Weekly News from LMM

Celebrating Guardianship Awareness Month

Each year during the month of October, LMM celebrates National Guardianship Awareness Month. Seen as a model program for over 30 years, LMM’s Guardianship Services has significantly affected the health and well-being of adults who cannot care for themselves.

Stay up-to-date with the latest LMM Guardianship Services info throughout the month of October and beyond by giving us a follow on social media:

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Power of the People!

Join Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry’s Office of Advocacy for a Power of the People: Understanding Ohio’s Ballot Initiative and Referendum Process lunch and learn on October 24 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. We will gather at LMM’s Richard Sering Center (4515 Superior Ave) to hear from Collin Marozzi, Deputy Policy Director at the ACLU of Ohio and Dr. David Miller, Dean of Academic Affairs from the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.

Attendees of the Power of the People: Understanding Ohio’s Ballot Initiative and Referendum Process will leave with a better understanding of what can be advanced through the state or local issue process, how to get an issue on the ballot and a deeper, nonpartisan understanding of what issue are on the ballot this November. If you would like to attend please RSVP by clicking the button below. Lunch will be provided!


Tackling Hunger at Taste of the Browns 🏈

LMM and Metro45 Cafe & Catering are proud to have tackled hunger at the Greater Cleveland Food Bank's 2023 Taste of the Browns!

Chopping for Change students from the Grafton Reintegration Center were able to offer their culinary and hospitality skills by providing some delicious treats and mingling with former and current Browns players.

We're proud to have taken part in an event that raised enough funds to provide over 1 million meals in the community.

Visit the Metro45 Food Truck this Fall!

We have some exciting events that the Metro45 food truck will be serving meals at in the next few weeks! Click the images above to learn more about the events.


Multiplying Ministry With Good Soil

LMM is grateful to Good Soil Lutheran Ministries for supporting the agency through their Multiplying Ministry initiative, which empowers the Good Soil congregation to support various community partners, including LMM!

Thank you to Council Treasurer Sarah Sburlea and her children (pictured above) for presenting the check to LMM and to Pastor Marissa Harrison for her continued involvement with the agency.

Click the button below to learn more about LMM and Good Soil's partnership.


OnBoard CLE Visits the Men's Shelter

Multiple LMM staffers had the opportunity to host the Cleveland Leadership Center's OnBoard Cleveland opening retreat at the Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside last Friday, including Dave Blunt, Nolan White, and Brian Sturgeon, who all gave an overview of LMM and the Housing & Shelter program.

In addition, Lydia Bailey's Portraits of Homelessness was on display at the event for attendees to view.

Voter Registration Deadline is Less than a Week Away

It's that time of year! The deadline to register in the November 7, 2023 election is October 10, 2023. If you have not registered or are not sure if you are registered, click here. For election deadlines and other relevant information please click here.

As a reminder, there are several major issues on the November ballot. Issue 1 (abortion rights), Issue 2 (marijuana legalization), and, for Cleveland voters, Issue 38 (Participatory Budgeting). Click the links to learn more about each issue prior to casting your vote!

Planning for the Future of LMM

Strategic planning at LMM is underway! Recently, LMM staff and board members gathered for focus group discussions about the future of the agency.

We're excited for the future of LMM and grateful to all of the supporters that allow us to do the work that we do.

Thank You, Volunteers ❤️

Thank you to the amazing volunteers who have recently volunteered at the Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside! Below are recent photos of groups who’ve stopped by to make a difference.

Want to get involved? Click the link below:


Cleveland Public Safety Ambassadors

United Church of Christ staff

MetLife Legal Plans

To support the mission and programs of LMM, donate today!