Because Lutherans connect (pt. 2). Emanuel's hosted Guadalupe County Church Women United for World Day of Prayer on March 1st. Gatherings on this day united women in 170 countries in prayer and Christian unity. Praying and acting together creates and strengthens community between people near and far. Stay tuned for their next celebration, May Friendship Day. We are better together.

📸 Gayle S.


Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

In-person, online on YouTube, and on radio KWED AM 1580.

March 17, 2024 Worship Bulletin 

Welcome to Worship Andrew and Ross

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Andrew McAllister, Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Believe It Foundation (an Eggapalooza partner!), and Ross Ormond, a partner and managing director for Offenhauser & Co. Insurance, are the first duo running team to compete in the San Antonio Marathon. A Duo Team is comprised of a runner pushing a non-ambulatory person with a permanent physical impairment in a customized racing wheelchair. They have shattered records around the globe as they seek to be the first duo team to complete all six Abbott World Major Marathons. Their story, started first in a men's Bible study class over 12 years ago, is beyond inspiring. You will not want to miss this incredible Sunday!

Palm Sunday | March 24 at 10:30 am

Worship begins outside the church on the steps.

Maundy Thursday | March 28 at 6:30 pm

Worship and First Communion

Good Friday | March 29 at 6:30 pm

Worship at Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, 416 Dolle Ave.

Easter Sunday | March 31 at 7am and 10:30 am

Sunrise service, with Spirit of Joy, at 7am outside under Emanuel’s oak, followed by breakfast, worship at 10:30, then an egg hunt on the lawn. 



It's time for a new Pictorial Directory!

Our dates of photography are May 15 - 18

Just for participating you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and a church directory. You will view your images right away and have the chance to purchase family portraits for your own memories and to give as gifts.

You can make an appointment in the narthex on Sunday mornings or, even quicker and easier, by clicking the link below. Our Church Code is tx455 and the Password is photos. We look forward to seeing you there!

Schedule your Photo Session here 



Wednesdays, February 21 through March 20

Please join us in the Women's Ministry Room at 5:30 pm for a light supper before Evening Worship, "A Wandering Heart" Lenten series focused on the life and faith of Peter with Holden Evening Prayer liturgy. 

In our "A Wandering Heart" Lenten study from A Sanctified Art, we are invited to look for ourselves in the stepping stones of Peter’s story. We will reflect on the stages of our own faith journeys as well as who and what has shaped us along the way, letting our hearts sing of God’s grace and rest in streams of mercy, never ceasing. Make sure to see the progression of the beautiful art installation on the 2nd floor, just past the chapel door, as it develops throughout the Lenten season.

Our 2nd annual community wide EGGAPALOOZA is Saturday, March 30 and we are back at TLU Bulldog Stadium! Gates open at 8:30am. The egg hunt is free and open to everyone, of all abilities, from ages 2 to 12 years old. Invite your friends, your neighbors, your family, or someone who just looks like they would have fun at an egg hunt and help us have the biggest and best egg hunt in Seguin to date! Check out pictures from Eggapalooza 2023 here.

Volunteers sign up in the narthex, church office, or by the link below.

Church Volunteer Sign Up Here

đź‘Ť Like the Eggapalooza Facebook Event Page for updates and to follow the caper of Zig Zag and our "missing eggs." Will the Easter Bunny find them in time for our big event? It's a madcap adventure you won't want to miss.

Emanuel's will welcome Easter with beautiful lilies at our 10:30 worship service. You may donate Easter lilies as you rejoice the season, or in memory or honor of loved ones. Plants may be taken home following the service on Sunday, March 31.

Return forms (available in the narthex, church office, and the link below) by March 18. Checks payable to Emanuel's Lutheran Church, memo: Lilies. Online payments may be made here.

Download Easter Lily Form Here

Rev. Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones Returns-and he's bringing the Gospel of Mark

All are invited to TLU’s Chapel of the Abiding Presence at 7 p.m. on March 21, when Ruge-Jones will share the Gospel of Mark—the earliest of the witnesses of Christ’s life, ministry, death, and resurrection—the way it was shared almost two thousand years ago, which is, as Cain puts it, “an internalized story that is as much a part of the teller as it is now a part of the written compilation of works known to so many as the Holy Bible.”

Read More

BECAUSE LUTHERANS CARE. Emanuel's Congregation Council Council, Property Stewards, Safety Team, and staff renewed their CPR/AED and First Aid Training on Saturday. Thanks to Nick from “When Seconds Count CPR” for doing our training. We are better together.

📸 Pastor Marcus


March 10, 17 & 24

All 5th grade and older youth who have not participated in the class are invited. We will gather for study, fellowship, and bake the bread used for Holy Communion at the Maundy Thursday service. At this service, Thursday, March 28 at 7pm, 1st Communion students and their families will celebrate the Meal together. Please reach out to Pastor Marcus to get your youth on the list for this year’s classes.


March 31 from 8am - 10am

Everyone is invited to stop by the Fellowship Hall from 8:00 - 10:00am on Easter morning to enjoy the savory servings and take a little break from the day's festive activities.

Sign-up sheets to bring food and volunteer to serve and clean-up are in the Narthex. Coordinated by the Congregational Care Team.


Join other caregivers over a cup of coffee and refreshments. Share with others who understand and care. We are meeting at Spirit of Joy the first Thursdays of each month at 9am and also at Emanuel's Lutheran Church the third Sunday of each month at 2pm. For more information contact Donna Simmons at 830 556 3542.




CHILDREN'S CHURCH will return January 14 for our PK to 5th grade learners meets each Sunday. During worship the Vicars will lead students to designated classrooms, just down the hall from the sanctuary, as we begin the "Gathering Hymn" and then guide them back as we "Share the Peace." We hope you will make this a part of your family's weekly worship rhythm!

THE COMPASS COOPERATIVE is a weekly gathering on Sundays @6pm for 6th to 12th grade students, hosted by our four church partners - Emanuel's, St. Andrew's, Spirit of Joy, and Friedens Church- and held on Spirit of Joy's campus. We eat, worship, play games, and enjoy each other's company.


THE HERITAGE CLASS meets at 9:15 am Sunday mornings on the 3rd floor in room 307. December, January, and February's study is Faith That Glorifies God. Participants explore the deeper meaning found in the Bible and seek to unlock its wisdom through fellowship and robust group discussion. The aim is to make the Bible relevant and applicable to daily life. 

THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Gathers at 9:15 on the First Sunday of the month in the Women's Ministry Room.

RepLENTance (Family Life Center): 9:00am. February 18 – March 24. A deeper look at Lent and what it teaches us about repentance, faith, new life in Christ, and the reconciling work of the Holy Spirit bringing us closer to God.

Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our giving link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated. You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church, 206 N. Travis Street. Seguin, Texas 78155

Access Online Giving Here

Year to Date Giving comparison:

Jan 1- March 12, 2024

 Church Offering Receipts: $ 93,809.78

Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 82,553.76

Operating Expenses: $ 79,860.65 *

* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts

Jan 1- March 12, 2023

Church Offering Receipts: $ 92,134.37

Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 79,569.88

Operating Expenses: $ 78,754.37 *

* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts



Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible. We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is also accessible via email.

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Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event below or to by 5pm on Mondays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.

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