Weekly Announcements

March 29, 2024

Sunday is Easter

Good Friday Taizé service at 7 pm tonight

The Great Vigil of Easter at 8 pm Saturday night

Cottage Meetings sign-ups are open

Visit the Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Youth Ministry Food and Wine Pairing Fundraiser April 6

Holy Baptism April 7 & 14 - Sign up now

Young Families Lunch at Fr. Derek's April 7

Pennies for Heaven Fashion Show April 11

New Bible Study Series

New Theological Book Study

Safe Church Part II - At Good Shepherd

Here's what's happening.



  • The office will be closed Monday and Tuesday, April 1 & 2 following Easter
  • Pennies For Heaven will be closed on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, March 29 & 30
  • Food Pantry will operate as usual on Tuesdays from 11-2

Cottage Meetings with Fr. Groff - Meet our new Rector...AND be heard

Cottage meetings are held in people's homes and offer an opportunity to meet Fr. Groff in a small group setting to talk about your passions relating to Good Shepherd Church and School. Dates for March and April are now available. Sign up at the link below or call the church office at 561-746-4674 for assistance with scheduling.


Once you submit your sign-up you will receive a confirmation and an email with directions and instructions.

Sign up for a Cottage Meeting


Easter Service Schedule

6:30 AM Sunrise Service in the Outdoor Chapel

Join us in the outdoor chapel behind the Parish Hall for a service that moves from dark to light as the sun rises and nature awakens on Easter morning. 

8:00 AM Easter Eucharist

Festive Holy Eucharist for Easter with music and full choir in the church. 

10:00 AM Easter Eucharist

Festive Holy Eucharist for Easter with music and full choir in the church. Flowering of the cross (bring fresh flowers). ** LIVESTREAM

Children's Easter Egg Hunt

11:30 AM Children's Egg Hunt begins. Gather in the Parish Hall. Tots through fifth grade are invited to participate in an Easter egg hunt after church. Bring your basket and proceed to the Parish Hall after church. We will gather inside and all start together when everyone is there. 

Flowering of the Cross

During the 10:00 AM service we will place fresh flowers on a barren wooden cross as a symbol of rebirth. Bring fresh flowers to the service and all children are invited forward to help bring the cross to life. 

It's not too late to pledge for 2024. Your generosity is a reflection of your gratitude for God's gifts. We are all invited.

Time and time again in Scripture God’s work in the world is compared to a banquet—a feast—a celebration! And each one of us is invited. Good Shepherd has a table there, and we want you to join us! In these next few weeks we invite you to discern what your financial pledge will be to support our communal work in 2024. Exciting things are ahead and we welcome your participation!

You can pledge online at the link below, pick up a card at church or request a card be mailed to you. Give us a call! 561-746-4674.

2024 Pledge Online

Pennies For Heaven Thrift Shop

Pennies For Heaven is open Saturdays 10am-2pm

Donations are accepted whenever the shop is open.

Hours: Tuesday - Friday 11-4, Saturday 10-2


Pennies For Heaven is the Thrift Shop of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Each year, the shop provides income through the sale of donated items. Last year, over $160,000 of shop proceeds helped to sustain mission and ministry in our parish and the greater community. We are incredibly grateful for our volunteers, our donors, and our shoppers!

Pennies For Heaven Fashion Show

Tickets Available now online or in the shop!

Thursday, April 11, at 11:30 in the Parish Hall!

$25 ticket for lunch, welcome drink and and a super-fun and fashion-packed show is available now! Don’t miss this fantastic event. Bring a friend!

Fashion Show Tickets
Visit the Pennies For Heaven page

Outreach & Missions

Food Pantry Needs

Going to the grocery store this week? Want to help people? Click on the button below for a list of food categories we would like to replenish.

Please pick up a few extra items at the grocery store for our Food Pantry! We especially need:

  • Cereal, chicken, rice, beans, peanut butter, mac & cheese,

Tuesday, the Food Pantry served 55 families or 204 people. See the list at the link below.

Please remember the Food Pantry all year long by making a donation on our secure giving page. Select 'Food Pantry' from the drop-down menu.

Generosity is our response to God’s unconditional love and an expression of our gratitude.

Shopping List

The Shepherd's Flock: A reading ministry

It's ba-a-a-a-a-ck!

At The Warfield School or at Good Shepherd School

The Warfield School in Indiantown needs volunteers to read aloud to children! Whether you are experienced or not, you can make a story come alive for a child. When reading to children you are entertaining them but also connecting the group to reading and to books as a way to learn, enjoy, and feel more confident about themselves. The students at Warfield range from kindergarten to fifth grade. You can go alone or as a group. After a simple background check, Warfield will be happy to set up a schedule to suite you and the time you have to donate.

Also, our Good Shepherd School could use some volunteers to read with children. So, if this outreach mission interests you, please contact Sandy English for more information at senglish@goodshepschool.com

Worship and Formation

New Bible Study Series:

Embracing Divine Love: Exploring the Epistles of John

Wednesdays at 11:00 am in the Parish Hall

Embark on a seven-week spiritual exploration as we delve into the rich and transformative teachings found in the Epistles of John. These insightful letters guide us in understanding God's radiant light, redemption through Christ, and the depths of divine love and identity. We will examine how John's witness highlights our belovedness in God's eyes, illuminated by the resurrection. All are welcome; no prior experience is necessary.

Visit the Study page for specific study focus

Theological Book Study

Meets on Thursdays at 4:00 pm in the Library

Join us for our next book study beginning Thursday, April 4 at 4:00 in the library. We will discuss The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe by Richard Rohr. Drawing on scripture, history, and spiritual practice, Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world. For our first meeting, please read the introduction and chapters 1 and 2. Contact Mary Lou Crifasi for more information. 

Church on the Green

Sunday, April 14, at 5:00 pm

Spring Sowing  Theme: Planting Seeds

Join us for Church on the Green on Sunday, April 14 as we celebrate the planting of seeds. On Plough Sunday we prayed and reflected on the preparation of land and blessed workers of the earth and their tools. At this service we discuss the planting of seeds after the land has been prepared. With our hearts ploughed and ready, what seeds is God planting in our lives? We will say a blessing over packets of sunflower seeds which will be given out to attendees!

Safe Church Part II 

Save these dates for the diocesan required component of training for ministry leaders, staff, vestry, and clergy that will be led by Fr. Groff.

  • Wednesday, April 10 at 2:00 pm
  • Sunday, April 14 at 11:30 a
  • Tuesday, April 23 at 7:00 pm

Part I must be completed to attend Part II. Please contact our Safe Church Coordinator Lynn Evans for information and to register for a date. 561-746-4674 or account@goodsheponline.org

Remaining Holy Week and

Easter services and events on our website

Visit the Lent and Easter page

Home Communion

Home Communion is available for those unable to come to church. Please contact us so that we may arrange for a home visit.

Morning Prayer 

Morning Prayer is back on the regular weekly schedule. Join this intimate group for a morning dose of spiritual connection.

Link to Zoom and Service Leaflets

Sunday Forum

Third Sunday of each month

9:00 am in the Parish Hall

Join us for the Sunday Forum this spring as we offer an insightful examination of the evolving landscape of faith within our community. Throughout this series, we'll delve into essential topics such as the significance of children, youth, and family ministries, the theological principles underlying church architecture, the adaptability of Anglican liturgy to contemporary contexts, and the multifaceted role of our church campus in serving both our members and the broader community. Led by Good Shepherd's Rector, Sanford Groff, and Associate Rector, Derek Larson, these engaging discussions aim to reflect on how our faith traditions can remain relevant and impactful amidst the ever-changing dynamics of our world.

Session 1

Foundations of Evolving Faith: Youth, Children and Family Ministries

An exploration into the profound significance of children, youth, and family ministries within our community.


Session 2

Fonts, Pulpits, and Theological Architecture

Discover the profound significance behind the seemingly mundane elements of church architecture. From fonts to light fixtures, every structural component holds a theological purpose, shaping our worship and prayer experience.


Session 3 The Shape of Liturgy, The Shape of Community

Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 9:00am

Rooted in centuries of tradition, our prayers and liturgies serve as timeless pillars of worship. Yet, inherent in our Anglican tradition is also the flexibility to adapt these sacred rites to the ever-evolving cultural and contextual landscapes we inhabit. From the nuances of when and where we kneel to the melodies that fill our sanctuary, each element of our liturgy reflects not only our historic heritage but also the vitality of our present existence. Join us as we explore the intricate interplay between tradition and innovation within the liturgical practices of Good Shepherd. Together, let us consider where we find freedom to adapt and where we are called to preserve, as we strive to harmonize our ancient faith traditions with the pressing needs of today's world.

Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Healing

Holy Eucharist and Healing is back in the chapel on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM. Join us for this intimate prayer service that features the names of people for whom prayer has been personally requested. If you are in need of prayer yourself, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience spiritual presence in a personal way. You are welcome!

Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers may be given in memory of or in thanksgiving for friends and loved ones. Requests may be made through our online form at the link below. Arrangements adorn the altar on Sundays and are delivered to those who are homebound or in need of a reminder that they are loved.

The Sanctuary Candle for March is still available to sponsor in loving memory or in thanksgiving.

Donate Altar Flowers
Donate Sanctuary Candle 

Prayer Requests

There is now a Prayer Concern box in the Narthex on the sideboard. If you would like to make a prayer request, please fill in one of the cards beside the box and place it in the box. Your request will be added to our prayer list. Your requests will be offered at the altar during the Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Healing service and weekly during Morning Prayer. Unless otherwise requested, prayer requests will be removed from our prayer list after two months.

Bible Study Series Info

We have a podcast for Sunday homilies.

Just the homily. On demand. Wherever podcasts are found.


Hear These Words

New episodes are here!

Hear These Words is a weekly podcast discussion of Scripture featuring guests from the Good Shepherd community, clergy, and scholars from around the nation! Available wherever you listen to podcasts! Episodes are also posted on our website under the GROW tab.

Listen Here!

Good Shepherd Nursery 9:45 AM every Sunday.

Hey, Baby! Join me in the nursery on Sunday! There is a free, professionally-staffed nursery at Good Shepherd. If you're 0-2 yrs old, like me, you're invited for some nursery play while your parents enjoy an hour in church. Every Sunday at 9:45 AM. 

Family Ministries

Fellowship Opportunities

Youth Ministry Food and Wine Pairing Benefit


6 - 8 pm in the Parish Hall

Here's a delicious way to support youth ministry! There are few better ways to become acquainted with a local culture than sampling its characteristic food and drink, and wine specifically provides a window into a local culture anywhere in the world. Take a trip around the world without leaving Tequesta! Tickets available online or in the church office. $75 per person. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available. Make it a party and bring your friends for a fun Saturday night out!

Get Tickets
Visit the Family Ministries Page

Good Guys Men's Fellowship

Good Guys men's ministry breakfast meets Friday mornings in the Parish Hall at 8:00 AM! All Good Shepherd men welcome!

The next meeting will be Friday, April 5, at 8AM

Morning Glory Women's Fellowship

Meets on the second and fourth Friday mornings at The Jersey Diner, 716 N. US Hwy 1 Tequesta, FL, at 8:00 AM. All Good Shepherd women are invited to attend!

Next meeting: Friday, April 12, at 8AM.

Don't Miss Out!

Visit our YouTube Channel

We post services, morning prayer, seasonal messages, and other special services on our YouTube Channel.

Click on the LIVE tab for livestream services and VIDEOS for Morning Prayer.

Service/Volunteer Opportunities

Pennies For Heaven

Multiple positions available in our bustling thrift shop on campus. Hours available on Tuesday - Friday, 11-4. Sorting, pricing, merchandising, register, online sales, photography, shop keeping. Pennies does great work! Join the team!

Beth, Shop Manager 561-406-2923

Ushers and Greeters

We are in need of people to greet on Sunday mornings and help with certain parts of worship; alms plates and communion. Full training provided.

Contact Mary Lou or Jo. 561-747-4674

Sound Technicians (Sundays)

Sound Technicians 8AM

Sound and Livestream operators 10AM

Full training provided. This ministry brings church to those who cannot be here in person.

Contact Erik


Acolytes assist clergy with worship services. Adults and Youth positions are open at either service and at funerals, weddings, and special services. Full training provided.

Contact Mary Lou or Jo. 561-747-4674

Volunteer Opportunities

Visit our webpage for Volunteer opportunities that are available right now! We have a place for you!


The Server Schedule

Looking for the Sunday Server Schedule? You can get to it from the Home page of our website, on the Services page, or on the Volunteer page. March AND April schedules are posted.

Server Schedule
Facebook  Instagram  Youtube  
Visit our website

Join us in gratitude for God's abundance in this life.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21

Gifts and Pledge

EMAIL: info@goodsheponline.org

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

The Rev. Dr. Sanford H. Groff Jr., Rector

The Rev. Derek M. Larson TSSF, Associate Rector
