Join Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry’s Office of Advocacy for a Power of the People: Understanding Ohio’s Ballot Initiative and Referendum Process lunch and learn on October 24 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. We will gather at LMM’s Richard Sering Center (4515 Superior Ave) to hear from Collin Marozzi, Deputy Policy Director at the ACLU of Ohio and Dr. David Miller, Dean of Academic Affairs from the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.
Attendees of the Power of the People: Understanding Ohio’s Ballot Initiative and Referendum Process will leave with a better understanding of what can be advanced through the state or local issue process, how to get an issue on the ballot and a deeper, nonpartisan understanding of what issue are on the ballot this November. If you would like to attend please RSVP by clicking the button below. Lunch will be provided!