Weekly Programming

  • Commissioning of lay ministry leaders
  • Godly Play during 9:30 service
  • Sunday's Forum - Justice Collaborative
  • Nursery Staff

Community Events

  • Justice Collaborative
  • Mill City String Quartet
  • Halloween Gift Bags
  • Legacy of Racial Covenants
  • Interfaith Thanksgiving Service


  • Loaves and Fishes

Announcements and Reports

  • Office Administrator
  • Giving Campaign Update
  • All Saints Sunday
  • Fall Cleanup
  • Bridge Club
  • Mah Jongg Group
  • Upcoming Community Forums

Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?

Send it to before 9:00am on Tuesday to be featured.

Shalom and Salaam, let us stand in prayerful solidarity

with the people of the Holy Land.

Mary of Nazareth, who is both Jewish and Palestinian, extend your mantle of mercy over all the peoples of the Holy Land -- Jews, Muslims, Christians, Palestinians, Israelis, migrants, and refugees.

Mother of the Messiah, show us how to be instruments of healing and peace in the midst of war, occupation, terrorism, and divisions. Give us an embracing love for all in the Holy Land, especially hostages, innocent victims, the homeless, and the dying. We pray this in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

--Stephen J. Binz

Weekly Programming

Church this Sunday

This Sunday, October 15

Worship at 8 and 9:30

Commissioning of lay ministry leaders

Godly Play during 9:30 service

This Sunday's Community Forum


Daniel Romero and Priscilla Hagerman: "Asylees, Refugees and the Undocumented: developing a compassionate and just welcome for our neighbors." See more detail below.

If you would like an electronic copy of this year's Ministry Guide, click here here 

We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.

Blessing of the Trees

Last week's service ended with a procession out to the West Lawn where the new trees were blessed. Parishioners also helped spread mulch to help protect the trees over the winter. Thanks to Ann Carda for the great photos!

Blessing of the Animals

Last Sunday afternoon, people brought live pets, stuffed animals, and photos for the Blessing of the Animals service. Thanks to Anna Belz-Brock for the photos!

Children and Youth Ministry

Children’s Ministry

This Sunday we will have Godly Play during the 9:30 service. During the forum time, we will have more Godly Play time, allowing children to explore and work with the stories. 

Youth Ministry 

No youth group on October 18th. Happy MEA break! And happy DYE weekend to those who are attending! We will meet again on Wednesday, October 25th for LIFT and a community service project. See more details under the ‘Community Events’ section. 

THANK YOU to Anne and Mari for hosting us for a magical fall bonfire last week!

Please fill out a registration form for your child if you haven’t already! Also, please submit your interest for ‘These are Our Bodies: Talking Faith and Sexuality at Church and Home’ by checking the box on the form, or emailing We need to know who would be interested so we can create classes! Deadline to submit interest is October 20th.

Now Hiring Nursery Staff

We are reopening the nursery on Sunday mornings, and the application to work in the nursery is now live. Minimum age requirement is 14 years old. This is a paid position, or it can count as volunteer hours.

See the Job Description Here and the Application Here. If you prefer a printed copy, grab one outside the Children and Youth Ministry office.

Deadline to apply is October 31st. We hope to have the nursery open during the 9:30 service and forum time, starting December 3rd. Nursery staff training day will be Saturday, December 2nd.

Please submit applications via email to and or mail/drop off applications to the church office in an envelope addressed to Katherine Lewis and Anna Belz-Brock.

Community Events

Justice Collaborative

On Sunday, October 15 at 10:45AM in the Undercroft, the Justice Collaborative is hosting a presentation by Daniel Romero and Priscilla Hagerman called, "Asylees, Refugees and the Undocumented: developing a compassionate and just welcome for our neighbors." 

Rev. Daniel Romero, an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), is First Nation Pueblo, indigenous Aztec, and Spanish. Daniel currently serves as the Immigration Legal Services Consortium Coordinator for the Minnesota Council of Churches and as a Community Minister who works with refugees, asylees and with undocumented communities. 

Priscilla Hagerman is a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota and serves as an AmeriCorps Legal Services Navigator with Minnesota Council of Churches – Refugee Services. She works on the Immigration Legal Services team at MCC and assists with applications for work permits, green cards, and citizenship. 


Huldah Niles, Chair, Justice Collaborative

Mill City String Quartet

Modern Start Epic Finish

Saturday, October 21, 3pm

St. David's Sanctuary

Mill City String Quartet is bringing you the music of Bruce A. Russell (Madra), Caroline Shaw (Plan and Elevation), and Maurice Ravel (String Quartet in F Major). Come hear some amazing living composers followed by one of the most epic string quartets of all time! All donations go to support St. David’s Episcopal church and its ministries.

Community Dinner and Service Project

Halloween Gift Bags for Avenues for Youth

Parish-Wide Service Project - Wednesday, October 25th

6:30pm in the St. David’s Undercroft

Avenues for Youth is an organization that provides aid to Minnesota youth that find themselves unhoused. Avenues programs not only provide safe shelter and housing options for youth, but holistic supports to meet a youth's mental, physical, and life-long goals. Their programs support youth in Minnesota who are 16-24 years old, and their children, who are experiencing homelessness.

On Halloween, like all holidays, Avenues for Youth tries to make their shelters fun and festive. We can help by assembling 100 special goody bags filled with an assortment of candy alongside a note card for a young person that includes a life affirming message. So don your Halloween costume, bring a bag of Halloween candy, and help us spread some joy. Dinner will be provided beforehand from 5:30-6:30pm. 

Legacy of Racial Covenants

The Legacy of Racial Covenants:

The Enduring Impact on Twin Cities Area Housing

Saturday, November 18, 3-5pm

Luther Seminary, Olson Campus Center, 2481 Como Avenue, St. Paul

Although the overt practice of Racial Covenants that excluded home ownership based on race ended decades ago, its impact can still be seen today in the housing configuration of neighborhoods across the Twin Cities. 

The Community Conversations project will share the status of such covenants, the negative impact they have on communities today, and what’s being done to address these issues. Hear from the University of Minnesota’s ‘Mapping Prejudice’ & St. Catherine’s ‘Welcoming Dear Neighbor?’ projects to learn what’s happening across the Twin Cities.

This is a part of the ongoing Community Conversation series hosted by the Ecumenical Consortium, made up of Holy Trinity, St. Paul; St. Matthew's, St. Paul; Hamline Church, and Luther Seminary.

Register here

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving Hospitality Helpers Needed!

This year we have the honor of hosting the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving service, to be held the evening of Sunday, November 19th. Katherine is working with the collaborating congregation's senior clergy to plan the service: Pastor David Landt from the Mills Church, Rabbi David Locketz from Bet Shalom Congregation, and Rev. Zoe Kuester from Spirit of Peace Community.  

We need your help! Our specific needs:

--providing a light supper for the joint choirs before they rehearse

--providing refreshments after the service, including setting up, serving and cleaning

--one person (or a team of 2) to oversee the evening's hospitality

The schedule that evening:

5:30-choirs gather for a light meal

6:00-choir rehearsal

7:00-service, followed by a reception

Please email to volunteer.  

Thank you!


Loaves and Fishes

Four Volunteers are needed for each date. Two for cooking with the L&F coordinator from 3:00-5:00 and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30. 


Upcoming dates:

  • October 23
  • October 31
  • November 14


Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at

See the May 25th weekly news for full update.

Announcements and Reports

Office Administrator: Receiving Applications

Now Hiring: Office Administrator at St. David's

We are now receiving applications for the role of Office Administrator, a key position that keeps our mission and ministries alive and thriving. The new Office Administrator will work in the office, 25-30 hours per week. Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to A link to the job description can be found here

Thank you, Vida Edmond, for filling in as our interim office administrator during this time of transition! Note: applicants must not be members of the congregation.

Please spread the word through your connections and networks!

Giving Campaign

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17:8

St. David’s Giving Campaign Update

Our annual Giving Campaign kicked off on Sunday, October 8. The campaign will run from October 8 through November 5 when we will celebrate the end of the campaign and All Saints Day. The theme this year is “Rooted in Abundance” which is based on scripture from Jeremiah 17:8. As a parish with deep roots in Minnetonka and many dedicated and active parishioners, this theme provides us the opportunity to reflect on how our roots have shaped us and how this supports the continued growth of our parish. 


As a symbol of our roots here at St. David’s, 3 new trees: 2 gingkoes and 1 hackberry were planted 2 weeks ago. They were blessed by Katherine and mulched by congregation members after our 9:30 service last Sunday. They have been planted near the site of our beloved Oak tree that had to be removed last year. The roots from that tree are still underground and will nurture the roots that will grow from our new trees.


It is too soon to report to you on campaign progress but we will be keeping you posted in the coming weeks. We ask for your prayers for a successful Giving Campaign and your participation as you are able. 


Cathy Schwichtenberg

Treasurer, St David’s Episcopal Church

All Saints Sunday

The Book of the Names of the Dead

At the 9:30 service on All Saints Sunday, November 5, we will read the Necrology, a listing of those we love who have died. It is fitting to do this on the day we celebrate the communion of saints, the mystical connection between the living and the dead.

We invite you to place the names of those you would like remembered in the Book of the Names of the Dead, located in the All Saints Columbarium Chapel.


In addition, we will continue our tradition of honoring those parishioners from St. David's who have died over the course of the last year. This honoring will take place with a special display in the Columbarium All Saints' Chapel on November 5.  

Fall Cleanup

Leaf Raking and Fall Cleanup

Do you like to rake leaves? Even if you don't like to, St. David's Building and Grounds needs your help on Saturday, November 4 at 9:00 a.m. We have leaves to rake and there are a few tasks to complete inside the Church.


Coffee and doughnuts will be served in the Undercroft! Everyone is welcome. 

Bridge Club

The Bridge Group plays on the third Friday of each month except December between now and May. We play in the Conference Room starting at 6:30.


If you are interested in joining the group, please email Susan Taylor at

Mah Jongg

The Mah Jongg group meets on the first and third Tuesday afternoons of each month in the Community Room. We play from 1:30 to about 3:30.

If you are interested in joining the group, please email Susan Taylor at

Upcoming Community Forums


October 15 - Justice Collaborative: The Rev. Daniel Romero, Immigration

October 22 - Social Time (MEA)

October 29 - State of the Vestry

November 5 - Giving Campaign Celebration

November 12 - Safety and Security in our Church, The Rev. Tim Kingsley

November 19 - Community Conversation

November 26 - Social Time (Thanksgiving Weekend)

Saturday Morning Prayer at St. David's 7:45 AM
Monday Morning Meditation at Oratory Room 9:00 AM
Tuesday Bible Study at 11:00 AM
Compline held each night at 8:00 PM
What else is going on at St. David's?

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.

Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
To add someone to the prayers, please contact the office:

We will include all individuals in the prayers list for four consecutive weeks, and then they will be removed from the list. If the prayer need is ongoing, please reach out and we will keep their names on the list. If anyone's prayer need is shorter than four weeks, please also note that. This way we will keep all prayer lists updated and recent.

Prayers and Passages

We pray for healing of body, mind or spirit for those we love, especially Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Mama Ada, Patsy Beck, Ron Brown, Kelly Casey, Mark Enos (friend of Keith Gause), Evan (friend of Peter Handley), Jeff and Julie Faulkner (friends of Di Marshall and Pat Greene), Frank, Jeff Harnden and family (friend of Patty and Cliff Crockford), Martha Hatcher, Denny Johnson, Bob Lamond, June Lezon (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), George Mashek (father of Steph Pederson), Josie Meyer and family (friend of the Handley-Jurkovich family), David Niles, David Pearson, Margaret Prescott (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Jean Scheu, Madeline Stewart (niece of Judy Roggow), Ben Stratton (son of Monica and Roger Stratton), Mike Tapper, Xang Vang (father of Friendly Vang Johnson), and the residents of Hope Springs.

We pray for the people of Israel and Gaza and Ukraine and all impacted by war and strife. We pray for all affected by gun violence, tornadoes, earthquakes and other disasters.

We pray for all who have died, especially in Gaza and Israel.

We pray in thanksgiving for all the blessings of this life.

For the world and its leaders, our nation and its people. 

We pray for all who have been born.

We pray for an end to racism and all systems of oppression.


We pray for those serving in the military, Will Culliton, Aprille Lopac, and Sam Mulvaney (fiance of Aprille Lopac).

COVID-19 Resources Available

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here


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