Because Lutherans know a good time is a good thing. Mardi Gras was in full swing on Shrove Tuesday as Emanuel's revelers of all ages, donned in masks, hats, feathers, and beads, enjoyed hundreds of pancakes and games galore. Shout out to Khris G. for her win in the pancake eating contest and Mike H. for his best costume award. Kudos to the Congregational Care Team for hosting the celebration and giving us all reason to laissez les bons temps rouler! Click here for more Mardi Gras photos. We are better together.

📸 Sharon K., Pastor Marcus, Mike H., Deb H., Keith V., Sarah K. 


Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

In-person, online on YouTube, and on radio KWED AM 1580.

February 18, 2024 Worship Bulletin 

Ashes to Go on Gonzales Street provided a contemporary moment of grace on Ash Wednesday. The practice draws on centuries of tradition and, though simple, caries deep meaning. More than 75 cars and pedestrians participated, as well as clergy from three congregations, and several of Emanuel's volunteers.


Sunday, February 25 at 2:00pm

in the Sanctuary

You are invited to join us for an afternoon of music, sharing, and celebrating the lives of our loved ones who have passed. Led by David Kauffman's powerful witness and music, this time together is certain to be one of hope and healing.

Learn more about David's music ministry and Good for the Soul Music™ online here.



Wednesdays, February 21 through March 20

Please join us in the Women's Ministry Room at 5:30 pm for a light supper before Evening Worship, "A Wandering Heart" Lenten series focused on the life and faith of Peter with Holden Evening Prayer liturgy. 


In our Lenten study series from A Sanctified Art, we are invited to look for ourselves in the stepping stones of Peter’s story. We will reflect on the stages of our own faith journeys as well as who and what has shaped us along the way, letting our hearts sing of God’s grace and rest in streams of mercy, never ceasing. Devotional booklets will be available in the Narthex and Church office before Ash Wednesday. Make sure to see the progression of the beautiful art installation on the 2nd floor, just past the chapel door, as it develops throughout the Lenten season.


It was wonderful to have enthusiastic Scouts and their families attend and serve during worship on Sunday. Emanuel's has supported Scouts at the church for more than 100 years! As the photos indicate, our ushers had as much fun teaching as the Scouts did learning. We are grateful for this historic and continued partnership.


Join other caregivers over a cup of coffee and refreshments. Share with others who understand and care. We are meeting at Spirit of Joy the first Thursdays of each month at 9am and also at Emanuel's Lutheran Church the third Sunday of each month, starting February 18, at 2pm. For more information contact Donna Simmons at 830 556 3542.


March 1, 2024

You are cordially invited to join

Guadalupe County Church Women United for World Day of Prayer

Friday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m.

Emanuel's Lutheran Church

Women's Ministry Room

Following the service we will share a Palestinian mezze platter.

Because Lutherans love cooperative ministry. On Super Bowl Sunday our donations to the Christian Cupboard totaled a whopping 116 pounds! Hughlene M., one of our Property Stewards working under the auspices of the Outreach and Service Team, delivered the trunkful of nonperishable items to the Cupboard, one of Emanuel's several Partners in Service. Are you confused about how all this works together? Don't be! Come to our All Team Meeting Night on April 3 at 5:30 pm in the Women's Ministry Room to learn more about cooperative ministries at Emanuel's and how you can serve in a myriad of ways. We are better together.

Help Cross Trails Ministry raise funds

to keep camp affordable for all!

There will be a gathering at The Courtyard Marriott in New Braunfels

on Saturday, March 2nd beginning at 5pm.

Purchase your tickets to attend!

Cocktail Attire Requested

Gift of Faith Gala



CHILDREN'S CHURCH will return January 14 for our PK to 5th grade learners meets each Sunday. During worship the Vicars will lead students to designated classrooms, just down the hall from the sanctuary, as we begin the "Gathering Hymn" and then guide them back as we "Share the Peace." We hope you will make this a part of your family's weekly worship rhythm!

THE COMPASS COOPERATIVE is a weekly gathering on Sundays @6pm for 6th to 12th grade students, hosted by our four church partners - Emanuel's, St. Andrew's, Spirit of Joy, and Friedens Church- and held on Spirit of Joy's campus. We eat, worship, play games, and enjoy each other's company.


RepLENTance (Family Life Center): 9:15am. February 18 – March 24. A deeper look at Lent and what it teaches us about repentance, faith, new life in Christ, and the reconciling work of the Holy Spirit bringing us closer to God.

THE HERITAGE CLASS meets at 9:15 am Sunday mornings on the 3rd floor in room 307. December, January, and February's study is Faith That Glorifies God. Participants explore the deeper meaning found in the Bible and seek to unlock its wisdom through fellowship and robust group discussion. The aim is to make the Bible relevant and applicable to daily life. 

THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Gathers at 9:15 on the First Sunday of the month in the Women's Ministry Room.

Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our giving link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated. You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church, 206 N. Travis Street. Seguin, Texas 78155

Access Online Giving Here

Year to Date Giving comparison:

Jan 1- Feb 13, 2024

 Church Offering Receipts: $ 69,113.32

Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 50,086.20

Operating Expenses: $ 39,428.02 *

* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts

Jan 1- Feb 13, 2023

Church Offering Receipts: $  64,393.93

Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 48,809.52

Operating Expenses: $ 40,443.51 *

* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts


Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible. We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is also accessible via email.

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