
Weekly News

July 19, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

This Sunday

Summer Worship Schedule

Special Thanks

Sunday Suppers Update

Movie Screening: Where Olive Trees Weep

Toward Our Shared Future

In Remembrance: Sidney Smith


This Sunday

We will join with our downtown Halifax sister churches again, this week at Saint Matthew's on Barrington Street. We will worship at Saint Matthew's for the next three Sundays as three different lay leaders of the church share the weekly sermon. The sanctuary is accessible. We look forward to continuing to worship with you this summer!

At Saint Andrew's the work of the church continues all summer. We have spaces to reorganize, rental contracts to send to the many groups who call Saint Andrew's home, and programs to prepare for our return in September. Sunday Suppers continues every week and can always use your help.


Upcoming Services

you won't want to miss

Sunday Worship with Fort Massey and Saint Matthew's United Churches

July 28, Aug 4 and 11 Saint Matthew’s United Church

Aug 18, 25 and Sept 1 Fort Massey United Church

Sept 8 Return to the regular

Sunday School

Sunday School is on a bi-weekly schedule 

Aug 4   Sunday School at Saint Matthew’s

Aug 18 Sunday School at Fort Massey

Sept 8  Return to the regular

Wednesday Contemplative Service

The Contemplative Service has paused for summer. 

Sept 11 Return to the regular   


Sunday Suppers needs your help!

There has been a substantial increase in need in our city. Sunday Suppers served +17.5% more guests in the first half of 2024. Volunteers are needed to serve and to cook.

Please contact us in the church office or come on Sunday afternoon and lend a hand. Groups can also come but we ask that you give advance notice to the Sunday Supper team.

There will be a viewing of the film, “Where Olive Trees Weep,” at Saint Andrew’s this Sunday, July 28th at 7pm.

“Where Olive Trees Weep” offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.

We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work.

You can can register to come, or just drop in.

For the most recent updates about exploring our shared future with Fort Massey and Saint Matthew's, please visit our website here.

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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

Contact & Newsletter Submissions

(902) 422-3157

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