Weekly News from St. James' Episcopal Church | Leesburg, Virginia

July 26, 2024


Sunday Worship

July 28 | The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist

View the service order

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

View the service order

Watch the Service Live on YouTube
Watch the Service Live on Facebook

Watch the service live at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning or at your leisure at a later time.

Children are always welcome in worship! If needed, Nursery care is available beginning at 8:45 a.m.

Wednesday Worship (July 31)

11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Summer Children's Chapel

For the summer, Children’s Chapel for ages 4 to 10 begins at 9:45am in the Parish Hall. If you arrive closer to the start of the service or even late, come on back! We will celebrate God’s love through scripture, hands on activities, and music before rejoining our families before Communion. Children age 3 may attend with a guardian. There will be no Children’s Sermon during the summer.

For your future planning:

July 28 is the final Sunday we will offer Summer Children's Chapel in 2024. We will resume with 'regular' Children's Chapel on August 18.

Christian Formation

Summer Camp at St. James' Update

August 12-16 from 9am to noon

We are full and registration is closed! We will always accept volunteers, so if you have a free day or a couple hours to give, please let Rev. Marybeth know via email

Blessing of the Backpacks and Teacher Commissioning

Sunday, August 18, during 10 a.m. Worship

All families and their friends and neighbors are invited to join us for a special Blessing of the Backpacks and Commissioning of our Preschool and Formation Teachers. Campers from VBS will also share a special musical moment.

Online Screening of The Philadelphia Eleven

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the ordinations of the first women priests in Philadelphia, we invite you to watch the film onlin and discover the untold story of eleven women who challenged the status quo. You can plan your own time to watch over the weekend from 12 p.m. EST on July 26th to 12 p.m. EST on July 30th.

Learn More & Get Tickets

Men's Service Ministry Book Study

All men of St. James are invited to join a weekly MSM meeting at 7 p.m. Mondays in the lower level of the Parish House.  The group is now studying the Gospel of John. For additional info or should you have questions, please email Mike Scott.

Opportunities to Serve

Sacred Soil Society - Come Join Us!

Even the warm weather didn't deter this hardy group. We're mostly on to maintenance now; weeding, raking, picking up stems, watering. No experience is needed! 

Work days:

  • July 31, 6:30 - 8 pm
  • August 5, 6:30 - 8 pm
  • August 17, 8 to 10 am
  • August 23, 6:30 to 8
  • August 29, 1 to 3 pm

We could use some help with watering several specific areas. Usually takes 25 minutes for any given area. If you'd like to help in this way, please email: pamelam1950@verizon.net.

Concerts for a Cause

Friday, July 26, 8 p.m. | Wednesday, July 31 7:30 p.m.

Emily Mason and several area church music ministries present two concerts to benefit the teen run non-profit, ‘Peers and Students Taking Action’. PASTA teens are trained to be great teachers, communicators, and leaders, and in turn teach kids in need in our community. Come enjoy a night of music, including Gershwin’s entire “Rhapsody in Blue,” and try pasta dishes from all over the world! Concerts are free, and a free-will donation will be taken up.

Learn more

Loudoun Hunger Relief Breakfast Food Drive

July 28-August 18

Beginning next Sunday, we will collect cereal, oatmeal, breakfast bars, etc. for Loudoun Hunger Relief. Please drop off all items in the designated bins located in the narthex on Sundays or at the church office Monday – Friday from July 29 – August 19. 

Community Garden Update

Everything is planted and growing nicely. There are huge crops of potatoes, tomatoes, squash, and peppers that will start being harvested in July. If your inner child still likes to play in the dirt, volunteers to help with the harvesting are greatly appreciated. Contact John Jennings at 804-387-4630 or call the Parish office at 703-777-1124.

Hard at work planting

Potatoes are up!

Creating Community

Parish Retreat at Shrine Mont

Friday, Sept. 20-Sunday, Sept. 22

Relax, spend time with your St. James’ family, and take advantage of opportunities for games, hiking, prayer labyrinths, and even salamander catching!

Want to join the planning committee? Contact Dottie Brannock.

Our goal is to ensure that every member of our congregation who wishes to participate in the retreat can do so. If the cost of the retreat presents a challenge, please contact Fr. Chad. Your request will be kept confidential.

Register today by clicking the button below, or find a paper form in the narthex.

Register by September 3

St. James' Preschool

St. James' Preschool

Providing children with a creative learning experience in a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance since 1972.

  • Registrations now open for age 2-PreK
  • Now hiring lead and assistant teachers!
Visit the Preschool Website

Parish Life

Garage Demolition Will Begin 7:00 am, Saturday, July 27

Our neighbors on North St will use our parking lot, as street parking will not be allowed that day.

There shouldn’t be any interruptions to our access to the parking lot, but be aware that there will be construction equipment in and around that area. Most of the work will be completed on Saturday, but the final grading with additional fill material will take place the first of next week. That area will then be seeded and mulched. For everyone's safety, the playground will be closed and will be off limits until the work is fully complete. Please feel free to contact Tony McGraw with any questions.

Treasurer's Update

We continue to perform better than our budget for 2024. As of the end of June, we are performing $55,156 better than budget. While that is not quite as positive as it was in May, that is consistent with the small dip in attendance that usually occurs in the Summer months. Thank you all for your ongoing generous support and many thanks to our clergy, wardens, and vestry for their careful management of these resources.

Want to know more? If you are interested in a more detailed look at our budget, monthly and year to date financial performance, we would be happy to provide you with that information.

For more information on how to give, please visit our website or reach out to Stacy Cleveland (Treasurer).

St. James' Day Celebration

Thank you to everyone who helped to celebrate St. James' Day. especially our tireless volunteers: Sarah Bauer for decorating, and Dottie Brannock, Trudy Gross, Cindy Hersh Jane Roth Katherine Stethem, and Theresa Swain for keeping the food and kitchen running smoothly.

Those Requesting Prayers This Week: Kaleb Cortes, Dwayne, Joan Douglas, Brad Douglas, Sr, *Michael Dowling*Art Blakeslee, *Joan Corderman, *Harold Neely, *Charlotte Woods, and *Rachelle Graves.

Those on Our Long-Term Prayer List: Martha Burton Huie, Skip Hovsmith, Adam Gedney, Stephanie Kreuger, Tony Beltrano, Pat, Teri Fortier, Debi Maykranz, Ethan Stoller, Bob Menas, *The Murphy Family, Gale Hudson, Emily, Nesbit Hatch, Kenneth Wurster, Bonnie, *Keith Castilon, Mary Ellen Hurley, *Barbara Roark, *Fran Smith, Nicholas Rodney, Ed, *Scott Clark, *Pam Mossburg, Virginia Laughlin, and *Alice Lynn.

Those who have died: *Bruce Bucklin and Carol Taylor.

Those Who Need Our Prayers:

All those impacted by acts of violence, those affected by COVID-19, the Holy Land, the people of Ukraine and those involved in the Ukraine war, those who are unemployed or underemployed, those serving in the armed forces at home and abroad.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Shrine Mont campers, counselors, directors, chaplains, nurses, and staff 

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean

Do You Need Prayer or Care?

"In case of illness, the minister of the congregation is to be notified." (BCP p. 453)

Make a prayer request here.

Call the Church Office | Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

(703)777-1124 ext 1 | info@stjamesleesburg.org

After Hours Pastoral Care Line | (202)750-4247

Prayer List Changes

The clergy and Pastoral Associates of the Parish have been considering ways to deepen the prayer life of St. James’. Our parish prayer list is a vital part of our corporate and individual prayers. We also know there are many in need of prayer who are known to God alone. 

One of the ways we hope to hold our St. James’ family in prayer is to denote St. James’ congregants using and asterisk in our printed list. This way, whether on the short-term or long-term, those praying in worship will be able to hold those closest to us in mind. We will always continue to pray for friends and family. 

Though we only name a few names out loud, please use the long-term list in your personal prayers. Many who reside on the list are our home bound folks we send communion to. They are a part of us. Please check our weekly email each week for suggested prayers and our diocesan and Anglican prayer cycles. For questions or suggestions, please reach out to Rev. Marybeth

Click the image to view our full weekly calendar

Summer Office Hours

9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday

Normal Office Hours will resume Monday, August 26.

Mark Your Calendar for these Important Dates

August 12-16

Summer Camp (VBS)

August 18

Blessing of the Backpacks, Commissioning Children's Formation Volunteers & Preschool Teachers

September 1

Baptism Sunday, Commissioning Lay Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors

September 2

Labor Day, Campus Closed

September 14

Centering Prayer Retreat (9 am - 12 pm)

September 15

St. James' Newcomer Class

Finding Inspiration in Our Differences

Kara Laughlin, Seminarian

I recently returned from a trip to Venice, where I spent a great deal of time inside churches, gazing up at mosaics, while Jim spent a great deal of time gazing up at PowerPoint presentations about incomprehensible math. We both think we got the better deal.

One of the places I visited was a baptistry in Ravenna, Italy. The Baptistry of the Arians, and many other churches in Ravenna, dates to the 6th century and is tiled in stunning mosaics, many of them glinting with real gold, depicting stories from the Bible, as well as portraits of prophets, disciples, and the evangelists. In the center dome, a controversial depiction of Jesus’ baptism dominates. Jesus is depicted completely naked, and a pagan God of the water stands nearby.

Ravenna was a seat of ‘the Arian controversy,’ which was essentially a difference of opinion about exactly how human and how divine Jesus was, and what that meant for believers. As I think ahead to what is sure to be a year with a lot of high emotion about what our politics and faith call us to, I find it comforting to remember that people have always struggled to agree on the things that are most important to them. When we care deeply about what’s right, it’s natural that we struggle to understand people who see things differently.

In the thick of the Arian controversy, there were those who wanted to blacken the golden murals that I found so breath-taking, because they believed such opulence would distract believers from worship. Many murals did end up destroyed by people who decided they were wrongheaded for whatever reason. But I’m glad that some remain. They remind me that even the people I disagree with have a great deal to offer, and they remind me that even in times of deep division, people continue to express their faith in awe-inspiring and beautiful ways.

You are people who do exactly that, and I wish you a beautiful and awe-inspiring second half of summer!

In peace and joy, Kara

Kara Laughlin, one of our seminarians, is a second-year student at Virginia Theological Seminary, a Postulant for Holy Orders in the Diocese of Virginia, and a member of St. James’ Church, along with her husband, Jim Ferry, and their children, Joshua, Sebastian, and Cordelia.

St. James' Episcopal Church | stjamesleesburg.org

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