Weekly Announcements

August 23, 2024

Summer Sunday Café This Sunday at 9:00

Sunday School Teacher Training 8/28

Sign up for the Kickoff Cookout Parish Picnic on 9/8

The Episcopal Way 9/22 & 9/29 sign up

We have a new Sunday School online newsletter

Here's what's happening.



Stay tuned for details on these upcoming events!

Sunday School Teacher Training - August 28

Choir Practice begins- September 5

Literary Circle meets - September 5

Kickoff Cookout - September 8

Sunday School Starts - September 8

Tech Tuesday - September 10

Bible Study with Clergy - September 11

Ushers and Greeters Training - September 15

The Episcopal Way - September 22 & 29

Young Families Lunch October - 6

Theological Book Study - October 10

This Weekend

Good Shepherd Welcomes Rev. Carol Barron on August 25!

Rev. Carol Barron is our Celebrant this morning at 8:00 and 10:00 AM services. Rev. Carol’s ministry, lay and ordained, has been in Palm Beach and Martin Counties. She holds a law degree, and retired as rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Port Salerno, in 2020. Rev. Carol has since served as an interim associate priest and guest priest on Sundays. She lives with her husband Richard, dogs, and cat in Stuart.

Outreach & Missions

Thank you for the food donations, and please keep them coming for summer!

Every little bit helps! Please let your friends and neighbors know how much our community depends on this resource even during summer. During the off season, the food pantry needs your support more than ever. Let's keep our shelves full!

Food Pantry Needs

Going to the grocery store this week? Want to help people? Click on the button below for a list of food categories we would like to replenish.

Please pick up a few extra items at the grocery store for our Food Pantry! We especially need:

  • Rice, beans, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, peanut butter

Tuesday, the Food Pantry served 33 families or 127 people. See the list at the link below.

Please remember the Food Pantry all year long by making a donation on our secure giving page. Select 'Food Pantry' from the drop-down menu.

Generosity is our response to God’s unconditional love and an expression of our gratitude.

Shopping List

Pennies For Heaven Thrift Shop

Pennies For Heaven is closed ON SATURDAYS for the summer

Donations are accepted whenever the shop is open.

Hours: Tuesday - Friday 11 - 4

Pennies For Heaven is the Thrift Shop of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Each year, the shop provides income through the sale of donated items. Last year, over $160,000 of shop proceeds helped to sustain mission and ministry in our parish and the greater community. We are incredibly grateful for our volunteers, our donors, and our shoppers!

Visit the Pennies For Heaven page

Worship and Formation

Something NEW for Youth and Family formation!

We are excited to announce the formation of the Family Ministry Foundations Team, a dynamic group of parishioners committed to discerning and addressing these evolving needs. This team, composed of youth group members, parents, teachers, clergy, and seasoned lay leaders, brings a wealth of diverse gifts and experience. Over the next year, the Family Ministry Foundations Team will lay the groundwork for a robust and vibrant children’s and youth program. More


The Kingdom of Heaven as revealed in the Gospel of Matthew

Wednesdays beginning September 11, 2024, AT 11:00 AM

Beginning September 11, join us every Wednesday at 11:00 AM in the Parish Hall for a clergy-led Bible study that delves into the rich and transformative teachings of Matthew. As we journey through this Gospel, we’ll uncover the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven—how Jesus reveals it, how it challenges our lives, and how it calls us to live today. Whether you’re familiar with the Bible or just starting out, this study offers fresh insights and meaningful reflection on what it means to be a citizen of God’s Kingdom.

Everyone is invited to join us for this series.

NEW Children's Ministry Newsletter

We have a wonderful new newsletter to let everyone know about the latest and greatest Sunday School news. It's available on the Family Ministries page of our website or you can be added to the mailing list and have it delivered right to your inbox.

Add me to the email delivery list
August Newsletter

The Episcopal Way

September 29

11:30 - 1:00

The next session is September 29. Are you new to the Episcopal Church or looking to refresh your knowledge of our Episcopal traditions? Or perhaps you’ve been attending Good Shepherd for years and are looking to refresh your faith? Dive into our engaging "Episcopal Way" Class, a dynamic two-part series designed for adults eager to deepen their understanding and connect with our vibrant community. This two-part preparation course is required for adults interested in Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation. Guided by Father Groff you'll unravel the rich traditions and values of the Episcopal faith. Lunch will be provided.

Sign Up

Sunday School Teacher Training

Wednesday, August 28, at 6:30 pm

The youngest members of our church family learn about God’s love and the Bible. Having adults who can reinforce the message of God’s love and nurture relationships with the children is so important. We are seeking Sunday School teachers who are willing to teach on a rotating basis. More

Home Communion

Home Communion is available for those unable to come to church. Please contact us so that we may arrange for a home visit.

Holy Baptism

September 29 at 10:00 AM

If you or someone in your family wishes to be baptized, please contact the office for an application at mail@goodsheponline.org

Morning Prayer 

Morning Prayer online is held on weekdays (Monday - Friday) at 9:00 am.

Link to Zoom and Service Leaflets

Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Healing

Every week at 10:00 am

Holy Eucharist and Healing is back in the chapel on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM. Join us for this intimate prayer service that features the names of people for whom prayer has been personally requested. If you are in need of prayer yourself, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience spiritual presence in a personal way. You are welcome!

Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Candle Gifts

Altar Flowers or the Sanctuary Candle may be given in memory of or in thanksgiving for friends and loved ones. Requests may be made through our online form at the link below. Floral arrangements adorn the altar on Sundays and are delivered to those who are homebound or in need of a reminder that they are loved. Sanctuary Candle acknowledgements are for a month.

Donate Altar Flowers
Donate Sanctuary Candle

Prayer Requests

There is now a Prayer Concern box in the Narthex on the sideboard. If you would like to make a prayer request, please fill in one of the cards beside the box and place it in the box. Your request will be added to our prayer list. Your requests will be offered at the altar during the Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Healing service and weekly during Morning Prayer. Unless otherwise requested, prayer requests will be removed from our prayer list after two months.

Request Prayer


• Forward Day By Day daily devotional is now on the Prayer page of our website. If you prefer the printed copy or large print copy, they are still available in the office.

To pray for individuals by name, the prayer list is now found on the Prayer page of our website. It is also printed in the announcement page of the Sunday bulletin AND available online where the bulletin is posted (Livestream Page).

If you would like a one-click shortcut set up on your phone, please see Merike Seely in the Narthex any Sunday for assistance.

We have a podcast for Sunday homilies.

Just the homily. On demand. Wherever podcasts are found.


Hear These Words

New episodes are here!

Hear These Words is a weekly podcast discussion of Scripture featuring guests from the Good Shepherd community, clergy, and scholars from around the nation! Available wherever you listen to podcasts! Episodes are also posted on our website under the GROW tab.

Listen Here!

The Summer Adventures of Samuel the Sheep

Adapting the popular idea of Flat Stanley, the Sunday School children of Good Shepherd have created Samuel the Sheep. The children and their families are invited to include Samuel the Sheep on their summer adventures – whether at a backyard cookout or a trip to Europe. Traveling with Samuel the Sheep will remind you of your Good Shepherd family as well as Jesus, who is our Good Shepherd. Include Samuel the Sheep in your family photos as you enjoy your summer adventures. Email your photos to mail@goodsheponline.org. It will be so exciting to see what our church families are doing this summer. (If you are interested, there are extra sheep available at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex.)

Family Ministries

Fellowship Opportunities

Sunday, September 8 Kick-off Cookout Parish Picnic

11:30 - 2:00

Join us as we kick-off the program year with our picnic-style event on September 8 after the 10 am service. We’re providing the burgers and hot dogs and we ask that you bring a pot-luck style side.

Find out what is new and exciting in this program year and the many ways you can live fully in the life of this loving parish! Everyone is encouraged to attend, but let us know how many are coming!



Join us in the parish hall for fellowship and a grilled steak dinner. All Good Shepherd Church and School men are invited, and you can bring a friend. $30 per person, BYOB.  You can RSVP Jim Couillard at koolyard@bellsouth.net, or call 772-485-8367. Sign up will also be in the narthex in October.  

Good Guys Men's Fellowship

Good Guys men's ministry breakfast meets Friday mornings in the Parish Hall at 8:00 AM! All Good Shepherd men welcome!

The next meeting will be Friday, August 30, at 8AM

Morning Glory Women's Fellowship

Meets on the second and fourth Friday mornings at The Jersey Diner, 716 N. US Hwy 1 Tequesta, FL, at 8:00 AM. All Good Shepherd women are invited to attend!

The next meeting will be Friday, September 13, at 8AM.

Don't Miss Out!

Visit our YouTube Channel

We post services, morning prayer, seasonal messages, and other special services on our YouTube Channel.

Click on the LIVE tab for livestream services and VIDEOS for Morning Prayer.

Service/Volunteer Opportunities

Pennies For Heaven

Multiple positions available in our bustling thrift shop on campus. Hours available on Tuesday - Friday, 11-4. Sorting, pricing, merchandising, register, online sales, photography, shop keeping. Pennies does great work! Join the team!

Beth, Shop Manager 561-406-2923

Ushers and Greeters

We are in need of people to greet on Sunday mornings and help with certain parts of worship; alms plates and communion. Full training provided.

Contact Mary Lou or Jo. 561-747-4674

Volunteer Opportunities

Visit our webpage for Volunteer opportunities that are available right now! We have a place for you!


The Server Schedule

Looking for the Sunday Server Schedule? You can get to it from the Home page of our website, on the Services page, or on the Volunteer page. July schedule is posted.

Server Schedule

Vestry Highlights with financial summary

As a cornerstone of our commitment to transparency and community engagement, Vestry Highlights offers an in-depth look into the monthly meetings of the Vestry of Good Shepherd. June highlights coming soon! There is no Vestry meeting in July.

June Vestry Highlights
Vestry Highlights Online

Hiring: Nursery Attendant

Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30. Must be experienced, reliable and caring. Safe Church certification and background check are mandatory. This is a paid position. Please contact Merike Seely to apply.

Facebook  Instagram  Youtube  
Visit our website

Join us in gratitude for God's abundance in this life.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21

Gifts and Pledge

EMAIL: info@goodsheponline.org

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

The Rev. Dr. Sanford H. Groff Jr., Rector
