Because Lutherans care for those who care. Last Friday Pastor Marcus joined representatives from Faith Lutheran, Spirit of Joy Lutheran, St. Andrew's Episcopal, and First Baptist churches at the Seguin ISD Convocation 2023. They handed out goodie bags prepared by our Outreach and Service Team to appreciative faculty and staff. What a great way to start off a new year by supporting the people who love our children! We are better together. | |
9:15 on the Church Lawn
Come one, come all! We will be celebrating the new Sunday School year for all age groups! We will have a bounce house and lots more! Information about plans for the new Sunday School year will be shared!
Volunteers can sign up on the narthex or online here.
CAKES and SODAS are also being collected for the Cake Walk and Ring Toss. Please let Vicar Jordana know if you can bring a homemade or store bought cake, and/or 20 oz. bottles of soda or sport drink.
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Calling all 6th - 8th Graders!
Sunday, August 27 at 1pm
We will continue our partnership with Spirit of Joy and will rotate locations monthly. Calendars are posted here. This year's Old Testament studies will certainly be exciting, and much less formal than the picture here from 1933!
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CLASS OF 2011!
Thank you Cindy Pique for submitting a missing Confirmation photo for the Emanuel's archives. Anyone have the entire group shot? We are still in need of pictures from 2010-2017, 1996, 1992-1994, 1989, and 1988, 1951, 1945-1948.
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Join us in the Sanctuary at 10am August 20th for our final Summer Choir rehearsal of the year. If you had fun this summer singing with us, please consider joining the Jubilation Singers. Contact Director of Music Thomas Engler. | |
Monday, August 21 at 6:30pm
Women’s Ministry Room
All of Emanuel’s Ministry Teams gather on a single evening each month to collaborate, plan, and schedule upcoming events and ministry projects. Council Members act as team leaders/coordinators, but Ministry Teams are open to, and run by, everyone in the congregation.
Final planning for GWOH Sunday will take place this evening. Please join us!
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Gather in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am
for a morning of service before worship.
There will be plenty of outdoor and
indoor activities for all ages and abilities.
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Sunday, August 27
Family Life Center
Discussions focus on how our journey through grief affects us, our daily lives, and how we can help ourselves as we grieve. Emanuel's Bereavement Care Coordinator Donna Simmons will facilitate this monthly program.
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Freshly baked coffee cakes available
Tuesday, September 28 after 2pm!
The Ladies Aid members are baking their famous Coffee Cakes on Tuesday, September 28. You may contact a Ladies Aid Member or call Sherry in the Church Office at 830-379-5046 for more information. Coffee Cakes can be picked up on the baking day after 2PM.
The price is $7.50 each -- Apple, Peach, and Streusel. As you all know, with the cost of groceries going up every day, our price had to increase. We all are excited about the new kitchen.
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ALSO, the Emanuel's Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Cookbooks are here. The ladies will be selling them in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.. The price is $12.00. It is time to start thinking about Christmas gifts--stocking stuffers. Everyone loves church cookbooks. | |
Saturday, September 16
Max Starke Park Playground next to ball fields
Hotdogs, hamburgers, and fixings will be provided. Our Education Team invites you to bring your own chairs, drinks, and anything you might need to keep yourself cool. We hope to see a bunch of you out under the Pecan trees!
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Children's Sunday School is on a break in August and leaders prepare for ... | |
CHILDREN'S CHURCH begins September 3 for our PK to 5th grade learners. During worship the Vicars will lead students to designated classrooms, just down the hall from the sanctuary, as we begin the "Gathering Hymn" and then guide them back as we "Share the Peace." We hope you will make this a part of your family's weekly worship rhythm! | |
3RD GRADE BIBLE CLASS & PRESENTATION is offered Sunday, September 17 at 9am in the Family Life Center. Pastor Marcus offers a brief overview of the Bible, its testaments, and its history. Each student will be presented with their own Bible, along with book tabs to mark each books' beginning, as well as a personalized name plate. During the worship service that follows, the Bibles are blessed and presented by each student’s parents or guardians. RSVP to Pastor Marcus by September 8th. | |
THE HERITAGE CLASS meets at 9:15 am Sunday mornings on the 3rd floor in room 307. Participants explore the deeper meaning found in the Bible and seek to unlock its wisdom through fellowship and robust group discussion. The aim is to make the Bible relevant and applicable to daily life.
THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Gathers at 9:15 on the First Sunday of the month in the Women's Ministry Room.
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Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our giving link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated. You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church, 206 N. Travis Street. Seguin, Texas 78155 | |
Year to Date Giving comparison:
Jan 1 - Aug 15, 2023
Church Offering Receipts: $ 274,425.90
Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 249,462.34
Operating Expenses: $ 267,944.67 *
* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts
Jan 1- Aug 15, 2022
Church Offering Receipts: $ 262,071.81
Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 280,645.16
Operating Expenses: $ 303,095.49 *
* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts
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Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible. We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is also accessible via email. | |
Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event below or to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.
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