Weekly Programming
- This Sunday
- Children and Youth Ministry
Community Events
- Wonder Women Happy Hour - August 26
- International Potluck - August 11
- Creekside Baptism - August 13
- Faithful Innovations
- In Memory of Amara
- Back to School Supply Drive
- Loaves and Fishes
- Beacon Youth Resident Move-In
Announcements and Reports
- Help needed this weekend!
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to office@stdavidsparish.org before 9:00am on Tuesday to be featured.
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One 9:30 Service of Holy Eucharist & Baptism
Minnehaha Creek
See more info including parking under 'Community Events'
Click Here to view Sunday's Bulletin
We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.
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Children and Youth Ministry | |
Asking big questions is how we learn about others, ourselves, God, and the world around us. This year, I really hope to focus on kids' questions and let them guide our learning in both Children's Time, and Youth Group.
Parents, grandparents, and other grownups - this can start at home! Check out this podcast: Ask Away Podcast with Meredith Miller
Meredith Miller is "a pastor and parent who helps grownups, and the kids they love, engage with the Bible and faith in ways that are life-giving, fun, and a fit for their real lives." Meredith hosts the podcast along with her own kids, and has a special time at the end where kids can send in their own questions!
This podcast is a great way to learn about Bible stories, hear other kids ask big questions, and invite your child to ask questions and reflect on what God might be saying to us through these stories. And you can just plug in and listen on the way to school or before bed!
Listen along with me to Ask Away Podcast. I'm curious to hear your questions!
-Anna Belz-Brock
Children and Youth Minister
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This month's gathering is rescheduled to August 24th!
Please join us for drinks & appetizers and a time to socialize. Plan to bring an appetizer or snack to share and if you have a favorite drink, that too. Beer/Wine/non-alcoholic options will be provided. We hope to see you this summer!
Ann Carda's house:
1806 Jersey Ave S
St Louis Park, MN 55426
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International Potluck - August 11 | |
Share a favorite dish that reflects where you came from!
This is our biggest fund-raising event for 2023.
Proceeds will go to supporting St. David’s ministry and outreach programs.
Bring your friends, your credit card and something tasty to share.
Check out Johnson & Drake at https://www.johnsonanddrake.com
Sign up sheets are located in the Narthex & Undercroft.
Questions? Contact Karin Lindquist: Lindquist.karin@hotmail.com
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Creekside Baptisms - August 13 | |
Shall We Gather at the River....
Some details:
--bring a chair or blanket to sit on, if you are able (we will have some chairs available).
--wear water shoes if you wish to wade in the water! We'll also have creek water in a basin for those who wish to dip their fingers in after we renew our baptismal vows.
--in case of rain, worship will be indoors at church. Be on the lookout for an early Sunday morning email or check updates on our website, www.stdavidsparish.org.
--Stick around after the service is done, as some fun will ensue with a visit from Jilly Beans Ice Cream Truck— each person may get one free ice cream treat!
--bring a friend!
Directions and Parking
--We'll be just east of Plymouth Road on Minnetonka Blvd and just west of the Dairy Queen, by the park gazebo.
--There's a lot of construction at the site, but it is still accessible.
--You may park in the main St. David's Center lot off of Plymouth Road or park at the church and walk down. We've been assured that the sidewalks along Minnetonka Blvd and Plymouth Rd will be accessible. For those needing to park closer, there are a limited number of spots on Bridge St. east of the park gazebo.
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Trail Magic--Take 2--Sunday August 27th
Join us after the church service on Sunday, August 27th down by the trail. Our second Faithful Innovation experiment back in July was cancelled due to the weather/dangerous air quality, so we plan to do it again before summer gets away from us. The first trail experiment was so much fun and rewarding, therefore we are anxious to get out there again!
All you need to do, show up and sit by the trail with us, offering up hydration, dog and human treats (ice pops), listening ears, and conversation to our neighbors passing by. Kids are most welcome to attend too!
We hope you will participate in this little hospitality experiment right here in our neighborhood! Questions, please contact me, Diane, at dcurley@stdavidsparish.org
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Back to School Supply Drive | |
Every August, St David’s parishioners donate school supplies (K-12) and/or cash to the organization Resource West, a division of ICA, helping families and children right here in our western suburbia neighborhoods. The need, as always, is great. Please place your donations in the marked boxes located in both the narthex and office entrance foyers. If you prefer, you may write a check to ICA (school supplies noted in memo line) and drop in the Sunday collection plate. A big THANK YOU to all at St David’s for your continued generosity. Questions, please contact Anne Monteith or the church office. | |
Four Volunteers are needed for each date. Two for cooking with the L&F coordinator from 3:00-5:00 and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30.
Upcoming dates
- August 28
- September 12
- September 25
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at bowen3@fastmail.com
See the May 25th weekly news for full update.
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Beacon Youth Resident Move-In | |
Donations Needed!
Did you know that in MN, almost a quarter of youth who experience homelessness identify as LGBTQ? Beacon's housing for homeless youth and our awesome service partners provide stability and community with great success - most youth moving on to independence in under 2 years.
One way you can show support and keep the spirit of Pride month going is by donating household items and supplies for residents moving into their new home, so they can "shop" to set up their household and feel at home after the trauma of homelessness.
Donations are urgently needed for Prior Crossing in St Paul where new residents are expected to move in THIS MONTH! Contact Fritz or Emily for more info on needed items or share this link to a Target registry!
It’s easy to order online from the registry and it will be delivered to Prior Crossing. The cost of items is minimal from $.50 to $25. If you can help out, please check out the registry link.
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Announcements and Reports | |
Help needed this weekend! | |
Volunteer Opportunities for the weekend of August 10 -13
Thursday, August 10 at 6:00 pm
Set up for the Potluck Fundraiser
3 pop up tents, tables and chairs
Saturday, August 12 at 3:00 pm
Take down tents, tables and chairs from the fundraiser
Load the truck with supplies needed for the Creekside Baptism service on Sunday, August 13
Sunday, August 13 at 8:30 am
Unload the truck at the creek near the gazebo Please meet at the creek
After the service load the truck with supplies from the service and unload the truck at Church.
Please let me know if you are available for any one or all of these opportunities as we need a team for each event.
Contact David Pearson 952-412-7668
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What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | |
COVID-19 Resources Available
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