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This glorious saint, celebrated even today throughout the entire world, was the only son of his eminent and wealthy parents, Theophanes and Nona, citizens of the city of Patara in Lycia. As the only son bestowed on them by God, the parents returned the gift to God, by dedicating their son to Him. St. Nicholas learned of the spiritual life from his uncle Nicholas, Bishop of Patara, and was tonsured a monk in the monastery of "New Zion" founded by his uncle. Following the death of his parents, Nicholas distributed to the poor all his inherited goods not keeping anything for himself. As a priest in Patara, he was known for his charity, even though he carefully concealed his charitable works, fulfilling the words of the Lord: "Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing" (St. Matthew 6:3). When he gave himself over to solitude and silence, thinking to live that way until his death, a voice from on high came to him: "Nicholas, go among the people for ascesis if you desire to be crowned by Me." Immediately after that, by God's wondrous Providence, he was chosen as archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia. Merciful, wise and fearless, Nicholas was a true shepherd to his flock. During the persecution of Christians under Diocletian and Maximian, he was cast into prison, but even there he instructed the people in the law of God. He was present at the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea [325 A.D] and, out of great zeal for the truth, struck the heretic Arius with his hand. For this act, he was removed from the Council and from his arch-episcopal duties until the Lord Christ Himself and the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to several of the chief hierarchs and revealed their approval of Nicholas. A defender of God's truth, this wonderful saint was ever bold as a defender of justice among the people. On two occasions, he saved three men from the undeserved punishment of death. Merciful, truthful and a lover of justice, he walked among the people as an angel of God. Even during his lifetime, the people considered him a saint and invoked him for assistance in difficulties and in miseries; and he appeared both in dreams and in person to those who called upon him and helped them easily and speedily both near and far. A light shone from his face as it did from the face of Moses and he, by his presence alone, brought comfort, peace and good will among men. In old age, he became ill for a short time and entered into the rest of the Lord, after a life full of labor and very fruitful toil, to rejoice eternally in the Kingdom of Heaven, continuing to help the faithful on earth by his miracles and to glorify his God. He entered into rest on December 6, 343 A.D.
Nicholas was the uncle of the great Saint Nicholas, and it was he who directed him to the spiritual life and ordained him as a priest.
Nicholas was cruelly tortured for the Faith of Christ by the Turks and was hanged in Smyrna in the year 1657 A.D.
As one well-educated in Hellenistic philosophy Theophilus, after reading Sacred Scripture, was baptized and became a great defender of the Christian Faith. His work, "On The Faith," is preserved even today. He governed the Antiochian Church for thirteen years and entered into rest in the year 181 A.D.
Holy Father Nicholas
The four corners of the world glorifies
As a knight of the powerful Faith,
The Faith of God, the True Faith.
From the cradle, to God was devoted
From the cradle, all until the end;
And God glorified him -
His faithful Nicholas.
Famous was he, throughout his life
And even more famous, after death,
Mighty on earth, was he
And, even more mighty, from heaven.
Glowing spirit, pure heart,
Of the living God, a temple he was;
For that, the people glorify him
As a wondrous saint.
O, Nicholas, rich in glory
Those who honor him as their "Krsna Slava," he loves,
Before the throne of the eternal God
For their good, he prays.
O, Nicholas, bless us,
Bless your people,
That, before God and before you
In prayer, humbly stand.
On the icons of St. Nicholas, the Lord Savior is usually depicted on one side with a Gospel in His hands and, on the other side, the Most Holy Virgin, the Theotokos, with an episcopal omophor [pallium] on her hands. This has a two-fold historical significance, and in the first instance, this signifies the calling of Nicholas to the Hierarchical office and in the second instance, his justification from the punishment because of the confrontation with Arius. St. Methodius, the Patriarch of Constantinople writes: "One night, St. Nicholas saw our Savior in glory standing by him and extending to him the Gospel, adorned with gold and pearls and, on the other side, he saw the Theotokos who was placing the episcopal pallium [omophorion] on his shoulders." Shortly after this vision John, the Archbishop of Myra, died and St. Nicholas was appointed as archbishop of that city. That was the first incident. The second incident occurred at the time of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea. Unable to stop Arius of the irrational blasphemy of the Son of God and His Most Holy Mother by reason, St. Nicholas struck Arius on the face with his hand. The holy fathers at the Council, protesting such action banned Nicholas from the Council and deprived him of all his episcopal signs. That same night, several of the holy fathers saw an identical vision, namely, how the Lord Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos standing around St. Nicholas; on one side the Lord Savior with the Gospel and, on the other side, the Most Holy Theotokos with a pallium extending to the saint the marks of his episcopacy which had been removed from him. Seeing this, the fathers were awe-struck and quickly returned to Nicholas that which had been taken away and began to respect him as a great chosen one of God and his actions against Arius, they interpreted, not as an act of unreasonable anger, but rather an expression of great zeal for God's truth.
To contemplate the sinful fall of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3):
- How God cursed the serpent: "Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all beasts of the field; on your belly shall you crawl, dust shall you eat all the days of your life" (Genesis 3:14);
- How He imposed upon Eve the pain of child-bearing and on Adam the burden of toil: "I will make great your distress in childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children" (Genesis 3:16), "Cursed be the ground because of you; in toil shall you eat of it all the days of your life" (Genesis 3: 17-18);
- How He cursed the ground in the works of man: "Cursed be the ground because of you" (Genesis 3:17);
- How He did not curse ground as ground but rather "in your works," i.e., in the works of man.
About the absence of sin in the works of God
"And God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1).
Brethren, everything that was created and how it was created by the most pure and sinless God is pure and sinless. Every creature of God is pure and sinless as long as it is turned toward God, as long as it is not separated from God and until it does not become hostile to God. Every creature of itself praises and glorifies God as long as it is pure and sinless. That is why the Psalmist sings: " Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord [Alleluia]!" (Psalm 150:6). Every intelligent creature of God feels as its natural and primary purpose to praise the Lord. And since it is so, brethren, people ask: "If this is so, from whence is evil in the world?" It comes from sin, only from sin. Sin changed a bright angel [Lucifer] into a devil. The devil himself willingly made himself a vessel of sin and then hurried to make other creatures of God similar vessels. By their own free choice other angels consented to sin with the devil and after that, the first people, Eve and Adam. From this proceeded the mixture of good and evil in the world. However, even today, that which is of God in creation is good, as it was in the first days of creation. Poison came from sin, for sin indeed is poison, the most bitter poison that exists. Sin was the cause of the curse, brought about the darkening of the minds, caused the hostility of creation toward their Creator, distanced man from God and man from man, and man from nature and nature from man. O, my brethren, all that comes from God is good and all that comes from sin is evil. No evil exists that is bound to God and there exists no kind of evil that is not bound to sin. Many philosophers have examined the essence of evil and, because of their crude minds, have asserted that evil is in matter and that matter is evil. However, only we Christians know that sin is the essence of evil and that evil has no essence other than sin. It is obvious from this that if we desire to protect ourselves from evil, we must protect ourselves from sin.
O, sinless God, help us to protect ourselves from sin and the corruption of sin.
with prayers for the health of Fr Nicholas,
his flock, and his spiritual children.
To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.
1. Свети Николај Чудотворац, архиепископ мирликијски. Овај славни светитељ, слављен и данас по целоме свету, би јединац син у својих знаменитих и богатих родитеља, Теофана и Ноне, житеља града Патаре, у Ликији. Као јединца сина, дарованог им од Бога, они опет посветише Богу, и тиме дадоше га Богу као уздарје. Духовном животу научи се свети Николај код свог стрица Николаја, епископа патарског, и замонаши се у манастиру Нови Сион, основаном тим истим стрицем његовим. По смрти родитеља Николај раздаде наслеђено имање сиромасима не задржавајући ништа за себе. Као свештеник у Патари беше се прочуо својим милосрђем, мада он брижљиво скриваше своја милосрдна дела испуњујући реч Господњу: „Да не зна левица твоја што чини десница твоја“ (Мт 6, 3). Када се предаде самоћи и безмолвију, смишљајући да тако до смрти проживи, дође му глас свише: „Николаје, пођи на подвиг у народ, ако желиш бити од Мене увенчан“. Одмах потом чудесним Промислом Божјим би изабран за архиепископа града Мира у Ликији. Милостив, мудар, неустрашив, свети Николај био је прави пастир добри стаду своме. У време гоњења хришћана под Диоклецијаном и Максимијаном бачен у тамницу, но и у тамници поучаваше људе закону Божјем. Присуствовао Првом васељенском сабору у Никеји, и, из велике ревности према истини, ударио руком јеретика Арија. Због тога дела би уклоњен са Сабора и од архијерејске службе све док се неколицини првих архијереја на Сабору не јави сам Господ Христос и Пресвета Богородица и не објавише Своје благоволење према Николају. Заштитник истине Божје овај дивни светитељ био је вазда и одважан заштитник правде међу људима. У два маха спасао је по три човека од незаслужене смртне казне. Милостив, истинит, правдољубив, он је ходио међу људима као ангел Божји. Још за живота његова људи су га сматрали светитељем и призивали га у помоћ у мукама и бедама; и он се јављао, у сну и на јави, онима који су га призивали, подједнако лако и брзо наблизу и надалеко, и помагао. Од његовог лица сијала је светлост као од лица Мојсијева, и он је самом својом појавом доносио утеху, тишину и добру вољу међу људе. У старости поболе мало и упокоји се у Господу, многотрудан и многоплодан, да се вечно весели у Царству небеском продужујући да чудесима на земљи помаже вернима и прославља Бога свога. Упокојио се 6. децембра 343. године (в. 9. мај).
2. Свети Николај, епископ патарски. Стриц великога светитеља Николаја, који овога и настави на духовни живот и рукоположи за свештеника.
3. Свети мученик Никола Караман. За веру Христову љуто истјазаван од Турака и обешен у Смирни 1657. године.
4. Свети Теофил, епископ антиохијски. Као добро школован у филозофији јелинској он се, по прочитању Светог Писма, крсти и поста велики заштитник вере хришћанске. Његово дело О вери сачувано је до данас. Управљао црквом Антиохијском тринаест година, и упокојио се 181. године.
Светог оца Николаја
Четир’ стране света славе
Ко витеза силне вере.
Вере Божје, вере праве.
Од колевке Богу предан,
Од колевке све до краја;
Па прослави и Бог њега –
Свога верног Николаја.
За живота славан беше,
A пo смрти још славнији,
Моћан беше и на земљи,
A ca неба још моћнији.
Светла духа, чиста срца,
Он храм беше живог Бога:
Народи га зато славе
Kao свеца чудеснога.
Богат славом Николаје.
Он свечаре своје воли,
Пред престолом вечног Бога
За њихно се добро моли.
Благослови, Николаје,
Благослови људе твоје,
Што пред Богом и пред тобом
На молитви смерно стоје.
На иконама св. Николаја обично се сликају c једне стране Господ Спаситељ c Јеванђељем у рукама a c друге Пресвета Дева Богородица c архијерејским омофором на рукама. Ово има свој двострук историјски значај, и тo y првом случају означава призивање Николаја к архијерејској служби, a y другом оправдање њега од казне због сукоба c Аријем. Св. Методије, патријарх цариградски, пише: „Једне ноћи виде свети Николај Спаситеља нашега у слави где стоји близу њега и пружа му Јеванђеље, украшено златом и бисером, a од друге стране виде Богородицу, која му стављаше на рамена архијерејски омофор. Мало после овога виђења представи се Јован, архиепископ мирски, и Николај би постављен за архиепископа тога града.“
To je први случај. Други случај десио се у време Првог сабора у Никеји. Нe могући разлозима зауставити безумност Арија у хуљењу Сина Божјег и Његове Пречисте Матере, св. Николај удари га руком по лицу. Свети Оци на Сабору негодујући због оваквог поступка одлучише Николаја од Сабора и одузеше му све знаке архијерејске. Те исте ноћи видеше неколицина Светих Отаца истоветну визију, наиме: како око св. Николаја стоје од једне стране Господ Спаситељ са Јеванђељем a од друге Пресвета Богородица c омофором пружајући светитељу одузете му знаке архијерејства. Видећи ово. Оци се ужаснуше, и повратише брзо Николају оно што му беху одузели, и почеше га поштовати као великог угодника Божјег и његов поступак према Арију тумачити не као дело безразложног гнева, нeгo као израз велике ревности за истину Божју.
Да созерцавам греховни пад Адама и Еве и то:
1. како Бог прокле змију,
2. како наложи на Еву муку рађања a на Адама труд рада;
3. како прокле земљу у делима човековим;
4. како не прокле земљу као земљу него у дјелима твојим тј. човековим.
о одсуству греха у делима Божјим
И видје Бог да је добро. (Постање 1.)
Све је чисто и безгрешно, браћо, што је створено и како је створено од пречистога и безгрешнога Бога. Свака твар Божја чиста је и безгрешна док год је окренута к Богу, док год није одвојена од Бога и док није постала враждебна Богу. Свака твар сама собом хвали и прославља Бога док је год чиста и безгрешна. Зато Псалмопевац и говори: све што дише нека хвали Господа. Алилуја! (Пс. 150, 6). Свака умна твар Божја осећа као природну и главну намену, да хвали Господа. Па кад је тако, браћо, људи се питају; па кад је тако, откуда зло у свету? Од греха, само од греха. Грех је ангела светлог претворио у ђавола. Ђаво је самог себе драговољно учинио сасудом греха, па је онда похитао да и друга створења Божја учини таквим сасудима. По слободном самоопредељењу уз ђавола су пристали у грех и други неки ангели, а по том и први људи, Ева и Адам. Отуда је произашла мешавина добра и зла у свету. Но оно што је од Бога у створењима и данас је добро као и првих дана стварања. Отров је дошао од греха, јер грех и јесте отров, најљући отров што постоји. Грех је проузроковао проклетство, донео помрачење умова, изазвао вражду створења према Творцу њиховом, удаљио човека од Бога и човека од човека, и човека од природе, и природу од човека. О браћо моја, од Бога је све добро, а од греха све зло. Не постоји никакво зло везано с Богом, и не постоји никакво зло невезано с грехом. Многи су филозофи испитивали суштину зла, и по грубости ума свога тврдили су, да је зло у материји, да је материја зло. Међутим само ми хришћани знамо, да је суштина зла грех, и да друге суштине зло нема сем греха. Отуда је јасно, да ако се желимо сачувати од зла, морамо се чувати од греха.
О Боже безгрешни, помози нам сачувати се од греха и греховног трулења. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.
Happy Children's Day to all children in our parish!
Срећни Детињци деци у нашој парохији!
Detinjci (Children’s Day) is a unique Serbian Christmas Tradition. In the weeks leading to birth of Jesus, Serbs celebrate Detinjci (Children’s day) on the third Sunday of Nativity Fast followed by Materice (Mother’s Day) and Oci (Father’s Day) on fourth and fifth Sunday. On Detinjci morning, fathers and mothers, "tie" their children and free them in exchange for a symbolic gifts kids prepared. The same fun trick of tying is done on moms and dads on their day in exchange for gifts to children. The act of tying/binding symbolizes a firm bond between parents and children, as well as between the spouses. It stands for peace, unity and respect for all members of the family, as well as helping each other and relying on one another in good and bad.
У трећу недељу пред Божић славе се Детињци. Тога дана ујутру, или по доласку из цркве са Богослужења, одрасли вежу своју или туђу децу, негде чак и ону у колевци, а деца им се "дреше". За везивање се обично користи каиш, гајтан или обичан канап, или обичан дебљи конац. Обично се завежу ноге или руке, па се једним делом канап завеже са сто или столицу. Везивање на Детињце, Материце и Оце има вишеструку симболику. Прво симболизује чврсте породичне везе, слогу, мир, поштовање и међусобно помагање у свим приликама, Друго, упућује укућане на штедљивост и истрајност у врлинама.Ови празници и обичаји везани за њих, доприносе јачању породице, слози у њој, разумевању, поштовању између деце и родитеља, старијих и млађих, што све заједно чини породицу јаком и здравом.
Dear all,
So far, $74,666 has been raised! $25,334 to go!
Please remember to donate by December 31st, 2020!
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Boston
St. Sava Cathedral - December 17th, 2020
Dear all,
Our dear parishioner, Lana Balach, has started an initiative dear to our hearts, reading to our youngest parishioners. We are looking for volunteers who would join her efforts. Please record yourself, or your young readers, reading your favorite books in both Serbian and English, and submit your recording to by Thursday, to be published in Friday's newsletter.
Thank you in advance!
Our Community Announcements
If you have family news you would like to share with our community, please submit your listing to by Thursday in order to be published in our weekly news on Friday.
*No Business Advertisement*
Недеља 28. по Духовима
И кад улажаше у једно село сретоше Га десет губавих људи, који сташе издалека, И подигоше глас говорећи: Исусе учитељу! Помилуј нас. И видевши их рече им: Идите и покажите се свештеницима. И они идући очистише се. А један од њих видевши да се исцели поврати се хвалећи Бога гласно, И паде ничице пред ноге Његове, и захвали Му. И то беше Самарјанин. А Исус одговарајући рече: Не исцелише ли се десеторица? Где су дакле деветорица? Како се међу њима који не нађе да се врати да захвали Богу, него сам овај туђин? И рече му: Устани, иди; вера твоја поможе ти.
28th Sunday after Pentecost
Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” So when He saw them, He said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner? And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.”