
Weekly News

May 3, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

This Sunday

How Many Reverends does it take...

News from Sunday Suppers

News from our Community!

Upcoming Shows

Last Week at St. Andrew's

May is PAR Month


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst. Not defeated... blessed.  Not exhausted... blessed. Not forgotten... blessed.  Wouldn’t it be amazing if ...?

This Sunday, Jesus’ teaching and Bruce Cockburn’s lyrics help us work on that last sentence, because yes, that would be amazing if it were really true. And while we contemplate the possibility, communion, prayer, and fellowship help us work on ourselves, and the hunger and thirst we all bring into worship.


See you Sunday.  And Wednesday too, for our mid-week contemplative service. 

Wednesdays Contemplative Service, 6:00 – 6:30  

For mid-week peace and connection.


Mark your calendars!

Starting May 23rd, join us for a four-week exploration of what it means to belong to Saint Andrew's. Church is changing - what does that mean for each of us?

Ok, but what are you doing?

Each week starts with sharing a meal, breaking bread as we have for generations. This is followed by a bit of teaching and deep discussion. Discussion so deep we needed three ministers to help us through it!

Alright, but I've been part of Saint Andrew's for a long time.

This isn't just for new faces (though we hope to see some!). Church is evolving, and this is a great way to explore what we're all about. Whether you're a life-long congregant or stepped foot in Saint Andrew's for the first time last month, this is for you.

How do I get involved?

Drop us a note at so we can have food ready for you when you drop by at 6:00 PM on May 23rd. The group will be meeting in the Mary Holmes room.

Hope to see you there!


Last Sunday, the Suppers restarted a popular tradition - Birthday Sunday. The last Sunday of each month we have birthday cake, sing Happy Birthday and celebrate everyone who had a birthday that month.

We have had men cry while we sing as it is the first time anyone has ever celebrated their birthday. Last week, we celebrated a very proud 82 year old guest.

Our university student volunteers are gone for the summer, so we are short of volunteers. Please join us for one Sunday. 


We had a 13% increase in guests from March 2023 to 2024. Three weeks ago, we handed out 4 sleeping bags to people who were newly homeless, or had their belongings stolen.

Our ability to meet the increasing needs depends on donations of time, food or money. We are currently looking for inexpensive rain ponchos and large bottles of shampoo or body wash. They can be dropped off at the church.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact or reach us at the church office.

Thank you!


Affirm Committee

This past December, after several months of discernment and education, Saint Andrew's was official recognized as an Affirming church!

As part of the commitment to be Public, Intentional, and Explicit in our support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, an Affirm Committee has been formed to continue looking for ways to welcome and include members of the community in all we do.

If you'd like to get involved, the next meeting of the Affirm Committee is on 8 May, at 1:30pm in the Mary Holmes room.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday School

Welcome to St. Andrew’s Sunday School. We are an all inclusive program for all ages! Our program is filled with laughter and learning. Click or tap the button below to go to our sign-up app - anyone is welcome to join. 

We hope to see you next Sunday.

Sign up Here!

The Welcome Project

What's the first thing you do when you get to church on Sundays? Grab your name tag, right? And there's always a smiling face there to welcome you!

The Greeting Committee is looking for volunteers to help all those who come to worship feel comfortable and welcome. You can brighten someone's day!

Click Here to Get Involved!

From the Office

Are you the key to our problem?

The office has been hard at work cleaning up for spring and realized we're running low on keys for our renters.

Do you have a church key lying around that you aren't using anymore? Please drop it off at the office, or leave it in our mail slot at the Coburg Road entrance!

We appreciate it!


Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra - Dvořák

at the Movies

5 May - 4:00 PM

Join the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra musicians as they perform classic themes from film favourites, alongside the iconic Dvořák “New World” Symphony!

For more information on the performance, click here!

Choirs for Change

11 May - 7:30 PM

12 May - 3:00 PM

Jumping off of the passion they had singing about workers' rights in the fall, Choirs for Change will be sharing music this spring focused on the labour that women and afab folks do to support themselves and those around them.

The repertoire will include pieces by Paris Paloma, Laura Mvula, Kate Bush, and more. More details to come!

Get all the details by clicking here.


Just in case you missed it, our 2024 - 2025 "The Stage at Saint Andrew's" concert season was announced this week! Four exciting series that featuring great artists right here at home. Here's a quick breakdown:

Rising Tide

Friday nights (goodbye Mondays), artists from every province in Atlantic Canada, and still steering the ship Leona Burkey (host). A series where we listen to great music and great chats unique to under-represented artists.

Climate Declares Emergency

You know, the folks that got us our cool new bike rack?

Our yearly Climate Concert in collaboration with Music Declares Emergency will be this October!

The Holiday Show

Meaghan Smith and the Snow Buddies will be back to raise money for Feed Nova Scotia and spread some holiday cheer!

Sunday Sessions

Our new artists-in-residence George Woodhouse and Freya Milliken. In the months of January and February, matinee shows will be put on in partnership with The Stage at Saint Andrews and Fort Massey - all in support of tackling food insecurity!

Under-represented artists, climate action, Feed Nova Scotia, and Sunday Suppers - these are performances with an impact!

There's lot's of news to come on all of these performances. To stay in the loop, keep your eyes on The Stage at Saint Andrew's social media accounts by clicking below:

Facebook        Instagram


On Sunday April 28th, members of Saint Andrews joined the many groups around the world and across the country who have been praying and calling for a just peace through Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages as they walked together around the Commons Park in Halifax.

We especially focused on the children of Gaza who continue to suffer greatly in what has been called a 'war against children'. On Sunday, 49 of us walked in prayerful solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Thanks to Bill Chambre's calculations, the estimated total distance walked by our entire group was 159 km. It was more than the length of Gaza; it was equal to the circumference of Gaza. 

We sent a letter to the MP of Halifax urging our federal government to support and take action for our calls:

  1. An enduring and Sustained Ceasefire.  
  2. The immediate flow of life saving food, water, aid, fuel and humanitarian assistance. 
  3. The release of all hostages – both the Israeli hostages held by Hamas – and the Palestinian hostages held in the Israeli prison system.  
  4. The end of occupation so a just-peace can begin.  


We thank all of you who were with us on this Pilgrimage either in person or as you kept us and Palestinians in Gaza in your heart and mind wherever you were. 

We thank KAIROS and Development and Peace for co-hosting this event and pray that a sustained ceasefire, justice, and peace may soon come for all Palestinians as well as Israelis. 

We continue to pray and to work for a just peace for all. 

Linda Scherzinger

There's always something happening at St. Andrew's!


It's no secret - you make Saint Andrew's happen!

Without the generous support of our community, all of the amazing things going on here (like everything in this newsletter!) just wouldn't be possible.

Like many charities, the rising costs of simple things like heat and electricity have made it hard for us to keep up.

This PAR month, please consider signing up or upgrading your existing contribution. PAR is a great way to ensure you're supporting us each month.

Help us keep things par for the course!

For more information on the Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) program, or to update your information, please reach us at or call (902) 422-3157. Thanks!

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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Contemplative Service Wednesdays 6:00pm

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

Contact Us

(902) 422-3157

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