
Weekly News

July 12, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

This Sunday

Summer Worship Schedule

Pride Posters, Breakfast and Parade

Sunday School Family BBQ

Tents and Sleeping Bags Needed


Photo: Indigo Clarke Media

This Sunday

Last Sunday we shared peace, worship, and wonderful welcome with Saint Andrew’s, Fort Massey, and Saint Matthew’s all together.  This Sunday we share COMMUNION


The Saint Andrew’s Band is back with two great songs (you’ll be on your feet!). Susan offers a reflection on Babel (not babble ). And at the communion table, she and Rev. Shaun Fryday extend the invitation: 

God with be with you.

Lift up your hearts.

Let us give thanks to God.


Upcoming Services

you won't want to miss

Sunday Worship with Fort Massey and Saint Matthew's United Churches

July 21 Saint Andrew’s United Church

July 28, Aug 4 and 11 Saint Matthew’s United Church

Aug 18, 25 and Sept 1 Fort Massey United Church

Sept 8 Return to the regular

Sunday School

Sunday School is on a bi-weekly schedule 

July 21 Sunday School and Family BBQ after service at Saint Andrew's

Aug 4   Sunday School at Saint Matthew’s (to be confirmed)

Aug 21 Sunday School at Fort Massey

Sept 8  Return to the regular

Wednesday Contemplative Service

The Contemplative Service has paused for summer. 

Sept 11  Return to the regular   


Family BBQ Next Sunday!

We welcome our Saint Andrew's, Saint Matthew's and Fort Massey, and other visiting families to stay for a BBQ with music and games. We will meet in the Courtyard after the service.

Please email the Sunday School if you have any questions!

We are so thankful for the six tents already donated. We even received a gift card in the mail from a friend of Saint Andrew's Church who lives in Quebec and saw our social media posts asking for tents. What a wonderful community!

Donations of clean and gently used or new tents and sleeping bags are needed for our city's unhoused people. We receive requests for them regularly. Items may be dropped off during church office hours or next Sunday morning.

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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

Contact & Newsletter Submissions

(902) 422-3157

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