have everything they need.
70-page spiral notebooks (greatest need) pink erasers ball point pens crayons
Blunt children’s scissors pencil sharpeners unsharpened pencils
rulers with both metric and US measurement boxes of facial tissue
How will supplies be collected?
Hopefully, you can put your purchases in a safe and memorable spot so that, when Emanuel’s office hours and in-sanctuary worship are normalized, you can bring the supplies along with you to church. School supply receptacles are now placed at the Mountain Street door and in the narthex.
If you want to participate, but don’t want to shop
, a monetary donation can be well-spent during these back-to-school sales. For instance, ten dollars buys 40 spiral notebooks or 480 pencils. A check, with a school supply notation, can be donated to Emanuel’s. You can also make a payment online through Emanuel's PayPal account. Please indicate "School Supplies" in your message.
First, a big CONGRATULATIONS to the Koepsels on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary celebrated on July 18. They were married in 1970 at Emanuel's Lutheran Church by the Rev. John Schwartz. "Makes us smile and warms our heart each time we see him," Beverly commented. The happy couple is pictured here on their wedding day and last year in Germany. These photos also make us smile! Thank you for sharing your special memories.
Second, you are invited to share your milestones, too! If something of note has happened while we've been apart, please let us know. Did you celebrate an anniversary? Retire? Witness a tot's first step or a kid loosing a tooth? Send your pics our way at We've been missing hugs and handshakes, but it's been so long we need to see FACES!
Emanuel's Congregational Care Ministry is coordinating a weekly letter writing campaign called
CARE CARDS. It's been great to see your cards rolling in!
week we will be collecting encouraging notes for our
Send your kind words to the church and we will forward them in a big bundle.
Emanuel's Lutheran Church
206 N. Travis Street
Seguin, TX 78155
Opinion | Start Looking, and You'll See Roads All Over...
The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals. But that isn't where our journey should end. By Ms. Scott, a Lutheran pastor. Once, my life was made of bread. I was the pastor of a "dinner church" where our worship took the form of a...
Read more
- EMANUEL'S PRAYER TREE: "Leaf" a Prayer. Prayers are now sprinkled around Emanuel's Prayer Garden, protected by the sprawling branches of the ancient, and historic, Ranger Oak. Feel free to use the tags provided there for your prayers or bring your own. Tie the tags to the rail around the garden. Spend quiet time reading and praying for others if you wish. Not getting out so much? You can email us your prayer at and we will add your petition for you.
- Tuesdays at the GARDEN OF EATIN' from 9-11. In July we are harvesting and weeding. The garden is open to the community at all times, but Wayne will be there on Tuesdays to answer questions and get you started.
- CHRISTIAN CUPBOARD is taking donations. Oatmeal, canned soup, empty egg cartons (esp. 18 count) , and personal care products are needed now.
Emanuel's Church Council met on Tuesday, July 7, 2020. The Covid19 Return to Church Plan was amended to reflect rising coronavirus cases in the area, Texas Gov. Abbott's revised restrictions, and SWT Synod recommendations.
At this time the Emanuel's office staff has returned to working from home. Staff will be in the office as needed or by appointment on Mondays-Thursdays from 8-5.
It is our intention, once case numbers have decreased and it is safe to do so, for the following to occur:
- Monday, August 3, 2020: Small Group Ministries Resume. They are to follow all CDC guidelines for physical distancing and each group is not to exceed 15 persons in attendance.
- Sunday, September 6, 2020: Sunday Worship to Resume on campus. Safety protocols will be made available prior to gathering.
The updated Covid19 Return to Church Plan is linked below.
Please keep in your prayers our leaders as they continue to be the church while navigating strange waters. It is with great care and compassion for all that we move forward.
Emanuel's Office Staff is once again working remotely. As coronavirus cases continue to increase it seems prudent to safely work from home for a little longer. Staff may be in the office as needed or by appointment Mondays through Thursdays from 8-5. Don't forget to wear a mask on the church campus.
Everyone is still accessible via
and phone.
We continue to hold each of you and your families in our prayers. We are BETTER TOGETHER… even if it is virtually!
for your continued financial support of the ongoing ministries of Emanuel's Lutheran Church.
Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our
Vanco link
. One time or recurring donations can be indicated.
You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to:
Emanuel's Lutheran Church
206 N. Travis Street
Seguin, Texas 78155
Giving comparison for 2019-2020:
July 1-15 2020 $25,310.00
July 16-22, 2020 $5,213.00
July 1-15 2019 $24,719.00
July 12-15, 2019 $5,516.00
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church either through
or phone.
Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.